How to boil rice so that it is friable, snow-white? How to prepare a base for rolls and a delicious cereal supplement in a salad? About how to cook rice, preserving its beneficial substances as much as possible, we will describe in detail in this article.

Rice Overview

Groats in finished rice bags are processed under pressure, so the rice does not stick together and cooks simply and quickly. However, additional processing leads to a loss of beneficial properties, so many people prefer to have alluvial alluvial cereal in order to use it for different dishes.

So, usually long-grain cereals, as more friable, are used for pilaf or side dish. This is rice with oblong grains, less starchy, and therefore not sticky. It is especially good with fish and meat.

Mid-grain oval varieties are always starchy, and therefore give the dish a viscous consistency. Delicious cereals will turn out well from them, they also go for filling in soup, for making Italian risotto. You can also cook pilaf from them, though you will have to soak the cereals well and rinse to a clean liquid.


For viscous dishes such as casseroles or rolls, you need a special grits. The grains of short-grain round rice stick together excellently, which is necessary in this case.

Wild and brown unprocessed rice, where there is simply a storehouse of vitamins, is considered the most useful. Next in terms of utility is steamed cereal.Well-known, polished during processing, loses some of the substances and trace elements we need, but it is easier to cook it.

Classic boiled rice in a pan

There are two options - hinged and easy way. In the first case, the rice is placed immediately in a large volume of salt water and after cooking it just leans back, hence its name. It can be put in pilaf and used as rice for a side dish.

The second option is when the cereal is cooked in a minimum amount of water. The liquid is taken 1.5 times more than cereals, the cereal is covered with boiling water and boiled for 12 minutes. In order for the rice to boil evenly and not to burn, it is first cooked on a large fire, then on average and in the last couple of minutes brought to condition on the smallest heating.

Rice, in order to be tasty, crumbly and cooked, must rub. Therefore, it is important that the cereal does not burn. To do this, you should take a pan with a thick bottom, and hold the finished side dish in a pan under a warm blanket or blanket.

How to cook rice for pilaf


Pilaf is folding and ordinary. Hinged requires preliminary boiling until incomplete, so that the cereal reaches already in the dish. So do sweet pilaf or the Azerbaijani version of meat dishes. The ideal rice for such a dish is thin-grain basmati. It is boiled in tightly salted boiling water, where 1 tbsp is added per liter. a spoonful of salt.

Uzbek rice is ideal for the classic Central Asian pilaf. It can be Alanga, Chungara, Lazar, but most often Uzbeks choose Ferghana rice of Devzira. Uzbek pilaf needs a zirvak; cereal is stewed in it. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to choose the right rice, but also to prepare it qualitatively. Rice is soaked for a couple of hours, washed and then laid in pilaf. The exact sequence of actions when cooking rice in pilaf is indicated in the recipe.

In the coop or in the cauldron

A cauldron for pilaf is good in that it is thick-walled, rice in it perfectly reaches the desired readiness, and so that the folding pilaf does not burn, a wheat cake, or kazmakh, is placed at the bottom of the dishes. It is made from any yeast-free simple dough.

When the dough is done, boil hinged rice, it should already be salty and slightly undercooked. Usually 7-10 minutes are enough for cooking rice. It is important not to digest, then it will turn out not a sweet or meat folding pilaf, but rice porridge, although quite tasty. Therefore, quickly discard rice in a colander, rinse with boiling water and spread the skimmers in loose movements to the bottom of the cauldron. Smear a cake with ghee, it will turn out to be quite edible too.

You can pour a little saffron on top of the rice, it will make the rice fragrant and beautiful. And generously pour ghee, cover the pan or cauldron with two layers of a clean towel and a lid. The towel will not allow condensation to return to rice. So on a slow fire, rice stands for another hour. The result will please you - the rice will turn out to be tasty, crumbly, exuding the aroma of ghee.

Brown rice cooking technology


The abundance of various cereals in stores helps to find new tastes and recipes. How to cook brown rice so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy? By the way, brown grains are different in grades, because color is the lack of polishing. Brown rice has a shell, and therefore cooked a little longer than usual. Accordingly, more than a third of the water is taken. Manufacturers usually accompany high-quality rice with cooking instructions on the packaging.

Brown Rice - Cooking Recipe

This is the same rice as brown, but only unpeeled. It is good for pilaf, you can cook rice for salad.

Any kind of brown rice is healthy. To maximize the conservation of important substances for the human body, such techniques allow.

  1. Groats are very thoroughly washed under running water. The more often you change the water, the less starch remains.
  2. Soak for at least a couple of hours, and it is better to withstand the night. The better the rice is soaked, the faster it will cook, the more light and non-sticky it will turn out.
  3. Drain the boiled liquid, pour fresh clean water.
  4. Boil for 10 minutes with a boiling fire, pour out old water and pour in fresh, keeping to a ratio of one to two.
  5. After boiling for 10 minutes, remove from the stove and cover the dishes with something warm.

How to boil steamed rice

Many people choose this grits, especially when you need to cook rice for pilaf. Dense, transparent, slightly amber rice initially becomes ordinary white and traditional in taste after cooking. The main feature is that it is treated with steam, so this product will not stick together even after cooling.


It is brewed very simply. It is enough to wash off the dust without washing the cereals very much.


  • pour cereal with cold water;
  • pour water into a thick-walled pan or pan and pour out cereal; a lot of liquid is not necessary, a little more than the volume of rice is enough;
  • at the smallest fire, keep rice under the lid for a quarter of an hour;
  • ready to garnish with butter and salt.

How much should be cooked depends on the type of cereal. The cooking time hereinafter is approximate, it can vary depending on the variety. Rice can be dense and loose, respectively, and it cooks from 4 to 15 minutes. Steamed rice should be tasted by touch - the finished rice is opaque throughout the thickness of the cereal, when pressed between two fingers it is easily flattened.

If rice is cooked in this way without soaking, dry, then the cooking time will increase. Usually enough half an hour from the moment of boiling. In 1.5 cups of rice, in this case, 1 liter of liquid is taken, and the lid is not removed. Only when it is ready, you can remove the cover and let the groats breathe a little, so that excess moisture comes out.

Rice for salad

So that the salad does not look like a lump, but consists of beautiful crumbling components, it is recommended to take long-grain rice. Basmati is ideal, the Indica variety similar to it goes well. Black rice lovers are experimenting with it. All of these varieties are friable and taste good. Perfectly retains the shape and appearance of any steamed rice. But even if you don’t have these varieties at hand, ordinary rice like Krasnodar is also suitable for a tasty crab salad. It is important to weld it correctly. The recipes for cooking friable rice, the proportions of water and cereals have already been given above. But to get a guaranteed tasty result, we recommend using several rules, we will give them below.

Often, exotic black rice is added to the salad. Black rice is not directly related to ordinary rice, it is not a cereal at all, and the seeds of North American grass, which is similar in composition and appearance to rice, are very nutritious and have long been used for food by the Indians. Today, black rice is a popular product, fashionable among lovers of diets and a healthy lifestyle.

Often it is used for salads.

And he cooks like this:

  • in a large volume of cold water, rinse the rice to clean water;
  • soak overnight;
  • in a ratio of rice and water 1 to 5, cook for half an hour until the liquid is absorbed.
  • let stand for 10 minutes, mix.

A few secrets to making crisp rice

These are the rules:

  • wash rice until running water is completely clean and transparent;
  • do not rub the washed rice with your hands after soaking - the cereal is fragile and easily breaks;
  • proportions for perfect rice on a salad - on a bowl of rice one and a half bowls of water;
  • for boiling use boiling water;
  • take the pan with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid;
  • cook according to the scheme: pour boiling water into rice, close the lid and increase the heat, then, after boiling, reduce to medium heat and cook for another 7 minutes, reduce heat to a minimum and leave the heat at a low level for a couple of minutes. All this time, do not lift the lid; boil the rice until cooked. Salt is put after turning off the fire.

Delicious rice porridge

Many are very fond of boiled and viscous porridge. It is also good for puddings, pie fillings. Everyone knows how to cook rice porridge. But there are features of the rice variety, they must be taken into account.

Even if you cook long-grain basmati rice for a very long time, you will not achieve the desired viscous effect. Here you need rice with round grain. It is he who is better than others boiled in water, even in milk.The ratio of water to cereals is three to one. Rinse well, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour or a little more, and add boiling water if necessary.

If the porridge is milk, then it is better to cook it with the addition of water. Rice is poorly digested in a protein product, because first the porridge is boiled with water so that the rice is half-cooked, and then it is thrown back, added to hot milk. Bringing it to a boil again, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes. Ready porridge should stand to fry until viscosity. It’s better to cover her with something warm.

To maximize the cereal, it should be lowered into the water from the tap. If, on the contrary, loose rice is required, then the cereal is placed in boiling water, salted to taste.

For meatballs

If you decide to cook "hedgehogs", then the rice for them should be laid raw. But the classic meatballs with rice are made with semi-prepared cereals, because the stuffing will be stewed.


Rice should be washed, even if it looks clean and even steamed. Rice for meatballs does not need to be digested, but it should not be hard. Therefore, for dry rice, the cooking time is a quarter of an hour, and for soaked, ten is enough. Drain the boiled cereals, allow the liquid to drain and use to fill the minced meat.

Recipe for sushi and rolls

Specialty stores sell special rice for rolls; it is used in oriental cuisine to prepare traditional Japanese dishes. It is distinguished by increased stickiness, this rice is more round and smaller than usual. Another distinguishing feature is the opacity and white color of the cereal. This is ideal for such dishes, although some cook sushi and rolls from ordinary Russian round rice. Replacement is unequal, but acceptable.

Such rice is brewed just like other varieties. At first it is washed well, then it is allowed to dry a little, after the rice is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1.5 and boiled for 10-12 minutes under a lid. After standing a little, rice is ready for work.

If the cereal is sushi, then usually the taste is improved by pouring a little vinegar during cooking, adding a little specific algae. Some also put a little Japanese vodka, pour Japanese wine from rice. Dressing for rice is also prepared for sushi, usually rice vinegar, diluted with water, seasoned with sugar and a little salt. You can also use lemon juice, regular table vinegar. This dressing significantly improves the taste, makes it more interesting.

Cook in french

The original side dish comes out of a mixture of two types - ordinary and brown.

For three servings is taken:

  • 100 g of dry white cereal;
  • 50 g of brown rice;
  • 2 tsp vegetable (good olive) oil;
  • salt;
  • boiling water 300 g (it’s even tastier to cook with vegetable broth or on broth).

Preparing such a side dish in a stewpan. In a bowl, heat a little oil, pour in prepared and dried rice (it is important that the cereal is completely dry). Pure rice, already prepared for boiling at the factory, can be used without washing.

Stir the cereals, fry until a beautiful shade and a pleasant aroma appear. It remains only to dilute the cereal with water, adding not so much. Cook under the lid. If the water evaporates, and the rice is damp, you can add boiling water. The finished dish should stand for a while without fire so that the rice “reaches”. Stir the side dish only when serving.

Loose rice in a double boiler

It’s easy to prepare a side dish in a double boiler - rice usually turns out to be sticky, even if you do not add oil. But spices or herbs will not hurt, they will decorate cereals with a new shade of taste.

For garnish, rice, already washed and dried, is poured into a special bowl of the double boiler. Spices are added to it, as well as water - a couple of glasses of rice are one and a half times more water. If you experiment, you can pour your favorite herbs, greens. Cold water is poured into the bowl according to the mark and a double boiler is launched. After half an hour or a little more, the side dish is ready.

Cooking in a slow cooker


This rice is boiled quite simply. A bowl of cereal is transferred to a slow cooker, poured with two similar bowls of water, salted, then flavored with oil and various spices.The “Pilaf” mode is set further, although it is possible to cook in other modes, for example, “Buckwheat” or “Cooking”.

In the microwave

For this device, cereals need to be placed in special dishes. In this case, 250 ml of liquid and 150 g of cereal are taken, a little salt is added. The dishes are covered and the cooking mode is set for a quarter of an hour. After turning off the microwave, leave the side dish under the lid. Before serving, put a slice of butter.

In conclusion


As you can see, there are many methods and devices for cooking rice. This versatile product is actually easy to cook. But try not to add cold water during cooking, this will preserve the white color of the cereal and the attractive taste of the finished rice.