Today, when smoking products, unscrupulous manufacturers use all kinds of chemical additives that fill the products with substances harmful to the body. Therefore, many consumers refuse to shop products, and are looking for recipes for smoking at home. Today we will tell you how you can cook smoked lard yourself, as well as tell you how to properly store and transport it.

Smoked bacon at home in the smokehouse

Fat is not only tasty, but also a healthy product, it has a lot of vitamins and nutrients. It not only does not harm health and body, but rather strengthens the immune system and helps the stomach. How to make a delicious delicacy resembling smoked bacon in a smoke-cured smokehouse? Here are your tricks.

Cooking method:

  1. The most important thing is to choose high-quality fat, it should be white in color, but the presence of yellowness indicates the age of the product. No unpleasant odors, just a light aroma. For smoking, lard with thin veins of meat, from 2.5 to 4 cm thick, is suitable. For smoking, fat is cut into large cubes, about 10 by 5.
  2. Another important component is wood chips, because the taste and aroma of the finished product depends on it. Sprigs and sawdust of walnut are not suitable, they will only spoil the aroma. It is better to take apricot shavings or alder chips. It is better to soak the chips for an hour.
  3. So, at the bottom of the smokehouse we spread the chips with a layer of no more than two centimeters. We install the grate at a level above 5 cm from the chips.
  4. We put lard on the grate, but not close, each piece should have its own space for high-quality smoke impregnation.
  5. Close the smokehouse and put on a smoldering fire for half an hour.
  6. Then we remove the smokehouse from the fire, open it, let the lard breathe for three minutes, then again return it to the coals for five minutes, but we don’t close the lid.
  7. As soon as the pieces get a rich golden color, remove from the fire.
  8. Smoked bacon turns out great, but it is better not to abuse it so as not to harm the liver.

In the oven, hot

Smoked bacon is an excellent appetizer for a regular and solemn feast. With it you can cook sandwiches, serve with pickles and potatoes. If there is no smoking shed or air grill, the oven will perfectly cope with such a task. But before you send the bacon to the oven, you need to marinate it.

Cooking method:

  1. In a saucepan we put slices of bacon, sprinkle with salt, chopped garlic, put the broken washed bay leaves (they will give the aroma better) and half a spoonful of dry mustard, mix, fill with water, cover, put on top and put it in the cold for a week.
  2. We cover the baking sheet with foil, put the wire rack on top and lay on it the pickled pieces of bacon, send it to the oven (temperature 90 ° C). The time depends on how much you want to smoke fat. If you want to get boiled-smoked lard, then just hold for 40 minutes, if very smoked, then the time increases to two hours. Lovers of delicacy with a brown crust should increase the temperature by 30 degrees.

Recipe in a cauldron on a stove

Smoked bacon can also be on a regular stove. To do this, you need a cauldron, and the higher its walls, the better. This is due to the fact that in a high cauldron the temperature will be lower, which means that the taste of the finished product will improve. You will also need a grill, on which fat will be smoked in a cauldron.

Cooking method:

  1. The first thing you need to salt lard. To do this, generously sprinkle the slices with salt and pepper, keep in the cold for two weeks. You can withstand bacon in the marinade, it will be faster (the recipe for the marinade is indicated above).
  2. We cover the bottom of the cauldron with cherry sawdust (wood chips), cover with foil, set the grate and put pieces of bacon on it.
  3. Next, take flour and water, make the dough according to the consistency of thick sour cream, coat it with a lid. It will be a kind of sealing for a cauldron.
  4. We put the cauldron with the contents for 15 minutes, light a strong fire and extinguish exactly 15 minutes later, leave the fat to smoke for three hours, at least two. During this time, you can’t open the cauldron.

Smoking fat with liquid smoke

Liquid smoke is a real find for those who love smoked delicacies. Thanks to this ingredient, the taste of smoked bacon is in no way inferior to the product cooked in the smokehouse.


For smoking you will need: lard, half a glass of salt, a little red pepper, 30 ml of liquid smoke and husk from two onions.

Cooking method:

  1. Throw the husk into the stewpan, fill it with a liter of water. Cook for 7-8 minutes, then throw salt and pour smoked smoke.
  2. Put the bacon in any container, pour the hot brine so that the pieces are completely immersed in it. Sent for a day in the cold.
  3. Then we take out the bacon, dry it, it can be spread out on a wire rack, after which we season it with hot pepper. You can also take chopped garlic and bay leaf.
  4. We wrap each piece in a film and return it to the refrigerator. In a couple of days, the product will be ready for use.

How to cook in a smoke bucket

A lot of units have been developed for smoking products today, but there are craftsmen who manage the means at hand. To soak lard, they only need an enameled bucket.

Cooking method:

  1. A bucket will be needed with a lid. You will also have to prepare a stand for a fire (tagan) and two grilles in accordance with the diameter of the bucket.
  2. To make a lattice, it is enough to cut a circle from a sheet of stainless steel and make many small holes in it. You can take wire from the same metal and weave a large mesh.
  3. Salo also needs to be prepared, namely, grate with salt and leave for three hours, or better for a day.
  4. At the bottom of the bucket, pour wood chips, you can take sawdust alder or fruit trees. We place sawdust in a thin layer.
  5. Now we install one grate at a height of about a third from the bottom. We lay out the pieces of bacon, then set the second grill at a level of 10 cm from the bottom edge, also spread the bacon.
  6. We close the bucket, put it on the tagan and make a not-so-burning bonfire under the container, we smoke fat from 40 minutes to two hours. The longer the fat is smoked, the more aromatic it is, but the stiffer it turns out.

In a slow cooker

Many housewives do not even realize that smoked bacon can be cooked in a slow cooker. The recipe is simple and without unnecessary trouble.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a pound of fresh bacon, preferably with meat veins, divided into three equal pieces.
  2. Then mix a spoonful of liquid smoke with any spices, you can do with banal salt and pepper.
  3. Rub the prepared mixture into pieces and keep in the cold for half an hour.
  4. After each piece we wrap it with foil, put it in the appliance bowl, select the “Baking” mode and set the timer for one hour. Hearing a beep, fat can be reached and served.

In the air grill at home

From smoked bacon, few can refuse. But it’s not necessary to buy such a delicacy in the store, because if you have an air grill, you can do it yourself smoked bacon.

Read also:salted salmon recipe

Cooking method:

  1. Take a pound of fat and cut into pieces.
  2. In a bowl, mix sea salt, chopped garlic, pepper and herbs. You can put paprika, it will give the finished snack a beautiful color. With a mixture, we flavor pieces of bacon and keep in a cool place for a day, then put smoked smoke on the bacon and keep it in the cold for at least 12 hours.
  3. In cool water, stir a bag of gelatin, warm on a stove, putting a little red pepper, and immerse pieces of bacon in the gelatin mixture for three minutes.
  4. We put alder or apple shavings in the air grill, sprinkle with water, put the lard on the grate, set the temperature to 65 degrees and the time for three hours.
  5. Smoked bacon is served cold or hot.

How to store smoked bacon

It is important to know not only how to smoke fat, but also how to store it. Moreover, a product of a different smoking method differs in terms and in storage methods.

  1. Hot smoked bacon has an incredible taste, but a short shelf life. It should be stored in the cold for no more than five days. But the shelf life can be increased if you take a cotton cloth, moisten it in saline and wrap it with smoked bacon and wrap it with parchment. Such a tricky trick will help store the product for three weeks. But if you wrap the fat in three layers with foil or film, put it in the freezer, then smoked fat can be stored for up to a year.
  2. Cold smoked bacon can be stored for up to three years by treating it with cold smoke. It is enough to wrap the fat with thick paper and put it in the refrigerator, or in any cool place with good ventilation. The main thing is that this should not be a cellar, since there it is damp and the product may deteriorate.

If you want to translate smoked bacon and the distance is not close, you can wrap the bacon with wrapping paper. You can use a refrigerator bag for transportation or take a metal container and put some dry ice in it.