To find out how to drink Mukaltin, you need to consult a specialist. He will evaluate the patient's condition and give recommendations on how much time to be treated.

The composition of the herbal preparation

Dosage form - flat-cylindrical tablets. Their color is from brown-gray to light shade with the presence of small inclusions. Each has a chamfer and a risk, it smells somewhat specific.

As part of the tablet, 50 mg of the extract of the root of the medicinal mallow, the main active substance.

Additional components:

  • wine acid;
  • calcium stearate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • povidone.

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics

The medication is made from natural raw materials - the marshmallow root. Present in it: vegetable mucus - up to 35%, pectin, starch, asparagine, betaine. The tool envelops, softens, facilitates the separation of sputum, relieves inflammation.

The work of the ciliated epithelium and peristalsis of the bronchioles is activated due to reflex stimulation, which increases the secretion by the glands located in the bronchi.

Increased secretion and liquefaction of accumulated mucus occurs due to the sodium bicarbonate present in the medicine. There is a softening of dry cough. He's getting wet. In other words, productive, in connection with which sputum leaves the respiratory tract much easier.

What cough does Mukaltin help with?

He does not fight cough, but helps to relieve it.It is indicated for the following ailments:

  • bronchiectasis;
  • asthma
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • tuberculosis with signs of bronchitis;
  • pneumoconiosis.

Instructions for use and dosage for adults and children

How to be treated with Mukaltin - drink or dissolve - tells the specialist. The doctor selects the dose based on the diagnosis, course of the disease, age group and possible restrictions.

There are no strict requirements for using the product. The standard adult dosage for coughing Mukaltin is to use 1 or 2 pieces 60 minutes before meals. Sometimes the doctor gives additional recommendations. The duration of therapy usually lasts 2 weeks, but it can be increased depending on the severity of the disease.

How to drink Mukaltin in tablets? Usually it is customary to dissolve them, but if the patient does not like the taste or smell, you can dilute them with water or juice, it is enough to drink half a glass of such a solution.

The need to treat children with the presented remedy is discussed with the pediatrician, because there is no general opinion on how old small patients Mukaltin can be treated.

Usually, up to 3 years give only half of the tablet, then the recommended dose is 1 pc. 3 times a day. The medicine is sour in taste, which is often not liked by children. For this reason, it can be crushed and mixed with juice or fruit drink.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

When a woman is in an interesting position, taking any medications is required to be treated with caution. It has been confirmed in practice that Mukaltin is safe during pregnancy and many speak very well of him. We must not forget that before using it is necessary to consult with a specialist. In the first trimester, marshmallow extract causes characteristic side effects.

It is necessary to start treatment on time, since a debilitating cough carries a certain threat to the woman and the fetus. Coughing attacks contribute to the appearance of excessive tension or can cause uterine contractions, which entails a miscarriage.

In the absence of doctor's recommendations, pregnant women drink the medication according to the instructions that are attached to the drug.

Treatment with Mukaltin during breastfeeding is safe, because the product is prepared from natural raw materials, but consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

There are several recommendations that need to be followed during therapy during breastfeeding:

  • it is better to dissolve the tablet - so the treatment will become more effective;
  • can be dissolved in warmed milk;
  • dissolve, laying under the tongue.

The tool is used in a standard dosage, which can be changed by a specialist. If the child has signs of an allergic reaction, therapy should be stopped immediately.

It is forbidden to be treated with Mukaltin simultaneously with other antitussive medicines, which contain codeine.

Drug interaction

Typically, the drug is prescribed as a supplement to the main therapy. There is a group of medicines that combine very well with Mukaltin. Best of all - tandem with Bromhexine. With this treatment, not only sputum is diluted, but also the irritation of the bronchi is removed.

Although the medicine is considered neutral, its administration should not be combined with codeine-containing drugs or other substances that make sputum discharge difficult.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The tool has contraindications, due to which it is strictly forbidden to use, and if this is acceptable, then with caution and without fail after a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Mukaltin is contraindicated in the following ailments:

  • allergies to components;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • erosive and ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney and liver dysfunction;
  • low blood coagulation with thrombophlebitis;
  • infant age, up to a year.

Sometimes drug treatment contributes to the manifestation of undesirable effects due to the personality of the patient.

The most common are:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • skin rashes;
  • hives.

The presence of such signs is not related to dosage. They disappear immediately after discontinuation of treatment. To eliminate the occurrence of side effects, it is enough to take activated carbon or another sorbent. But remember that the latter do not work selectively, but only neutralize the effect of all drugs taken.


A complete analogue of the drug is Mukaltin Forte - chewable tablets with the addition of vitamin C.

The most affordable alternatives are:

  • Thermopsol is a greenish-gray tablet made from natural raw materials: thermopsis herbs and soda. Helps to improve the production of mucus and accelerate the release of respiratory tract from sputum;
  • Tussamag - a solution or syrup from a German manufacturer. It is made from chestnut leaves and thyme extract;
  • Dr. Mom - a syrup made from natural ingredients, manufactured in India. The composition contains natural components - aloe, ginger licorice. It has an analgesic effect, fights inflammation. An effective remedy, but often causes adverse reactions;
  • Bronchoplant - syrup. It is made from thyme extract. It contains a minimum amount of alcohol, which allows it to be used in the treatment of infants up to a year;
  • Amtersol is a brown syrup with a specific smell. The medicinal base is the extract of thermopsis grass and licorice root. The composition contains alcohol. There are contraindications for children and pregnant women;
  • Pertussin is a mucolytic agent. It is made from the extract of thyme and potassium bromide. Effectively manifested itself in getting rid of dry cough.

Only a specialist decides on the treatment of diseases with Mukaltin analogues. You cannot do this on your own, because the consequences can be unpredictable. Remember - self-medication can cause irreparable harm to health.