Those who happen to experience a disease like psoriasis are familiar with all of its unpleasant symptoms. For good, only a specialist can recommend how to treat psoriasis, but not everyone wants to get an appointment with a dermatologist. As a rule, most successfully get rid of the disease on their own, using medicines and folk remedies.

What is psoriasis and its causes

Psoriasis refers to diseases of the dermatological sphere and is expressed in a systemic malfunction of the body. Almost immediately goes into a chronic form. Most often manifests itself in the form of red skin spots, accompanied by peeling, itching and swelling in the area of ​​redness.

Regarding the causes of psoriasis, doctors have not come to a consensus.

There are several groups of factors contributing to the onset of the disease:

  • poor nutrition (abuse of alcohol, sugary and fatty foods);
  • psychological injuries, experiences, as well as physical and mental exhaustion;
  • ongoing infectious disease;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (wound, burns, etc.);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • concomitant dermatological problems (dermatitis, fungus, etc.);
  • taking medications;
  • cardinal change of climate.

The cause of the inflammatory processes on the skin can be even one of these factors.

Also at risk are people who have a genetic predisposition to the disease. Statistics show that in 60% of cases, psoriasis patients had relatives with similar problems.

Stages of the development of the disease

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of psoriasis:

  1. Progression is the initial stage, which is characterized by the manifestation of red rashes. Initially, they are small, but quickly increase and appear in new places. Therefore, the sooner you start treatment, the faster it will be able to cope with the disease.
  2. Stationary stage - the disease stops developing, but the existing papules are still clearly visible, although they have stopped growing.
  3. Regression is the stage when the unpleasant manifestations of the disease begin to decrease. Exfoliation stops in places of rashes, papules become paler and gradually disappear. If you do not complete the treatment process, then psoriasis immediately passes into a chronic form, which will remind of itself at the slightest failure of the immune system.

Is psoriasis contagious

Experts see two causes of psoriasis:

  1. Failure in the body's immune system.
  2. Genetic predisposition.

Therefore, under no circumstances is it possible to become infected. A disease, or rather a predisposition to it, is transmitted from parents to children. So, if both parents in the past were ill with psoriasis, then with a probability of 75% the child has health problems of a similar nature.

In all other cases, the presence of the disease can not go to another person. Therefore, fear tactile contact with the patient is not worth it.

Symptoms and signs

According to the observations of doctors, most often psoriatic plaques appear in the area of ​​the knee-elbow bends of the arms and legs. Their size can reach 3 cm in diameter. In this case, skin lesions are located strictly symmetrically on each side. There are frequent cases when you can meet psoriasis on the head - on its hair.


The cause of the symptoms of psoriasis is epidermal dysfunction. In normal condition, human skin is updated for a month. In psoriasis, renewed areas occur within a week and immediately begin to be rejected by the body.

It is then that all the unpleasant signs of the disease arise:

  • plaques covered with flaky tips, having a swollen crimson or pink base, covered with loose white scales;
  • severe itching in areas of skin lesion, worse during sleep;
  • dryness and peeling of the general skin, bleeding at the site of plaque formation is frequent;
  • discoloration and deformation of the nail plates.

Due to its characteristic scaling, psoriasis is also referred to as scaly lichen.

Due to the fact that the disease is systemic in nature, not only the epidermis suffers, but also the immune, endocrine and nervous systems. In advanced forms, joints, bone tissue and some internal organs (thyroid, liver and kidneys) suffer. Against this background, the patient has a syndrome of constant fatigue, accompanied by depression. Sometimes the disease can become seasonal and worsen in the autumn-winter period.


The signs of the disease are so obvious that in most cases a specialist needs only one examination, during which scraping of the affected surface is performed. However, to prescribe treatment, the doctor must additionally find out what type of psoriasis his patient was faced with, as well as what stage the disease is at the time of treatment.

As a rule, tests are prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis of feces for the presence of parasites;
  • skin tissue biopsy.

Such a comprehensive examination allows you to identify the presence of concomitant diseases and determine the patient's lifestyle, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. However, in most cases, the doctor is enough to have one visual examination, after which the medication is immediately prescribed. According to the results of the analyzes, the treatment is only adjusted.

Methods for treating psoriasis at home

Despite the severity of the disease, successful treatment of psoriasis at home is possible. However, it should have an integrated approach, and not be limited to taking drugs. It is necessary to combine drug treatment with the use of folk remedies, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as dieting.

Drug treatment

The basis of the treatment of psoriasis is ointments that reduce the inflammatory process and eliminate peeling.

The most effective are non-hormonal drugs:

  1. Naphthalan ointment - reduces the foci of the manifestation of the disease, relieves pain and itching. It is applied for 2 weeks by installing a 20 minute compress.
  2. Salicylic ointment - removes dead cells, heals and softens the skin. It is applied once a day until the plaques completely disappear.
  3. Zinc ointment - has a wound healing effect.
  4. Sulfur ointment is an aseptic agent that helps reduce peeling processes. It is used as a single application per day. Duration of use - 3 weeks.

In parallel with ointments, Akrustal and Calcipotripol creams give a good effect. The first improves metabolic processes and evens skin color. It is applied for 6 hours, after which it is removed from the epidermis. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 4 months. Calcipotripol improves regeneration. It is applied twice a day, however, the duration of use should not exceed 2 months.

As assistants, doctors recommend using:

  1. "Methotrexate" - injections to slow down the process of cell division.
  2. Mikanol - a cream that relieves itching and irritation.
  3. "Cyclosperin A" - a means to strengthen the immune system.

Folk remedies

The course of treatment for psoriasis can be supplemented with folk remedies. Decoctions from healing herbs will help to establish the work of the immune system, interruptions in which cause the appearance of psoriasis.

For these purposes, apply:

  • flaxseed decoction;
  • grass gathering from celandine, elecampane, calamus and St. John's wort;
  • brewed bay leaf;
  • decoction of the plauna;
  • birch mushroom;
  • propolis;
  • linseed oil;
  • Birch buds;
  • chaga.

Read also: healing propertiesbay leaf

These phytochemicals are used both for oral administration, and for the preparation of ointments and baths. It should be remembered that medicinal herbs can only provide help in healing, but they will not completely relieve psoriasis.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

The main feature of physiotherapeutic procedures is that they cannot be performed during the progression of the disease. Thus, it can be used when plaque growth has stopped.

In the treatment of psoriasis, the following types of physiotherapy are used:

  1. Electrosleep - helps calm the patient’s nervous system.
  2. Photochemotherapy - through exposure to ultraviolet rays helps to accelerate the healing of plaques.
  3. PUVA-therapy is based on a combination of drug administration and patient exposure to ultraviolet rays of a special frequency.
  4. X-ray therapy consists in treating the affected areas with x-rays with a minimum dose of radiation.
  5. Ultraphonophoresis - the introduction of drugs into the affected skin in combination with ultrasound exposure.
  6. Cryotherapy - treatment of wounds with a mixture having a temperature of -160 degrees.
  7. Salt baths.
  8. Spa therapy.

For each patient, one of the types of therapy is individually selected. Moreover, there is no guarantee, if salt baths helped one patient to cure, then they will benefit the other.

Diet for Psoriasis

For the final victory over psoriasis, it is necessary to observe the correct diet.

In addition to fried, spicy, salty and smoked, doctors recommend excluding:

  • high gluten bakery products;
  • fatty meats;
  • nuts and spices;
  • citrus fruit;
  • sweets;
  • nightshade group vegetables;
  • alcohol and tobacco.

Of course, one diet will not help get rid of psoriasis, but in combination with other methods of treatment will accelerate the healing process.

Possible complications and predictions

In the presence of medical care, even a neglected form of the disease does not pose a threat to life.

But if untreated, serious complications quickly arise:

  1. Erythroderma - full coverage of the skin with psoriatic plaques. As a result, there is a global metabolic disturbance and blood poisoning can occur, leading to death.
  2. Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system - as a result, the risk of stroke, myocarditis increases.
  3. Joint inflammation.
  4. Metabolic disease.
  5. Inflammation of the mucous membranes, leading to problems with the work of the digestive tract, genitourinary system and eyes.
  6. Perhaps the development of epileptic seizures.

All complications arise in the absence of proper treatment. A timely visit to the doctor is a good guarantee that the disease will be completely cured.


Having a hereditary predisposition to psoriasis, it is important to prevent it. As a priority, skin care is necessary (moisturizing, using soft sponges and gentle cosmetics, hardening, taking salt and herbal baths). Moderate sunbathing helps prevent psoriasis. A significant role in the prevention of the disease is played by proper nutrition and anti-stress therapy.

Although the manifestations of psoriasis are extremely unpleasant and painful, the disease can be successfully combated even at home. A visit to a specialist is necessary for prescribing medicines, and the rest of the treatment complex can be carried out independently. To do this, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and pay a little more attention to skin care.