Strawberry Alba, the fruit of the work of Italian breeders, was bred only 10 years ago. But in a short period of its existence, an early ripe and elite variety managed to find a lot of fans not only in the homeland, but also abroad.

Grade description

Strawberry Alba with compact bushes belongs to the group of medium-sized varieties. The height of the crop does not exceed 35 cm. A distinctive characteristic of the varietal strawberries is the early fruiting period, when in May one can see reddening elongated berries, the weight of which varies between 25-50 g.

The average yield from a bush formed by fairly powerful, slightly leafy shoots with a small number of mustaches is 0.9-1.1 kg. Sometimes, under the weight of the fruit, the plants may die.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Despite the fact that the strawberry variety Alba is classified as elite, it has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Among the indisputable advantages are:

  • long fruiting period;
  • the large size of the berries, which does not change for the worse towards the final stage of the fruiting phase;
  • undemanding to agricultural technology;
  • resistance to drought and cold;
  • excellent commercial quality of fruits;
  • immunity to many diseases characteristic of strawberries.

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners who have cultivated this variety for a year, strawberries Alba can distinguish such disadvantages as a high risk of anthracnose and average taste.

How and when to plant in open ground

It is possible to plant seedlings of berry culture throughout the growing season, choosing sunny areas protected from the wind for it. But it is worth considering that when strawberries are planted in the spring, the gardener will be able to enjoy the fruits of his labor already this year.

Alba prefers to grow on loose soils with deep occurrence of groundwater. To achieve the maximum possible yield, before planting, it is recommended that the land in the selected area be enriched with nutrients by adding organic matter and complex mineral fertilizers.

Landing technology:

  1. On the site, holes are dug with a distance between plants of 20 cm, and between rows - 40 cm.
  2. Sandbill is poured into the planting pits, after which seedlings are lowered.
  3. The remaining free space is filled with soil, after which the beds are abundantly watered to exclude the possibility of formation of air layers around the roots.
  4. After absorbing water, the ground under the bushes is mulched with sawdust, compost or hay.

Advice! If the gardener prefers autumn planting, then he should choose the dates, taking into account the length of the period during which the strawberry will take root.

Growing and caring for strawberries Alba

Since the variety is quite undemanding for agricultural technology, it is easy to grow healthy plants and get a good result if you organize the main care measures.


Alba is valued for its drought tolerance. However, one cannot overestimate the ability of strawberries. The crop is especially in dire need of water during the ripening period of berries, which occurs at the end of spring, when there are natural moisture reserves in the soil.

In general, it is recommended to organize an irrigation system that provides for hydration immediately after drying of the surface layer.

We must not forget that systematic waterlogging is the impetus for the development of fungal diseases.

Soil treatment

To ensure loosening of the soil, which is responsible for good air and water permeability, it is necessary to irrigate the beds after watering and natural moisture.

Simultaneously with this procedure, the trunks are cleaned of weeds, which depletes the fertile layer of the soil, depriving strawberries of the proper nutrition.

If possible, the soil under the bushes is covered with mulch, which prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture and maintains friability for a longer period.

Fertilizing and fertilizers

When growing any culture, you can do without fertilizing, but to achieve the maximum possible productivity in this case will not work. To realize the potential of Alba strawberries, it is recommended to carry out three dressings during the season.

In the spring, after the start of growth, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied under the bushes.

When flowering, phosphorus and potassium are introduced into the composition of top dressings, which are necessary to strengthen the immunity of the culture and prolonged fruiting.

In autumn, the soil is enriched only with phosphorus-potassium agrochemicals, excluding nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass, and thereby inhibits the start of the preparation for winter.

Pruning and preparing for winter

After fruiting, the green shoots are shortened, including a mustache. In mid-autumn, the beds are cleaned of dead plant debris and covered with fallen garden foliage, which should protect the cold-resistant variety.

In the case of severely harsh winters, strawberry bushes are recommended to be covered with fir spruce branches.

Breeding methods

Strawberry propagation can be carried out both by generative and vegetative methods.

Choosing the most productive and simple in execution, gardeners prefer the cultivation of varietal strawberries with the help of antennae:

  1. In early summer, the most productive bush is selected on the bed, on which 3 developed antennae stand out.
  2. Mustaches with first-order rosettes are pinned to the ground, after which the remaining processes are removed so as not to deplete the mother plant.
  3. When 5 leaves appear on rooted rosettes, they can be separated and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Important! The vegetative method of reproduction guarantees the preservation of the varietal qualities of the mother instance.

Diseases and Pests

Strawberry Alba has good immunity to many fungal diseases, excluding anthracnose. If maroon spots appear, it is recommended to treat the plantings with a fungicidal preparation. In case of intensive development, the affected bushes are removed, after which the healthy ones are sprayed with a protective agent.

Among the pests, aphids and weevils are noted, which it is recommended to fight with insecticides in the initial stages of strawberry development. In the fruiting phase, chemicals should be replaced with soapy water.

Harvesting and storage

The fruiting period falls on the summer period, during which the collection of fruits with dense pulp is carried out. During transportation, the berries do not crumple, which makes them ideal for sale. You can store strawberries Alba fresh for no more than 4 days, and when using the refrigerator - a maximum of 7 days.

Important! Despite the average taste, the berries of this variety are excellent for preservation in the form of jams and preserves.

Although Alba belongs to the elite varieties, remontant strawberries with repeated fruiting and a bright taste are more beloved by gardeners. However, an early ripe variety has its own advantages that are not inherent in many others growing in the middle lane.