Onions are always an indispensable vegetable in the diet, both in terms of their taste and the set of vitamins and minerals that it contains. But it is one thing when the onion is served on the table directly from the garden, quite another when it is necessary to preserve it correctly so that it does not lose its useful qualities. How to store onions correctly will be discussed in this article.

How to store onions in winter: basic rules

If you follow the rules given in the material, then the whole family will be provided with useful and tasty vegetables for the entire winter period.

  • it is necessary to choose a place where the vegetable will be protected from direct sunlight;
  • storage is located away from hot surfaces and central heating batteries;
  • the container in which the onion will be must be breathable;
  • the temperature in the onion storage should not fall below 8 ° C.

It is important to remember that to store onions for a long time, you need to take fully ripened onions, without damage and signs of disease.


Harvesting begins after a massive lodging of leaves and the completion of bulb formation. First of all, it is worth remembering that only completely dry material will be well preserved. Therefore, it is important to harvest before rainy weather. Bulbs are pulled out of the soil, dried on ridges or indoors, if weather conditions do not allow.After the land residues disappear, you can proceed to the stage of preparation. Cutting sites need to be dipped in fine-grained sand - such a measure to protect the onion from decay and penetration into the pathogenic flora.

So, how to store onions?

Onion storage in the apartment

If it is not possible to store onions in the country, then he will perfectly tolerate wintering in an ordinary apartment. Of course, you need to choose a place where containers with onions will not interfere and an appropriate microclimate will be created.

It is important to remember that humidity is the main enemy of onions! If liquid enters the container with onions, this will destroy the entire crop and serve as fertile soil for the emergence of a colony of flies.

In a wicker basket

A great option would be to store onions in a wicker basket.

It has the following characteristics:

  • good breathability;
  • made from organic raw materials;
  • aesthetic decorativeness.

You should not store onions in huge baskets, because the bulbs in the very middle will not get air.

Saving in a cardboard box or box

If the balcony is equipped with an insulated cellar or there is a pantry where you can put boxes or boxes, then this is also an excellent option for storing onions.

For this kind of fit:

  • plastic boxes for vegetables;
  • cardboard boxes;
  • wooden boxes.

Important notice! Periodically scan vegetables for rotting, mixing them with your hand for better ventilation.

Onion-Filled Nylon Tights or Stockings

This method has long gained its popularity, because a lot of onions are placed in a capron, air permeability is excellent, and it is convenient to suspend such a container. One condition - tights should be taken with increased strength!

How to store onions in bags

In order to store onions in bags, the following conditions must be observed:

  • bags must be placed on a pallet so that there is an air gap between the bottom of the container and the floor;
  • Do not use plastic bags;
  • it is better to fill the volume by a third and leave the top open.

If jute bags are used, check that there is no polyethylene insert inside.

Storage of vegetables in nets

Here you need to consider some nuances. The nets must be made of durable material, otherwise they may break under the weight of the bow. The mount on which the mesh will hang must also be strong. Experience suggests that crumbling husks will fall to the floor.

Weave braids

The interior of the kitchen can be diversified by hanging braids from onions, this is another way to preserve the vegetable.

Such an ornament is made as follows.

  1. For the base, you need to take a strong rope or twine, because the onion braid is very massive in weight.
  2. The largest heads are attached from below, then the middle ones and small ones should be attached at the top.
  3. With a rope you need to cover the dried stalk of the onion and tie it tightly.
  4. Next, we tie the second head and so on until the braid is completely woven.
  5. You do not need to leave distances between the bulbs; knit heads as close to each other as possible.
  6. At the end it is necessary to leave a rope about 15 cm long so that a loop can be formed.

If you make braids from red, yellow onions and garlic, then the interior of the kitchen can be given light notes of Provence style.

At what temperature to store onions in an apartment, a house

Observe the temperature regime when storing onions is necessary. At low temperatures, it will freeze, and at high temperatures, drying or decay can begin.

Moreover, each species should have its own temperature and humidity.

  • sweet onion varieties are stored at a temperature of 0 and up to - 1 ° C, at a humidity of 75 - 80%;
  • mild varieties are stored at a temperature of from - 1 to - 3 ° C, while the humidity should be 85%;
  • spicy and bitter varieties tolerate temperatures well up to -4 ° C, with humidity of almost 90%.

If it is not possible to store onions in a room with such a temperature, then for a short time it can be stored at a temperature of 19 - 20 ° C.

You can achieve minus temperature in the storage by arranging a dwelling for onions on the balcony. If there is no loggia or balcony, then you can organize a large cellar with your neighbors on a shared balcony.

How to build a cellar on the balcony

In an ordinary apartment, you can build a storage for vegetables, where the onion will feel more than comfortable.

To maintain the desired temperature, it is necessary to make a thermal container.

  1. Build a box of suitable size from plywood or OSB panels. It is important to leave a gap between the walls of the box and the balcony where the insulation will be located.
  2. Any insulation of your choice is attached to the walls and floor of the balcony. Fix it with glue.
  3. The box is installed in the remaining space, and then, all voids are filled with mounting foam.
  4. Insulation is also fixed on the lid of such a container and is covered with a sheet of plywood on top.
  5. In the wall leading from the room to the balcony, a small hole is made for wiring, which will provide heating of the box.

It should be noted that autonomous heating can also be used as a heating system, but it is usually much more expensive than the considered option.

How much onion is stored at home

When creating the necessary microclimate, it can be stored for 9 months. But basically onions are stored at home for no more than six months, although if you use the following types of protection against decay, you can even wait for a new crop.

  1. If the onion is stored in the cellar, then you need to put a bowl of ash there, such a measure will reduce the moisture content and prevent mold from developing.
  2. Do not pour onions in large containers, it is better to use small containers.
  3. From time to time it is necessary to sort out the bow to notice rotten heads.
  4. If possible, it is better to store the onion in limbo, so the air flow will be maximum.

Features of storage of some types of onions

Depending on the type of onion, there are also peculiarities of its storage, therefore if it is supposed to store different varieties, then it is better to prepare the storage, and the product itself.


This green vegetable can be stored in several ways.

  1. Pickling. For this, fresh onion is finely chopped and laid in layers in a glass container, pouring layers of salt. Further, onions are used as seasoning.
  2. Freezing In this way, onions can either be frozen in ice molds, or put slightly dried and shredded feathers in a container designed for the freezer. Taste and freshness guaranteed.
  3. Drying. It can also be dried. To do this, you can use either a special dehydrator or an oven.

It is important not to store onions in a plastic bag, because literally a few days later the delicate feathers will rot.


All of the above methods are suitable for leeks.


All methods described in the section “Storage of onions in the apartment” can be applied to this vegetable, as well as onions can be stored as follows:

  • peeled or chopped onions can be frozen, it retains its properties for about six months;
  • in the refrigerator, onions can be stored for a short time, completely immersed in water or greased with oil.

Onion set

It is better to store onion sets before planting in the basement, because only there it is possible to create optimal conditions so that a good crop will come up next year.

Although if the onion set is correctly assembled and well dried, then it can remain at a plus temperature of 13-15 C.

It is important to remember that if the onion set is stored in the underground, then before planting it must be warmed up at room temperature for about 10 to 12 days.

Yalta onion

Of particular beauty and taste are the flat heads of Yalta onions - this is a sweet onion variety, its structure is delicate and it is important to maintain its taste.

Decorative onions do not allow you to put it in boxes, it is much better to weave braids out of it or put in baskets. For the Yalta variety, all storage methods listed in the article are suitable.

Refrigerate onion storage

Can I store onions in the refrigerator? This question is often asked by housewives. Of course, the refrigerator is intended for storing products, including onions, but it all depends on how much they are going to store in it, because rarely can anyone give a whole refrigerator for long-term storage of onions. And in the normal state, the temperature regime is suitable only for short storage periods.

It is much more convenient to make a “vegetable corner” in the cool corner of the kitchen or on the balcony with compartments for storing onions and other vegetables.

And although it may seem from the outside that the onion storage process is complicated, but with due diligence, the preparation procedure will take a little time, but the whole family will be able to eat healthy food throughout the year.