A Chinese pear, or Nesha, is a fruit that is bred artificially. Breeders of the Celestial Empire took the fruits of the Yamanashi tree as a basis, preserving all their useful properties. Nowadays, this fruit is distributed not only in its homeland, it is not difficult to find on the shelves of domestic stores. Consider the benefits and harms of the Chinese pear for the human body.

Chinese pear: what it looks like, where it grows

Chinese pear is a round fruit, slightly elongated at the stem. The peel has a light yellow tint, and some varieties of Nesha are painted in a dense bronze color. The skin of the fruit is covered with small dots of black or dark brown color. The pulp of the fruit is light, almost white, with a sweet taste and high juiciness.

Nash is most common in China, and in Russia it grows only in the Primorsky Territory. The climate of other regions of this culture is not too suitable.

Attention! Picked fruits should only be kept chilled, otherwise they will quickly darken. Acquiring a Chinese pear stored at room temperature is not recommended.

The composition, calorie content and weight of one Chinese pear

The beneficial properties of Chinese pears are due to the high content of the following substances:

  • vitamins B, C, D, E, K and PP;
  • calcium
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium
  • zinc;
  • Selena;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • pectins;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins.

The average weight of one fruit is from 170 to 210 g. At the same time, the calorific value of 100 g of the product is slightly more than 80 kcal.It is 85% carbohydrate, and the rest is fats and proteins.

On a note. Fructose in NES contains significantly more than glucose. For this reason, the product is recommended for diabetes mellitus, digestive disorders and weight correction programs.

The benefits and harms of pears for women, men

The correct use of Nesha in food allows you to achieve such positive results:

  • digestion improves;
  • indicators of blood pressure are normalized;
  • bone and muscle tissues are strengthened;
  • the work of the heart and blood vessels is restored;
  • the risk of cancer is reduced.

A Chinese pear will help women accelerate metabolic processes and lose extra pounds. In addition, this product helps to restore damaged hair and eliminate brittle nails, and also prevents premature aging.

The benefit for men is that the active substances contained in the fruit of Nesha have a beneficial effect on the prostate gland and erectile function, as well as provide a general strengthening effect.

What is the fruit useful for during pregnancy and for children

During pregnancy, especially in recent months, many women suffer from edema due to increased stress on the kidneys. A Chinese pear, which has a mild diuretic effect, will cope with this problem. In addition, she will saturate the body of the future mother and baby with useful microelements.

Neshes will also bring tangible benefits to children. These fruits contain substances necessary for healthy growth, strengthening immunity and stimulating mental activity.

The permissible amount of Chinese pear per day for pregnant women is 350 - 400 g.

Nursing mothers should also follow a measure to avoid allergies in the child. If Nashi is purchased for a baby, only ripened fruits should be selected. Eating insufficiently ripe fruit threatens an upset stomach.

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Cooking Application

Chinese pear is not only eaten pure. This fruit is used in the manufacture of a variety of desserts, butter and yeast-free pastries, salads, preserves, jams and compotes.

There are many recipes for cooking meat and vegetable dishes with the addition of Neshi. And also this fruit can be baked in the oven, sprinkled with sugar or grated cheese, and tinted the taste with aromatic seasonings.

Health Benefits

The Chinese believe that Nashi helps to prolong youth, contributing to the timely renewal of cells.

In addition, this product helps strengthen hair, teeth and nails, and also improves skin condition.

To preserve youth and beauty for a long time, you can not only regularly eat this healthy fruit, but also make cosmetics on its basis.

The mask from the pulp of the fetus will prevent premature wrinkles, give a healthy shine to the hair, and also eliminate dandruff. And the juice from the fruit will cope with freckles and age spots if you regularly rub it on your face.

Help with weight loss

The Chinese pear is acceptable to include the diet of people who are struggling with excess weight. This product allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and reduce cravings for sweets, and the fiber contained in it will help to cleanse the intestines in a timely manner.

In addition, the active components present in the NES, helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body and relieve edema, which causes serious discomfort to people who have extra pounds.

And since Chinese pear is considered a low-calorie foods, you can eat it up to 500 g per day.


Contraindications to the use of Chinese pears are individual intolerance to the components of the product and peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.In the second case, the ban applies only to raw fruits, and in dried or baked form they are allowed to eat, but in small quantities.

Neshes can be a health hazard if there are no contraindications.

This happens in such cases:

  • a combination of fruits with dairy products;
  • fasting pears;
  • eating fruit in large quantities.

In addition, you do not need to feast on Chinese pears at night, as they have a diuretic effect. And it is also advisable to clean them from skins before use, since the fruits are often treated with chemicals for safety and especially during long-term transportation.

To get the most benefit from the Chinese pear, you must remember about contraindications and recommendations for use. In this case, you can not be afraid to harm the body and enjoy the wonderful taste of this fruit.