Indoor plants often serve as an important emphasis in the design of the premises, in addition, they purify the air. But not all representatives of home flora are helpful. There are beliefs that explain why this or that flower is not placed in the living room or bedroom. Consider why the Chinese rose is the flower of death.

Chinese rose, is it possible to keep at home

The Chinese rose is a very beautiful and unpretentious representative of indoor flowers. Grows and develops rapidly, quickly reaches large sizes. This property of his requires a large space for growth. The plant needs a lot of light.

Suitable for large rooms, offices, halls of public buildings. Small apartments are not very suitable for the Chinese rose, which is why you can not keep them in the house. If you cut the flower in time, form it correctly, then you can decorate your home living room with it. And they plant annual varieties of hibiscus, which are not large.

Why is the Chinese rose called the flower of death

This is explained by the existing superstitions that envelop this plant. Such fears are common among Europeans. They believe that hibiscus has an unpleasant effect on the hosts, causes bad mood, depression and illness. A rose is considered especially dangerous during flowering. The appearance of buds can lead to the death of households, untimely flowering causes their painful condition.

In the eastern and southern countries, a completely different attitude to the Chinese rose. In China, they believe that the rose for the wedding is blooming, and this is a very significant event in any family. In Brazil, she is presented to the bride and groom as a symbol of procreation.

The flower of the Chinese rose is depicted on the coat of arms of the state of Malaysia. In the capital there is a park of these plants, in which up to 2,000 flowers are grown.

Is it possible to plant hibiscus in the garden

Hibiscus is a plant of southern countries. European, especially Russian, climate is not suitable for this southern guest. However, modern varieties that can be cultivated here are also bred.

Important! It is necessary to choose zoned varieties of Chinese roses and to properly care for it.

They select a place sheltered from the wind and the bright sun. You can grow it in tubs, so that in the frosty winter, move it to the room. If frosts in the region do not reach below -30 ℃, you can grow hibiscus in the ground, covering it for the winter.

Signs that are associated with the plant

There are various signs associated with the use of Chinese roses in the home interior.

Read also:hibiscus "flower" of death - why

Here are the unpleasant ones:

  • growing a rose at the girl’s home will lead to a short marriage, no matter which man she chooses;
  • blooming Chinese rose fills the house with negative energy, deprives residents of vitality, leads to depression;
  • this flower grows well in a hospital by what it feeds on the suffering of sick people.

However, there are positive signs associated with the flower:

  • a woman who decided to grow this plant in her home, gave him her love and attention, she herself will be popular and loved by men;
  • according to the rules of Feng Shui, the rose located in the bedroom stirs up love and passion between spouses and strengthens their marriage.

How does hibiscus affect the human body

This beautiful plant can not only decorate any corner of the room or garden, but also has a number of useful properties. From the flowers of the Chinese rose, a bright red hibiscus drink is obtained. It has a rich sour taste, quenches thirst, invigorates and provides a surge of energy. The Egyptians believe that lovers of this tea stay longer sexy, beautiful and young.

Decoctions and tea from the petals have healing properties. They have a positive effect on the heart, normalize blood pressure, and cleanse blood vessels. Shredded hibiscus leaves contribute to the healing of wounds and skin inflammations.

According to astrologers, a rose has a fiery character, stimulates creativity in a person, makes a lazy person active. This flower should decorate the home of an emotional person who is not confident in his abilities. Also, in their opinion, this plant neutralizes aggression, dictatorial traits of character.

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Chinese Rose Care Rules

Caring for the flower of death is not difficult. This flower is a fan of a bright room, it will hurt in the shade, the leaves will crumble. Hot sun rays can cause burns and yellow leaves. It is better to place the Chinese rose near the south or east window shaded by a transparent curtain.

It is necessary to produce regular watering, in the dry air of a city apartment this is done weekly. Once again watered when the top of the soil dries by 3 cm. A moisture-loving plant is sprayed in the morning so that the excess water has time to evaporate in the evening.

Fertilize the flower every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering plants. Mandatory during the formation of buds and flowers. For lush flowering, pruning dry and bare shoots in spring is done, healthy ones are shortened. Cut branches are used as cuttings for propagation. A rest period from November to March is required. At this time, reduce watering, limit lighting.

Chinese rose or hibiscus is suitable for growing in the garden. Use special varieties suitable for this. The plant is planted in a sunny place, however, it will be good to arrange shading for it on a hot afternoon. In a small suburban area, you can always find such a place.

A bed is prepared with loose soil, fertilized and slightly acidified. Humus is added to the planting pit, mixing it with garden soil. The root neck of a Chinese rose is buried.This is especially true in areas with a cold climate.

It is important to know that hibiscus flowers are formed on young branches of the current year, so it is necessary to prune the branches in early spring.

In the garden, Chinese roses are damaged by aphids, ticks, and whiteflies. To get rid of these pests should be using chemical preparations. Currently there are many of them, you can always choose the appropriate composition.

For the winter, this flower needs shelter. The roots are mulched with dry grass, sawdust, peat. The bush itself is covered with agrofibre in two layers.

Wherever you grow hibiscus, in the house or in the garden, it will delight with its unusual inflorescences. Each flower exists all day, but the flowering is continuous, after each wilted a new blooms. Throughout the summer season, the bush is strewn with them, like butterflies. To achieve such beauty, you need to give the plant time and care, which is easy. And no need to wonder why the Chinese rose is called the flower of death. You just need to raise her and love.