Unfortunately, many products are forbidden to be used by a nursing mother because of the high probability of an unwanted reaction in the child in the form of an allergy or digestive upset. However, despite this, the diet of the newly minted mother must be rational and diverse. After all, children should receive with breast milk all the elements necessary for growth and development. It is these that are found in large quantities in fruits. However, due to the presence of specific acids in their composition, these products can cause allergies or disrupt the digestive tract of the child. So the leading question arises: what kind of fruit can a nursing mother have?

How not to harm a newborn: rules and recommendations for choosing fruits

Fruits are a valuable product that has all the necessary trace elements, vitamins. Therefore, they must be included in the diet of the mother, who is breastfeeding. However, all the nuances must be taken into account.
Here are the basic rules and recommendations for choosing fruits during lactation:

    1. No need to choose fruits of orange and red color. It is because of these products that the baby may have a rash, redness on the skin. An exception is a peeled red apple.
    2. It is not recommended to eat citrus fruits because of the high content of vitamin C in them, which is the strongest allergen. An exception is a slice of lemon, which can be added to tea or any other drink.
  1. It is better not to choose those fruits that can trigger flatulence (grapes).
  2. Fruits are recommended to be acquired by season.That is, if you buy strawberries in February, then this is a 100% guarantee of an allergic reaction, as an option, severe poisoning.
  3. Buy only those fruits in which you are confident.
  4. During lactation, exotic fruits brought from tropical and subtropical regions should not be consumed.
  5. If possible, get fruits from farmers or gardeners. Most products sold in markets and supermarkets are processed with chemicals that help to accelerate ripening and prevent pests from infecting fruits.

It is also worth noting that a mother who feeds her baby with her milk should start consuming one fruit or another with a minimum amount. If there are no undesirable reactions from the behavior and general condition of the baby, you can switch from one lobule to two, then to three, etc. The maximum amount is 200-300 g per day.


Include fruits in the diet in turn - no more than one in 3 days. It is necessary to eat a slice of the fetus in the morning, since the negative reaction of the child's body is usually observed in the evening. If there are characteristic symptoms in the form of a rash, redness of the skin, then the fruit should be removed from the menu for at least 1 month, and then try again.

It is important in this case to consider individual intolerance. If, before pregnancy and childbirth, the mother had an allergy to one or another fetus, then it is more advisable not to enter it on the menu at all during lactation.

Allowed fruits in the diet of a nursing mother

What fruit can I eat? In fact, the list of permitted fruits is extensive, but at the same time limited. It should be understood that strict restrictions should be placed on yourself in the first month of the baby's life. During this period, the body of the crumbs is still weak, so it is very easy to provoke an allergic reaction.

Allowed fruits in the diet of a nursing mother in the first month

The most satisfying, useful and harmless in the first days of a child’s life is banana. This fruit contains a lot of potassium, promotes rapid saturation, provides an additional charge of energy. In addition, banana stimulates the production of seratonin, which is responsible for joy. This fruit can be consumed already in the maternity hospital, immediately after birth the baby. It never leads to adverse reactions.

The second fruit mom can indulge in is green or yellow apple. Apples contain a large amount of fiber, magnesium, calcium, iodine and iron, so they just need to be included in the diet.

Pears - excellent anti-constipation products. They are allowed to eat after discharge from the hospital. At first, the fruits are baked and peeled. At the end of the first month of a child’s life, you can start consuming peaches, apricots, plums.

Allowed Fruits

After such a strict period, the diet of a nursing mother can be gradually expanded. Here is a list of allowed fruits:

    1. The apples. Baked and raw. Preference should be given to yellow, green varieties. Red apples are allowed from 3-4 months of life of the crumbs and only in a peeled form.
    2. Pears. Can be eaten raw and baked. Pears - a source of fiber, folic acid, pectin, potassium, vitamins A, B9, ascorbic acid. It is better to start using this fruit with one small wedge.
    3. Peaches, nectarines. These fruits are called "natural antidepressant." Peaches increase stress resistance, improve mood, strengthen the nervous system. In addition, these fruits contribute to good brain function.
    4. Apricots. Useful for the immune system. Contain a large amount of vitamins. Their use should begin with minimal amounts and in a purified form, gradually increasing the portion.
    5. Feijoa. Exotic fruit is the only one that is allowed to be included in the diet of a nursing mother at the 4th month of a child's life. It contains the maximum amount of iodine. Begin consumption with a small slice. The norm per day is 200 g.
    1. Plum. This fruit is especially good for constipation in a baby.To get rid of this problem, it is enough for mother to eat several fruits, peeled. But you should not get involved in them, otherwise the reverse process will start.
    2. Watermelon. Great thirst quencher. In addition, this berry stimulates metabolic processes in the body of a nursing mother and positively affects the quality of milk. However, in this case, one should be careful, since these fruits are often grown with the help of chemical additives. Therefore, if you are unsure of the quality of a watermelon, then it is better to completely abandon it.
    3. Berries. From the third month of life, berries should be introduced on the menu of a nursing mother. This should be done carefully, observing the reaction of the child. At first, gooseberries, cherries of pink, yellow and white varieties, black and yellow currants, and cherries were recommended.
    4. Persimmon. It is allowed to introduce crumbs at the 4th month of life. This product activates the functions of the body, prevents the development of anemia.
    5. Garnet. The real source of iron. It is recommended to introduce fruit into the diet of mom at 2-3 months of life of the crumbs.
    6. Figs. It is recommended to eat it at 2-3 months of the baby's life. These fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, help strengthen immunity.

Read also: the benefits and harms of figs to the body

  1. Dried fruits. Dried apricots, prunes are allowed to be used even from the first days of the baby's life, especially if the nursing mother suffers from constipation. Dates are recommended from 2 months, but it is better to refuse raisins for now, at least up to 3-4 months. It is worth remembering that almost all dried fruits are processed with harmful substances to give them an aesthetic appearance and extend the shelf life. Therefore, if you are unsure of the quality of these products, it is better to refuse them.

Attention! At the initial stage, pomegranate juice, like everyone else, is recommended to be diluted with water.

What is forbidden after childbirth

In the first month of a child’s life, doctors recommend avoiding the use of such fruits.

    1. Grape. It is very difficult to tolerate by the intestines, leading to flatulence. In addition, grapes have a large amount of glucose, which is also not very good for a tiny organism. You can eat grapes for a nursing mother only at 4 months of life. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a seasonal product of white varieties.
    2. Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, sea ​​buckthorn, wild strawberries. In 80% of cases they cause allergies in newborns. Therefore, with their use it is better to wait until at least 4-5 months.
  1. Citrus fruit (oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemon, lime) It is allowed to use them from 4-5 months of the baby's life and only in the winter. You need to enter gradually and in turn.
  2. Exotic fruits (mango, papaya, pineapples, avocado).

What kind of fruits, berries can a nursing mother a newborn: table

It is necessary to use the mother of a newborn up to 10 days of a child’s lifeWith care in the first month of lifeDo not use up to 3-4 months of life
BananaPear (better to eat baked)Citrus fruits (orange, mandarin, lime, lemon, grapefruit)
Apple (baked), cheese without peel, juice diluted with waterPomegranate (juice is half diluted with water)Grape
Plum (can only be peeled)Strawberry

Dried fruits (due to the likelihood of being treated with harmful substances)
Watermelon, melon (due to the likelihood of processing with chemical components)Tropical fruits (mango, pineapple, avocado)
A pineappleBlackberry
Peaches (Nectarines)Strawberries

For a loving mother, taste preferences should go in second place, and only the baby’s health should be put in the first place. If you ignore the recommendations regarding the use of prohibited fruits, this can cause malfunctions in the digestive, respiratory, immune systems of the baby.