Products that allow you to check for the presence or absence of pregnancy at home are very popular among women. This is due to their attractive price, high sensitivity to the hCG hormone and almost 100% result. It is important to know how to use a pregnancy test, which will be discussed in the article.

The mechanism of action of a pregnancy test

Delayed menstruation in women may indicate a pregnancy. To refute or confirm these assumptions, without going to the doctor, you can independently conduct a pregnancy test.

Pharmacy kiosks offer a huge selection of similar products, but they all have a common principle of operation. In the female body, everything is arranged so that after conception, a fertilized egg attaches to the endometrial mucosa, eventually a fetal egg and an embryo appear.

It is the latter that begins to secrete a special hormone called HCG in medicine, which enters the bloodstream. This comes on 12-14 days after conception.

In the first few months, the hormone of pregnancy grows exponentially. Therefore, any good test will show the cherished 2 strips after the first days of delay (provided that the woman had a regular menstrual cycle).

A special chemical component is applied to the test strips, which reacts to increased hCG in the urine. Having entered into a reaction with him, a bright strip (usually a crimson color) appears on the test.

It also always has a control strip. She appears even if there is no pregnancy. This is necessary in order to show that the product is working.

When there is not a single strip during the test, it means it is faulty.You need to repeat the procedure with a new test.

Types of express tests

A test for determining pregnancy can be of several types:

  • test strip (strip strip);
  • jet;
  • cassette (tablet);
  • digital;
  • electronic.

Test strips or strip strips are most in demand. And this is not surprising. The average cost of production is 50-70 rubles. Basically, their sensitivity level is 20-25 mME / ml.

In order for the result to be accurate, it is better to conduct a check after the first day of delayed menstruation.

Pros of test strips:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • availability;
  • finished result in 5-7 minutes.

Among the minuses are:

  • complete with the test there is no capacity for collecting urine;
  • with insufficient urine (25-30 ml), the results will be inaccurate;
  • if the strip stays in the urine longer than the time specified in the instructions, the result of the check may be false.

Cassette or tablet tests are an advanced product option. They are a plastic plate on which there are several windows. The first is for urine, and the second shows the result of the test. The package also contains a pipette, which helps to accurately select 4 drops of urine.

The price of such a cassette test is from 150 rubles. Many women buy such products when they already know for sure that they are in a position. They leave a beautiful test with two stripes as a souvenir, then paste it into a children's album.

Product Advantages:

  • accurate and easy to use;
  • hygienic;
  • Beautiful design.


  • high pricing policy.

The jet test is considered one of the easiest to use. To use it, you do not need a container with urine, so you can check it anywhere (even in a public toilet).

The cost is in the range of 220-300 rubles.


  • hygiene;
  • quick result (3-4 minutes);
  • application anywhere.

There is one significant minus - not everyone can afford such a device.

An electronic pregnancy test can be inkjet or used as a test strip. Its plus is in increased sensitivity to the hormone. It is 15 mME / ml. This means that you can find out the desired result even before the delay (in 2-3 days).

In addition, an electronic option “+” or “-” will appear on the screen. The price of such goods depends on the manufacturer, an average of 400 rubles.


  • high accuracy of the results;
  • sensitivity to hCG;
  • hygiene.

The downside is the significant cost of production.

Digital tests. They not only determine pregnancy, but also, if available, show the estimated terms (in weeks). The test can be inkjet or work on the principle of a test strip.

Their maximum sensitivity is 10 mME / ml. This indicator suggests that you can apply the test 5-7 days before the delay. The price of the product is from 600 rubles.

A plus:

  • early term for determining conception;
  • ease of use;
  • You can find out the gestational age.

Minus - the high cost of production.

It is important to note that all pregnancy tests are one-time. You cannot reuse them.

What to look for when choosing

When planning to buy a test, you must remember the following recommendations:

  1. Buy products only in drugstores. In this case, you will be sure that the goods were stored and transported in compliance with all necessary conditions.
  2. Pay attention to the expiration date.
  3. Decide on the type of test in advance. It all depends on the conditions of its holding.
  4. If there is no delay, but other symptoms of pregnancy are present, get a test with maximum sensitivity to hCG.

If upon opening the package you find that the product is damaged, this may indicate its unsuitability.

What time is better to carry out the procedure

You need to conduct a test after the first day of delayed menstruation. An exception is tests with high sensitivity.

It is advisable to do the test in the morning. Better yet, spend it immediately after sleep.In this case, the level of hormone in the urine will be maximum.

The above rule does not apply to digital products. The manufacturer assures that the test can be arranged at any time of the day and the result will be accurate.

If during the test the second strip is not bright, the procedure must be repeated after several days. With the next similar result, it is better to consult a gynecologist and take a blood test to determine hCG.

How is testing

In order for the test to be informative, it must be correctly carried out:

  1. Carefully open the packaging without damaging the test strip or plastic case of the product.
  2. If it is inkjet, remove the protective cap, direct it under the stream of urine and wait for the result.
  3. When this is a test strip, collect urine, immerse the product in it to the desired mark, hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Place the strip on a dry surface to prevent excess fluid from entering.
  5. After the time indicated in the instructions, check the result.

A positive pregnancy test will show 2 bars and a “+” sign (in electronic version). Negative - one strip and sad / joyful “-”.

In some cases, the test may be false positive. The reasons lie in serious ailments in the female part (tumors, cysts, endometriosis), hormones, malfunctioning, already expired products, ectopic pregnancy.

Overview of Best Pregnancy Tests

What tests are worth paying attention to:

  • Frautest;
  • Clearblue
  • Bee-Sure-S;
  • Evitest
  • "BB test";
  • Gravity Test

Pregnancy tests are sold at every drugstore. Women fully trust their results. Using products is convenient and simple. Literally in 5 minutes you can confirm or deny pregnancy.