The most delicious childhood memory is boiled rice porridge from the school cafeteria. No matter how you try to reproduce this in your kitchen, it doesn’t work, because they cook in autoclaves in the dining rooms, this is not at home. Or maybe adults just have a different perception?

Nevertheless, we will try to find the most delicious recipe so that we get the highest quality milk rice porridge. So, today we are telling how to cook rice porridge with milk in different ways.

Rice porridge with milk - a classic recipe

Rice porridge can be prepared both in milk and in a mixture of milk with water. Of course, the taste of the dish under discussion is given by the use of whole cow's milk or its high fat content. Still, porridge in whole milk is considered a classic recipe, although it will take longer to cook it - rice boils worse in milk.

We will prepare:

  • a glass of rice;
  • 4 cups of milk;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

First, we wash the rice several times to wash off not just dust, but also excess starch, then the porridge will be moderately viscous and crumbly. Add salt to the boiled milk and pour the washed cereal. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until fully cooked. During this time, the milk is absorbed, the rice swells and becomes soft almost ready. At the end of cooking, add sugar, otherwise the milk will burn more and the porridge will bother. Remove from heat and leave to warm. Serve with butter or ghee.

With high heat, the milk boils away quickly, and then the porridge can turn out to be thicker. This will affect the result: when stewed, it thickens even more. Therefore, dilute the excessively evaporated dish with milk, and bring to a boil again.The taste of porridge will be saturated, milky.

How much time to cook?


In general, each cereal has its own cooking norm. Rice is cooked for 15 minutes, if cooked in water. Boiled milk porridge will have to hold a little longer - either on the stove or wrap. Pre-soaking the cereal accelerates the process, and the use of milk alone slows it down a little. Usually, it is advised to take half an hour to prepare a full-fledged rice porridge in milk.

Approximate proportions of rice and milk

The standard ratio is a liter of milk per glass of cereal.

  1. It all depends on taste preferences. Those who like thinner - add milk, those who are denser - evaporate it to a greater density.
  2. Much depends on fire - the stronger the heat, the faster the moisture evaporates.
  3. There is a dependence on the type of rice. Round-grain Krasnodar rice is cooked faster than long-grain, it is better boiled and therefore preferable for cereals. A steamed cereal is not good - and cooked for a long time, and does not give the desired stickiness.

Tip: Do not spoil the porridge with butter and high-quality milk. If the cooked dish is not immediately served on the table, pour a little extra milk. The rice will take its own, but the porridge will not be too thick. Do not skimp on oil and liquid - rice likes it.

Porridge in milk and water

This method has several advantages:

  • porridge comes out less oily, dietary;
  • cooks faster;
  • It turns out more viscous, boiling.

For this cooking method, you will need a glass of washed rice, a liter of liquid (usually take water and milk in half), half a teaspoon of salt and sugar to taste.

Pour cold water into the pan, lower the washed rice. Put on fire and, as it boils, reduce the flame to a minimum.

Meanwhile, separately boil the milk, not forgetting to stir the rice evenly so as not to stick. As the water evaporates, pour hot milk into the pan with porridge, add salt, mix and bring to readiness. At the end add sugar, hold it on the fire for a bit and remove. Rice should be boiled and soft. This means that the dish is ready.

In each serving, put a piece of butter.

There is a second version. The essence of the preparation is that rice is first boiled in plain water until half-ready, and then it is added to boiling milk and, after pouring in salt, it is boiled until complete.

Milk rice porridge for children

Here are two recipes for different ages of the child. For infants, a liquid porridge is cooked as a complementary food. It can be prepared in cow or goat milk, and diluted to the desired density with breast milk or filtered water.


Preparing the first porridge from a glass of liquid (half water and the same amount of milk), a quarter cup of rice. Cook rice porridge in the same sequence as usual. Boil the cereal in water, then add milk to it and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. After the fire is turned off and let the porridge swell under the lid. The final touch - pass the right amount of porridge through a blender and dilute to the desired consistency with boiled water or breast milk.

The second method is for older children. Porridge is fatter and much tastier.

For one serving you need to take:

  • a couple of tbsp. tablespoons of rice;
  • water - 150 g;
  • milk - 50 g;
  • cream of fatty - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar to taste, berries, honey or jam.

Pour water into a small bowl and pour in the cereal. After stirring, cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then add milk to the porridge and boil for another 10 minutes, until the liquid barely trembles in the bowl. Then pour cream, mix. Serve with honey or other sweet additives. The porridge turns out to be incredibly tasty not only for children, but also for adults.

Quick cook porridge

For fans of healthy food, we offer a quick cooking recipe in which the dish is cooked for a minimum of time. For this, a liter of milk is taken on a glass of rice. Salt and sugar are added to the boiled milk to taste, as well as cereals washed to clear water. Everything should boil for about three minutes. A piece of oil is put in, the fire is turned off, and the porridge packaged in an affordable way is sent for heating.

After 40 minutes we get it and try it. It turns out not thick and very tasty.

How to cook milk rice porridge in a slow cooker?

Cooking milk porridge in a slow cooker is easy. This option is provided in all recipes books attached to the device.

For example, for a Philips multicooker you need the following composition:

  • round grain rice - 200 g;
  • milk - 900 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons without tubercle;
  • salt - to taste or 5 g.
  1. We put all the ingredients in the multicooker bowl, close the lid.
  2. Having pressed "Menu", we are looking for the program "Porridge".
  3. We set the cooking time - it's 25 minutes.
  4. We start further and wait for the end of the program.
  5. Porridge is ready!

Pumpkin porridge

Porridge with pumpkin is very tasty, especially if the vegetable comes across well-ripened, sweet with a rich orange color. No - it doesn’t matter, sweeten the taste with additives.

For cooking, take:

  • three quarters of a glass of cereal;
  • a couple of glasses of milk; one and a half glasses of water;
  • a piece of pumpkin peeled from seeds, peel and fiber - about 300 grams;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and tea - salt.

Boil a pumpkin sliced ​​into pieces until half-cooked in water. Drain excess water. While the pumpkin was boiling, you already boiled milk, added rice, sugar and salt to it. Now it remains to add the boiled pumpkin and spread the washed rice on top. This is important - it is from above, without stirring, otherwise the porridge will start to burn.

Now put on a small fire, cover the pan with a lid, open it a little bit, and cook for about half an hour until thickened. If you pre-soak the cereal in warm water, the cooking time will be reduced to a quarter of an hour. Rice will be completely cooked during this time.

If desired, you can increase the rate of pumpkin. From this porridge will become easier.

Porridge in a pot in the oven

A simple and tasty breakfast can be prepared in a pot. General proportions: for 400 g of milk, a glass of cereal, a little salt and a couple of Art. tablespoons of sugar. Plus oil to taste and dried fruits, or jam.

Pour rice first with warm, then hot water to rinse well. Next, fill it with cold liquid for half an hour and set aside for now. Soak clay pots at this time.

In each pot on the bottom we put washed and soaked to whiteness rice, add salt, add sugar and milk. We put in a cold oven for 1 hour 40 minutes, setting the temperature to 180-190 degrees. Over time, take out the dishes. During this period, the water evaporates, the porridge is covered with a delicious yellow-brown foam.

You can add honey, jam, jam or nuts to the finished dish.