To quickly get rid of any ailment, it is important to notice alarming symptoms in a timely manner and interpret them correctly. The most common ailment with which parents come to the pediatrician is a child's cough. What diseases does he indicate, and how to treat it? We will analyze in this article.

Causes of a cough in a child

By its nature, coughing is a protective reaction of the body to irritants in the respiratory system. Its function is to remove excess secretion and foreign particles from the respiratory tract. In children, this reflex may have a physiological character, for example, in the case of mild coughing in the morning due to accumulated mucus that drains from the nasopharynx during sleep.

The pathological process causes a sharp increase in the number of pathogenic microbes, as a result of which coughing attacks become more frequent and more intense.

In respiratory diseases such as pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, the symptom causes an excess of secretion, flowing down the wall of the larynx and irritating cough receptors.

The causes of cough can be divided into two groups:

  • A consequence of the direct effects of various agents on the respiratory tract: foreign elements, infections, chemicals.
  • Indirect factors that do not affect the state of the respiratory system: allergies, psychosomatic abnormalities, problems with the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, children's cough occurs as a result of pathology of the upper or lower respiratory tract. The most common cause: SARS and bacterial infections.In the first case, fever and a runny nose are added to the typical symptoms.

In the process of diagnosis, it is important to establish the type of cough depending on the time characteristics:

  • protracted - lasting from 3 or more weeks;
  • recurrent - renewing after a certain period of time;
  • acute - a sudden attack of coughing;
  • persistent coughing.

Correct differentiation of the symptom will help identify the disease and develop the optimal therapeutic regimen.

What diseases indicates

The most common ailments that cough syndrome can signal include:

  • ARVI and ARI;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • ascariasis;
  • pathology of the digestive tract.

In connection with the diversity of diseases, it is important to conduct a full-scale study with the participation of a number of specialists.

  • An initial examination is carried out by a pediatrician, listening to the lungs and bronchi and examining the upper respiratory tract. Further, the doctor may prescribe a general blood test.
  • It is also worth visiting the ENT to exclude possible inflammation of adenoids and chronic pharyngitis.
  • The following specialized specialists who can help in the study are an allergist and a pulmonologist.
  • It is advisable to consult a TB specialist who will check the Mantoux reaction. Sometimes an x-ray may be required.

If the cough is accompanied by fever, it is necessary to record its indicators in the morning, afternoon and evening hours to compile a more accurate clinical picture.

How to quickly cure dry and wet cough

Dry (unproductive) cough - painful attacks that exhaust the child. Sometimes a sore throat is possible. Sputum in this case is not allocated. Often prescribed cough suppressants.

Wet (productive) cough is characterized by sputum discharge. If the process is difficult, then mucolytics and expectorant drugs are prescribed to dilute it.


The most effective drugs for baby cough:

  • "Bromhexine." It is used for wet cough, as it contributes to a better discharge of sputum. The effect of the drug is observed 2-6 days after the start of the course. Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, with gastric ulcer and pregnant women in the first trimester. It is forbidden to use simultaneously with other medicines containing codeine.
  • "Mukaltin." An effective cough remedy that contains only one active ingredient in the form of an extract of the medicinal marshmallow. It is actively used to enhance bronchial secretion during a productive cough. Of the side effects, only a possible allergic reaction is known. The effect is enhanced by the dissolution of tablets in water. The drug is prohibited for diabetes and gastrointestinal problems.
  • "Ambroxol". This cough syrup is often prescribed for the treatment of colds. It goes well with other medicines, enhancing the effect of anti-inflammatory therapy. Thanks to its safe composition, it is often prescribed to children.
  • "Broncholitin." Combined action antitussive drug. Expands the bronchi and effectively fights inflammation. It is prescribed to children starting from 3 years. But it is contraindicated in lactation and pregnancy. With prolonged use, insomnia may occur.
  • Libexin. Dry cough drug. Suitable for both adults and children (except for young children). It has anti-inflammatory effect. Affects receptors, suppressing the cough reflex. Of the negative aspects, the presence of sucrose in the composition, the possible development of an allergic reaction and bronchospasm as a side effect can be noted.
  • "Dr. Mom." This is a whole group of products produced in the form of cough syrup, plates and ointments. The composition includes plant components such as elecampane, aloe, basil, licorice and ginger.Medicines of this line perfectly excrete sputum, relieve cough pain and inflammation. They have a pleasant taste, so they are often used in the treatment of children from 3 years. Perfectly safe, there is a small risk of allergic manifestations. However, with a strong cough, they are ineffective.
  • "ACC". The tool is a strong mucolytic. It is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, bronchopulmonary system and oral cavity. It fights inflammation and has an antitussive effect. It is forbidden in combination with paracetamol and similar drugs, as it can lead to airway congestion. It should not be taken by women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and nursing mothers.

Before using medications, it is important to consult a pediatrician to determine the nature of the disease.

Folk remedies

When the first signs of an ailment appear in the form of a mild cough, a number of procedures can be performed to treat a dry cough in a child.

Alkaline drink in the form of heat. Both plain milk and warmed Borjomi are suitable here. If raspberry jam is added, the effect of such a treatment will increase.

The following recipes are also very effective:

  • Tea with the addition of viburnum.
  • Milk and honey.
  • Banana puree with a little warm water.
  • Honey and black radish.
  • Boiled milk with figs.

If the baby refuses to take the listed medicinal mixtures, you can simply pour him tea with raspberry jam or honey. For the treatment of infants, a method with heated table salt is effective. It is placed in a bag that is placed on the baby’s chest and is wrapped in a scarf on top. The compress is kept until the salt cools.

However, before using these methods, it is important to consult with a specialist.


Very effective in the treatment of cough inhalation. Their effectiveness even surpasses that of funds intended for oral administration. You can use a regular kettle, inhaling steam through its spout, or a special device. Pairs of medicinal components penetrate the respiratory tract, freeing them from pathogens and reducing cough.

Important: up to 3 years of inhalation with the use of essential oils is prohibited! This is fraught with the development of bronchospasm.

Such kids will need a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiling water). With prolonged dry cough, a potato broth is very effective.

A nebulizer will help deliver medicinal elements to the bronchi. Procedures with his participation are especially effective for sputum discharge.

Effective remedies for night ailment

A night barking cough can be either a signal of a serious illness, or a simple reaction of the body to a certain irritant. To find out the exact cause, you need to go to a specialist and conduct a full diagnosis. However, there are measures to help reduce this symptom immediately after the onset.

  • A lot of warm drink before bedtime (milk, mineral water, decoctions of medicinal herbs).
  • Establishment of a humidifier in the nursery. The action of this device will remove excess irritation of the mucous membrane, reducing coughing attacks.
  • Carrying out inhalation before going to bed.
  • With a strong cough, it is permissible to take an antitussive agent.

With a night attack, it is not recommended to use mustard plasters. Children under the age of one should not be given medications that suppress the cough reflex. At an early age, it is necessary to more often change the position of the baby so that sputum does not accumulate. It is also better to choose a high pillow for the child. This will help reduce the intensity of the attack.

If leaking with or without temperature

The second most important symptom, indicating a latent inflammatory process, is high fever. In case of critical indicators, the first thing to do is to give the baby an antipyretic drug, and then consult a doctor or, if necessary, call him at home.Such symptoms can be a signal of various kinds of diseases, including serious ones, so you can’t hesitate here.

The appearance of a cough reflex without fever does not guarantee the absence of danger.

Some ailments develop gradually, bypassing acute conditions. However, this should not lull parental vigilance. Especially if there are protracted bouts of prolonged coughing.


As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. This rule applies to baby cough. From an early age, the child should be tempered by bathing in not very hot water and not dressing too warm before walking. Doctors recommend focusing on your own feelings. If the adult is not cold, then the baby feels good.

It is important to cover your neck in cool weather, especially with strong winds. In the heating season in the nursery, you must install a humidifier or, at least, regularly ventilate the room. And, of course, all the necessary vitamins and minerals should be enough in the child’s diet. Seasonal vegetables and greens will help.

Attentive attitude to the baby's health will help to avoid problems. However, our vigilance is not always able to protect it from dangers in the form of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Prevention is important. But timely measures taken at the first symptoms of the disease are no less important. Take our advice. And may your children be healthy.