In winter, you can quickly warm up by drinking a cup of roasting cocoa. How to cook cocoa from a powder in milk so that it really turns out to be very tasty?

Cooking in milk

The drink is prepared with fresh cow's milk and cocoa powder. But it is important to choose high-quality cocoa powder so that the drink is not only very tasty and fragrant, but also healthy. You should not save, you need to choose a product of only excellent quality - so your drink will be really very tasty and nutritious.

A thick-walled bucket and the following products will be needed:

  • 4 tsp powder
  • 4 tsp Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l water
  • 400 ml fresh cow's milk

In a ladle, grind cocoa, sugar and water and warm. There should be no lumps, so you need to stir vigorously.

When the mass begins to boil, you need to enter pre-warmed milk and stir again. Cocoa is almost brought to a boil. You can not boil a drink. Beat the cocoa with a whisk until a light froth appears. The milk drink is ready.

With water

You can make a delicious drink in milk with water. When added to cocoa, water does not produce lumps that spoil the pleasure of the drink.

Step by step recipe:

  1. 2 tsp mix powder with 2 tsp. sugar, slightly diluted with water. Stir until sugar is completely dispersed.
  2. Boil 100 ml of milk in a saucepan. To leave.
  3. Into the mixture add 200 ml of water and boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Introduce the warmed milk into a boiling drink. Pour milk in a very thin stream.
  5. To get a delicious foam, you need to beat with a whisk. As soon as the drink boils, it is removed and whipped.

With cinnamon and vanilla

Cocoa can even be called food, not a drink, especially if it is cooked with cream and cinnamon sticks, with the addition of aromatic vanilla.

For 3 servings you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l cocoa
  • 300 ml of milk
  • 350 ml 10% cream
  • 3 tbsp. l Sahara
  • cinnamon stick
  • a pinch of vanilla
  • coconut flakes

In a small bucket, mix milk, sugar, warm, stirring constantly, until the sugar disperses.

Pour cocoa into a separate bowl, add warmed milk in small portions, rubbing cocoa. The result should be a liquid mixture without lumps. About 1/2 of the milk will go.

Into the remaining milk, add cream, put a cinnamon stick and add vanilla. Mix both mixes. Bring to a boil and remove.

After pouring hot cocoa into cups, it must be decorated with coconut.

Tasty cocoa with milk and ice cream

A cold, aromatic drink brewed in cow's milk from cocoa powder is served with a scoop of ice cream. The drink is very high-calorie, and they can even replace breakfast.

Will be needed:

  • 25 g cocoa
  • 50 g sugar
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 150 g ice cream

Grind the powder very carefully with sugar. Warm the milk and fill in the cocoa-sugar mixture. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Cook for 1 minute, and then remove. Chill the drink.

Fill the glass on ¾. Make a ball of ice cream and put in a glass. The drink is ready!

Cooking, as in a kindergarten

According to this recipe, you can cook delicious cocoa with cow's milk as in a kindergarten. For many, a cup of cocoa is a tender memory from a serene childhood. Many housewives are interested in such a cocoa recipe.

For 5 servings you will need:

  • 800 ml of milk
  • 3 tbsp. l Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. l cocoa
  • 150 ml of water
  • a pinch of vanilla

Pour all the sugar and powder into a bowl, add vanilla, and grind.

Boil water in a saucepan and then add milk to it, boil. No need to cook!

Remove the warmed milk with water and in small portions introduce a dry mixture into it, constantly whipping cocoa with a whisk. It remains only to cool a little, and serve.

A great dessert for a cup of fragrant, hearty cocoa is homemade cookies or cottage cheese casserole, just like they are served in kindergartens.

Hot Chocolate Cocoa Powder

From cocoa powder you can quickly make real hot chocolate yourself. Therefore, the classic recipe you can easily cook the real hot chocolate in your kitchen.

For 2 cups, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • 300 ml 10% cream
  • 1 tsp corn starch
  • 2 tbsp. l cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp. l Sahara

Recipe step by step:

  1. Gently mix all dry products and carefully rub with a spoon or whisk in a small scoop, add a little boiled water and grind again.
  2. Heat the cream separately, but you can not bring them to a boil. In a thin stream, very slowly introduce into the chocolate-sugar mixture.
  3. Warm up the almost finished drink over low heat, but do not let it boil. Only chocolate will begin to boil, remove.
  4. Hot chocolate should be infused for 5 minutes, and it can already be poured and served at home.

You can decorate your aromatic drink with grated white chocolate, aerosol whipped cream.

How to cook cocoa from the Golden Label powder in milk?

Golden Label cocoa powder is a quality product that will be an excellent basis for a divine drink. How to cook on this cocoa powder?


  • 3 tbsp. l Golden Label Cocoa Powder
  • 1.5 tbsp. l Sahara
  • 1 liter of milk

Pour milk into a saucepan and slowly boil over low heat.

Separately, grind cocoa powder, sugar until smooth. You should not have clots. Pour the mixture with a small amount of warmed milk. Grind again. The mass must be uniform.

Let the remaining milk boil over low heat.

The resulting mass is introduced in a very thin stream into boiling milk. Boil for three minutes, remove.

To get a delicious, airy foam, you need to whisk the finished drink with a whisk and immediately pour into cups.

Doctors recommend cocoa to everyone, without exception. This drink is especially useful, brewed in milk for children and those suffering from hypertension. Cocoa contains many vitamins and nutrients, as well as protein. Even when dieting, you can drink cocoa if it is cooked in skim milk and with the addition of water.