Both adults and children need to know how to brush their teeth. This procedure is designed to prevent the development of caries, the appearance of plaque and an unpleasant odor.

How many minutes to brush teeth for adults and children

A srednestatichesky person brushes his teeth, not thinking how he does it and how much time is spent. But ignorance of the basic rules of cleaning and oral hygiene can provoke serious problems with teeth in the future.

Modern dentistry requires brushing your teeth for at least 2 and no more than 4 minutes.

Each tooth needs to be cleaned for approximately 7-8 seconds. Therefore, an adult needs about 3.5-4 minutes to thoroughly clean the entire oral cavity. For a child who has baby teeth, 2 minutes is enough.

You need to know that soft and hard coating forms on the teeth. Soft plaque can be removed in a few seconds, and removal of hard coating requires much more time. If you do not pay attention to this issue, this can lead to the formation of tartar.

To remove unpleasant odors from the oral cavity, cleaning is required for at least 2 minutes. In addition, most toothpastes contain fluoride, which affects the enamel only after 3 minutes from the start of brushing.

You cannot brush your teeth too long. This is a direct way to thinning the enamel, which entails increased sensitivity to overly hot, sour, cold and sweet dishes.

How to brush your teeth thoroughly

It is very important to hold the toothbrush correctly. It should be at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the gums.

Then the procedure is as follows:

  • cleaning the outer surfaces of the upper and then lower teeth;
  • cleaning internal surfaces;
  • cleaning chewing surfaces.

First, the teeth are brushed with sweeping movements, then reciprocating and circular, while gently massaging the gums. In the end, you need to clean the tongue, as it accumulates countless bacteria that contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Non-observance of cleaning rules is a direct road to tooth decay and tooth loss.

How many times a day you need to clean

Teeth should be brushed in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after dinner. This is a prerequisite. If sour foods were included in the breakfast or dinner menu, do not immediately start brushing your teeth. Acid softens the enamel, so hasty cleaning can damage it.

It is interesting: strip teeth whitening

How to brush children teeth

A child from an early age should acquire the skill of regular brushing. Therefore, parents need help with this. It is important that the baby does this with pleasure and the understanding that it benefits him.

From what age

As soon as the baby has the first teeth, it's time to think about oral hygiene. As a rule, this occurs in 6-7 months. Such crumbs will still not be able to brush their teeth, so it is enough to wipe the gums after a meal with a napkin dipped in warm boiled water. This teaches the child that the oral cavity should be clean.

Teeth brushing year-old baby

When the child turns one year old, you can gradually accustom him to toothpaste and brush. Do not worry if the baby accidentally swallows a tasty and pleasantly smelling toothpaste. The main thing is that this does not turn into a habit.

Modern children's pastes for babies are completely harmless.

The first teeth should be cleaned carefully, as they are quite fragile, and the gums are very tender and soft. Therefore, for one-year-old children, you need to choose small toothbrushes with soft bristles. The size of the brush head should not cover more than 2 teeth.

How to teach a child to brush his teeth

From about 2 years old, the baby begins to independently master the morning and evening hygiene procedures. This is the best time to introduce a little person to colorful pictures of teeth, show him an interesting video or cartoons about them.

To teach the baby every morning and evening to perform this procedure is not an easy task. Often persuasions and explanations do not help. In this case, the process must be turned into an interesting game, where each of the teeth has its own name. Also, during the procedure, the mother can sing funny songs to the baby or tell funny poems. You can also arrange a competition, who quickly brush their teeth. Sometimes the authority of one of the parents helps.

A beautiful hourglass is a good helper for little fidgets. It will help not only to interest the child, but also to brush his teeth exactly as much time as is necessary.

How to brush your teeth with braces

Braces help return teeth to the correct position in the oral cavity. You can find out how to brush your teeth with braces properly at your dentist. This has its own characteristics, since plaque removal is a difficult process.

For quality cleaning, follow the instructions:

  • Position the brush at the usual angle and brush out each tooth with short movements back and forth.
  • With the same movements, walk on all surfaces of the tooth.
  • To clean all chewing surfaces, not forgetting for the farthest teeth.
  • Carefully clean the areas near the brackets, trying not to break or bend.

If there are braces, you need to brush your teeth at least 3 times a day.

Brushing Rules for an Adult

Not only children, but also adults, it is better to use brushes with small heads. They are more mobile and better clean the remnants of food from hard to reach areas.

Basic rules for brushing your teeth:

  • Use only with a personal brush.
  • Pay attention to inaccessible places - interdental spaces, areas near fillings and crowns, gum line.
  • In the end, always brush your tongue and rinse your mouth. A plaque often appears in the tongue, which eventually becomes a large hotbed of germs.

After each procedure, thoroughly wash the brush so that bacteria do not multiply on it. A toothbrush needs to be replaced every three months. After a cold or other infectious disease, the old tools must be discarded, as many pathogenic microbes accumulate in the bristles.


Few people know that dental floss needs to be used every day. It helps to get rid of plaque and tiny pieces of food stuck between your teeth.

Correctly use the thread as follows:

  • take a thread of sufficient length, wrap around the middle fingers, leaving 5 cm for cleaning;
  • holding it with your thumb and forefinger, carefully wrap the tooth in the shape of the letter C and gently move the floss between the teeth, cleaning each gap;
  • carefully floss near the base of each tooth so that it penetrates under the cervical part of the gums.

For each tooth, it is necessary to use a new clean section of the floss. All movements should be gentle, accurate and smooth, otherwise you can damage the delicate gum tissue. Dental flossing is not difficult, the main thing is to accustom yourself to this.

You can use nylon or teflon threads for cleaning. A teflon thread is more expensive, but it’s more convenient to work with it, it easily penetrates even very small cracks.

Apply an electric brush

In the modern world, electric brushes are increasingly being used. They help to brush your teeth more thoroughly thanks to a tiny engine built into the body. Vibrating bristles remove even the smallest food debris well.

Depending on the speed of movement, they can be divided into two categories:

  • Sound. The vibration of such bristles is audible to humans. They are large-scale and best perform sweeping movements.
  • Ultrasonic The work of these brushes is beyond the reach of a person. They remove plaque using acoustic vibrations.

There are models on sale that combine the advantages of both types. In normal mode, they effectively remove food debris, in ultrasound they destroy plaque.

The advantages of electric brushes are obvious: with their help, even small children older than 3 years and people with disabilities can clean their teeth qualitatively without much effort. The whole family can brush their teeth with an electric brush. All family members can use one such unit - it is enough for everyone to have their own nozzle.

Do not use them for people with increased tooth abrasion and caries in the white spot stage. They can only aggravate the situation.

Modern pastes, brushes, threads and other means for caring for the oral cavity make it possible to maintain dental health, preventing the formation of caries and tartar.