Rehydron is a set of vital electrolytes, the loss of which is usually associated with a previous infection, poisoning or exorbitant physical activity. Such drugs have a specific taste and can lead to an ambiguous reaction. Consider how to take Rehydron so that it does not cause rejection, but benefits as soon as possible.

Description of the release form and composition

The medicine is sold as a sachet. A set of electrolytes is a white powder with small crystals. The product is packaged in bags for single use. Packaging includes several layers of polyethylene, aluminum and laminate.

The contents of one copy weighs 18.9 g. You can buy the product with one wafer of four bags or a whole cardboard box with twenty sachets inside.

The composition includes all the components necessary to restore the energy balance, namely:

  • simple sugar or dextrose in the amount of ten grams;
  • three and a half grams of sodium chloride, which in solution easily decomposes into ions;
  • KCl compounds (2.5 g), readily soluble in water;
  • 2.9 g of citric acid salt combined with sodium.

Concentrations of substances are calculated based on physiological needs.The sodium content in the composition is slightly reduced, and potassium is overestimated relative to WHO recommendations. Practice shows that it is such solutions that inhibit the development of hypernatremia and restore the acid balance faster.

Before use, the drug is dissolved in water. A clear, colorless solution is formed from the mixture, which has a weak sour-salty taste. You can’t add sweeteners or flavorings to it, as this can change its properties.

The dry contents of the bag must be used within three years.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The medicine in a ready-to-use form has a slightly alkaline reaction. When diluting the powder, the solution is saturated with potassium, sodium, chlorine and citrate ions. Glucose plays the role of an energy component, and also provides transport of ions and their penetration through cell membranes.

Ions are built into the chain of physiological reactions, restore energy metabolism. During treatment, the acid-base balance of the body is adjusted in the direction of decreasing acidity.

It is not possible to trace the distribution in the tissues of substances received with the drug solution, since its components are identical to the elements present in the body.

What helps Rehydron

Dehydration can occur as a result of prolonged diarrhea, repeated vomiting, infectious diseases accompanied by intestinal disorders, as well as respiratory infections that occur with high temperature. In order to avoid heat stroke and acidification of the body, which interfere with the normal course of physiological processes, cause headaches, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, weakness, take solutions that promote rehydration, that is, replenishment of water and electrolytes.

Rehydron powder helps to improve well-being. It returns turgor to cells and tissues, saturates the body with lost ions and brings the acid-base ratio into balance.

Electrolytes are carriers of a nerve impulse. Their balance is necessary for the normal conduct of the signal and the functioning of the whole organism.

At what age can I use

Indications for use do not include age restrictions. The medicine can be prescribed for both grown children and newborns. The criterion for calculating the dosage is the weight of the patient.

Instructions for use and dosage

Water for diluting the salt composition must be prepared in advance. Raw liquid should be boiled, hot - cool. The solution is prepared in water at room temperature. To improve perception, you can drink it chilled.

The content of one sachet is dissolved in a liter of prepared composition. The remainder of the medicine is stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the finished solution is not more than a day. Improving the taste of the drug by adding various products is impossible. Violation of this condition may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.

In order to quantify the need for medicine, it is necessary to establish the patient’s weight and calculate the weight loss during the illness. Rehydron will improve well-being with a loss of no more than 3-5%. Dehydration with a loss of weight of more than a tenth is initially treated in a hospital using intravenous infusions. Further, an oral composition is prescribed to such patients as maintenance therapy.

During treatment, restrictions on food intake or breastfeeding are not imposed. You can eat in the usual way and continue to feed the baby in a natural way. The only requirement is the need to remove heavy foods rich in fats and simple sugars from the diet.

Treatment can begin immediately with a rise in fever or the onset of diarrhea.

How to breed powder and drink for adults

For adults, the following ratio is observed: one packet per liter of water.It is recommended to start therapy within the first six hours from the onset of diarrhea. The volume of the solution should be twice the weight loss.

For every 500 g of lost weight you need to consume a liter of diluted funds. Rehydron with diarrhea is drunk in small portions: a quarter or half a glass every five minutes.

With fever and lack of urination, a serving is half a glass. Reception is repeated every half hour until the symptoms disappear.

During active rehydration, other fluids may not be consumed.

Maintenance therapy is carried out in the next three to four days. With the end of diarrhea, it can be stopped earlier.

With a mass of 50 to 80 kg, the patient needs 1–1.2 L of dissolved electrolytes per day. With a weight of 90 and more than 100 kg, it is necessary to drink 1400-1700 ml of the product. The medicine is taken in portions throughout the day. Other liquids, including those that are part of food, are consumed in their usual volume. Its amount should not be reduced.

Admission rules for children

For newborns and infants, the solution can be diluted in more water to reduce the concentration of sodium ions. However, the instructions do not provide clear recommendations on how to prepare Regidron for children, therefore a doctor’s consultation is required.

The use of taste improvers is still not recommended, despite the fact that the child may resist drinking the medicine in its pure form.

Infants should continue to breast-feed. Older children should not be overloaded with fatty or sweet foods. If the baby asks for food, you can give him light food in the usual way.

Diarrhea, like adults, is treated for 3-4 days. In the acute period, the drug is given in double volume from weight loss. A single amount for infants is not more than 5-10 ml. For older children - up to three tablespoons.

Take the solution chilled every five or ten minutes. At the end of the acute period, the daily dose can be reduced to 10 ml per kilogram of body weight. She should continue to drink in small sips throughout the day, regardless of the consumption of other drinks and food. If the situation normalizes, treatment can be stopped before four days have passed.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women take the medicine in the prescribed manner. Dose adjustments for them are not provided. However, women of these categories should more closely monitor compliance with the requirements and not exceed the recommended norms.

Drug interaction

The ability of a drug to react with other medicines and change their properties has remained unexplored. It is likely that consumption of Regidron will not have a significant effect on the effectiveness of drugs, since the composition contains normal physiological substances.

However, the intake of electrolytes and agents, the absorption of which depends on the state of the environment of the stomach, should be divided in time. This is because Regidron temporarily lowers the acidity of the digestive juices.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The rehydrating drug is not suitable for restoring salt balance in the case when the patient develops hypersensitivity to individual components. A person who is in an unconscious state cannot be forced to infuse a solution. Damage from treatment can be obtained if the patient has intestinal obstruction.

Renal failure and diabetes mellitus are the reasons for an additional examination of the patient. If these diseases cause dehydration, dehydration should be carried out under the supervision of medical staff.

Subject to the norms, no adverse reactions are observed. Increasing the dose should be justified by the results of laboratory tests.

The occurrence of inhibition, a decrease in reaction to irritants, drowsiness, a significant increase in temperature, cessation of urination, the appearance of feces with blood require urgent medical diagnosis.

Improper dilution of the drug is fraught with the development of hypernatremia.

The consequences of an overdose in the form of convulsions, respiratory depression, nervous excitement and loss of consciousness are eliminated by correction of electrolyte balance. Treatment is prescribed according to the results of a laboratory examination.

Rehydron Analogs

Pharmaceutical industry known drugs containing a set of electrolytes, such as:

  • "Hydromax" - soluble tablets with chamomile or dog rose. Thanks to the plant extract, they have a neutral taste and have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.
  • Hydrovit Forte for adults, Hydrovit with strawberry flavor for children, medicine in the form of a soluble powder.
  • “Humana Electrolyte” with fennel for infants and children up to three years old, as well as a banana-flavored composition for patients over three years of age.

Choosing an analogue, you need to focus on its subjective properties. The patient's condition may not allow him to drink the composition of an unpleasant salty taste. And then the choice of medication with additives will be the only way to rehydrate.

Rehydron is designed to restore electrolyte balance. It should be drunk according to indications, strictly observing the nomes. Otherwise, even from such a harmless medicine you can get hurt.