Among healthy tonic drinks green tea occupies a special place. Prepared according to all the canons of tea art, it will delight even the most fastidious tea gourmet. How to brew green tea to get a fragrant and tasty drink?

Tea making utensils

True tea connoisseurs are sure that not only the dishes, but also the container where the water boils is important.

The vessel where the water is brewed plays a huge role in the tea ceremony.

So, a kettle for boiling water can be:

  • metal (but not aluminum!);
  • glass (the main condition is high-quality heat-resistant glass, cheap materials can easily burst when heated);
  • enameled.

By the way. Followers of the Feng Shui course are sure that boiling water in metal dishes should not be done.

Water can be heated on a gas stove, but you should not use immersion heaters (electric kettle with a spiral, boiler).

Porcelain or earthenware is a great option for tea drinking!

As for the brewing process, here you can use porcelain or clay dishes. Suppose the option with a glass container (but not metal).

Tip. Before the process, the vessel should be warmed up properly. To do this, you can pour a small amount of hot water into the tank. Thus, the heat will disperse along the walls.

Whatever dishes are chosen for boiling water or brewing, they should be stored in a special place, inaccessible to extraneous odors.

To what temperature should water be heated

It is believed that a different temperature is suitable for each type of tea. The rule applies in this matter: for fermented samples, higher temperatures are applied.

Water for green tea warms up to a temperature of 70-90 degrees. This figure is lower than for black tea varieties.

Green tea will help calm nerves quickly and effectively.

Approximately the same temperature regime should be applied when brewing oolongs. These semi-fermented types of tea are the middle link between green and black drinks. Not cool boiling water is used for them, the average temperature is 75-90 degrees (the degree of water heating depends on the fermentation of the product).

By the way. Oolongs, like emerald tea, it is permissible to brew several times (up to 7-8).

How to brew leafy green tea

Green tea leaf tea is brewed strictly in accordance with the recipe:

  1. The teapot is infused with boiling water, or warmed up over a fire.
  2. Pour the leaves into a vessel, wrap it with a warm cloth and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Fill the container with boiling water for a third, after 3 minutes to the top.
  4. After 4 minutes, the tea is considered fully brewed.
  5. The resulting drink is poured into cups.

Some tips for green tea drinking:

  • Pour and drink green tea should be in equal portions. It is believed that in this way the taste of the drink in each cup will be the same.
  • Sugar should not be used to sweeten tea. Instead, honey or dried fruits are perfect.
  • A cold teapot suitable for brewing will quickly cool an aromatic drink and it will lose its taste.
  • Some people prefer to make tea in a cup. For this purpose, it is enough to pour 1 tsp. tea leaves. Brewing time - no more than 2 minutes. A film on the surface is considered the norm and indicates the readiness of tea.

Teapot technology

It is permissible to brew green tea in a teapot. Thus, it is convenient to brew the leaves several times.

Original teapot for delicious green tea.

An excellent option for a modern teapot will be mortgages (isipots). These are universal teapots equipped with a button. The dishes are designed specifically for multiple brewing tea (spilling method).

The design idea allows you to use teapots in conditions when you want tea, but there is simply no time for a full tea party (travel, office, etc.).

Green tea with ginger

The combination of green tea and ginger has long been used as a prophylaxis and treatment of colds. Ginger gives the drink an original spicy flavor, making it more piquant.

The composition of the classic recipe for green tea with ginger includes the following components:

  • green tea;
  • ginger - 1 cube (about 2x2 cm);
  • lemon - 2 slices;
  • honey to taste.

A cube of fresh ginger is sprayed with lemon juice, pour 200 ml of water, put on low heat and wait 10 minutes. The mixture should boil. In parallel, you should brew your favorite variety of green tea. Remove the ginger drink from the heat and combine it with brewed tea. Add honey or jam to taste. Fresh ginger can be replaced with dried spice.

With apples

For the recipe, red fragrant apples and green tea are suitable. If the fruits are sweet, additional sugar is not required.

Apples will be a great addition to green tea.


  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • tea - 1 tbsp. l

Apples are washed, cored and cut into slices. Boil water, chopped apples are placed in a teapot, add cinnamon and pour tea leaves. All components are poured with boiling water. The drink is infused for 10 minutes, after which it is considered ready to drink.

Milk oolong

Milk oolong has its own brewing features.

Tip. When brewing oolong, it is recommended to take dishes from porcelain or clay.

1 tsp the tea leaves are poured into a teapot and pour 95-100 degrees with boiled water. Drink insist only one minute.

By the way. Milk oolong is one of the few types of tea that can be brewed several times, while each time feeling new taste notes.

With milk

Green tea with milk is a healthy drink with a bright taste. It incorporates all the healing milk properties.

Bright taste and pleasant aroma will allow you to fully enjoy a cup of tea.

Preparing a drink according to the recipe:

  1. Prepare the kettle (calcine).
  2. Pour tea leaves into it, cover, set aside for 4 minutes.
  3. Pour hot water into the kettle (one third of its volume), leave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add some more water, set aside again.
  5. Pour in warmed milk, let it brew again for several minutes.
  6. Pour the finished drink into cups.

Green hour with lemon and honey

Features of the preparation:

  1. 1 tsp pour water at a temperature of 90 degrees, insist 5 minutes;
  2. decant the infusion, pour the juice of half a lemon into it;
  3. cool the drink to 60 degrees;
  4. add 2 tsp honey.

Important! Do not forget that honey, added to boiling water, loses valuable properties, and is quite capable of causing damage to the body.

A drink brewed according to all the canons of tea craftsmanship is tasty and extremely healthy. In the event that the tea turned out to be overly saturated, henceforth, a smaller amount of lemon should be added to it.

Tip. In order to get a drink with a bright, full-bodied taste, it is recommended to purchase natural honey and quality tea.

The original Russian tradition dictates adding a few slices of lemon to a strongly brewed tea. Gradually, honey, known for its benefits, began to be added to the drink. Lemon-honey tea helps fight colds and restore strength, improve sleep and tone the body.

Green tea is a drink that combines wonderful taste and undeniable benefits. To take from the product the maximum necessary substances for health, you should know how to brew it correctly. The choice of tea plays an equally important role - the green leaves of the tea bush should be exclusively of the highest grades and excellent quality.