Such unpleasant "neighbors" can harm the health of all the inhabitants of the house - both people and animals. Interestingly, bedbugs can appear even in a neatly cleaned apartment. These insects are equally comfortable among dirt and dust or in perfect cleanliness. The most effective expert advice on how to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment with folk remedies is collected in this article.

Favorite places for parasites

In urban comfortable apartments, furniture and / or bed bugs are also often wound up. They can easily be brought from the street simply on clothes or furniture.

Recognize parasites at home will be obtained by the following signs:

  1. Itchy red bite marks on the body in the morning.
  2. Slight traces of blood on the bedding. A couple of drops of it always stand out from the wound after being bitten by bugs.
  3. Foul smell, like rotten almonds or spoiled cognac.
  4. Feces of parasites under furniture or on bedding, resembling poppy seeds.

If the inhabitants of the apartment suspect that they have got bed bugs, first of all you need to carefully examine the most likely places of their habitation:

  • bedding, mattress, upholstery of sofas and armchairs;
  • floor under the bed and any upholstered furniture;
  • cracks in the furniture and floor;
  • folds on sofas and other upholstered furniture, as well as on textile accessories;
  • areas behind carpets and paintings.

It happens that bugs hide in household appliances and outlets. If the owners of the house have not been able to accurately determine whether it contains dangerous insects, it is worthwhile to conduct an experiment.For this, the bed is covered with snow-white bedding. In the middle of the night, a bright light abruptly turns on. If bloodsuckers settled in the house, then at least a couple of individuals will certainly be on the sheet.

The most effective folk remedies for bed bugs

Currently, several effective remedies for bedbugs are known at once, which can be used independently at home. All of them are affordable and affordable.

Wormwood, tansy

Such plants are used to control bedbugs, both fresh and dried. You can simply put them in your favorite parasite habitat. It is also important to prepare a decoction of tansy for mopping. For this purpose, half a glass of raw material is poured with a liter of water and cooked in a water bath for about half an hour.

The resulting product is used for mopping (it can be diluted with water), as well as for treating walls, ventilation and window slopes. If neighbors have bugs, then such preventive procedures will not allow parasites to enter the house from the nearest apartments.

Essential oils

Another effective and safe remedy against the problem under discussion is essential oils. True, they need to be combined with other cardinal methods of combating parasites. After all, 3-4 days after the treatment of the room with essential oils, insects can return.

Of these fluids, it is better to choose the following: clove oil, basil, tea tree, pine (and all conifers), Indian margosa. With the chosen product floors are washed, furniture is processed by them. Diluted with water, oil can smear the skin, protecting itself from bites, and also spray it in living rooms.

Boric acid

Such a tool is considered the most ineffective in controlling bugs. But, if the hostess did not have anything else in stock, then boric acid can also be used to kill insects.

It is used in dry form. The powder just crumbles in places where parasites accumulate. Well, if you can find the nest of bugs. In this case, it must be abundantly sprinkled with dry boric acid.


To combat bedbugs, table vinegar is used. He quickly and permanently scares away parasites from the treated area, while not destroying them. True, vinegar and its fumes do not act on previously laid eggs of parasites.

You can simply treat the accumulation of parasites with such a tool in its pure form or diluted with a small amount of water. But it is better to enhance the effect of the substance with various additives. For example, use equal proportions of vinegar, naphthalene and alcohol (90%). If such a mixture gets on an insect, it will instantly die.

It is also effective to mix vinegar and turpentine in equal proportions. The resulting solution is poured into the spray gun, it processes cracks in the furniture, floor, walls, skirting boards. After using vinegar against bedbugs, it is important to ensure high-quality ventilation throughout the apartment.

Kerosene, turpentine

The combination of kerosene with turpentine at the same time scares away the bugs and destroys them. The mixture deprives insects of the ability to breathe, which leads to their rapid death. Destroys the agent and parasite eggs.

To prepare an effective solution against bugs, 10 parts of turpentine, 5 parts of kerosene and 3 parts of alcohol (denatured) are mixed. Naphthalene is dissolved in the resulting liquid (1 part). She can process various surfaces in the apartment during wet cleaning.

Processing Safety Rules

In order not only to get rid of annoying parasites, but also not to harm the inhabitants of the apartment, when processing rooms against bedbugs, some safety rules must be observed.

  1. If there are pets in the house, then during the effective procedures you need to take them out to the street, and it is better to take them out of the house for a few days. It is important to carefully ensure that the dog or cat does not accidentally lick antiparasitic agents from furniture or the floor.
  2. After any treatment (especially if it is carried out with vinegar or kerosene with turpentine), it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room. At the same time, it is best to arrange a full-fledged draft. It will be required and re-wet cleaning.
  3. Using folk remedies for bedbugs, you always need to protect your hands with tight rubber gloves. Even if the selected substance is diluted with large amounts of water. When working with very odorous agents, it is worthwhile to completely protect the respiratory tract with a respirator.
  4. Before disinfecting rooms, food, dishes, clothes and personal items are cleaned in a closet or simply covered with polyethylene.

Removal of bugs by physical and thermal methods

Physical methods of destroying bedbugs in an apartment are considered the safest. True, their effectiveness is low.

Most often, a vacuum cleaner is used to control insects. The device should work at maximum power, as the bugs are able to hold on tightly to textile accessories.

You need to vacuum the mattress, bedding, soft upholstery, carpets, baseboards, toys. The contents of the bag are shaken as far as possible from the house and immediately poured with boiling water. The fabric itself needs to be washed at high temperature. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter.

As for thermal methods, most often they are based on a sharp change in temperature. It is necessary to create conditions that are unsuitable for the survival of the discussed parasites. Bedbugs do not withstand extreme cold (below -15 degrees) and heat (above +50 degrees).

For freezing in the winter, you can simply take out textile accessories, small chairs, ottomans, mattresses on the balcony and leave for a day. It is also important to use hot water or steam. To do this, you can fill the discovered parasite nest or places of their accumulation with steep boiling water, treat the problem areas with a steamer.

How to permanently get rid of parasites at home?

To get rid of the discussed insects at home forever, it is worth combining various methods of killing parasites. First you need to identify the nests of bedbugs and the places of their greatest accumulation.

It is these zones that need to be thoroughly vacuumed or treated with high temperature. Further, the problem areas are wiped with the chosen effective folk remedy. For example, a decoction of tansy.

All that remains is to properly ventilate the room and take care of re-wet cleaning. To prevent parasites from ever returning to the house, preventive measures should be taken periodically. To do this, you need to install insect traps and from time to time to lay odorous herbs in the corners of the rooms, which effectively repel them.

It is important that all existing holes in the floor, walls and furniture are repaired. Also, do not bring old foreign furniture from the street into the house.