Today on TV screens films with various monsters, monsters and zombies are increasingly shown. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people see such characters in their dreams. But why do zombies dream, if we exclude the influence on the consciousness of scary stories?

Interpretation in various dream books

Interpreters did not ignore such a plot and offer their own interpretations:

  • The modern dream book convinces us that a dream with the walking dead is a dream of people who seek to manipulate others.
  • In Loff's dream book, such a dream means that a person from the close circle of the dreamer wants to constantly control him and uses hypnosis for this.
  • In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that such a dream warns of a weak energy field that can not restrain injuries and unreasonable expenses.
  • According to Freud, such dreams are seen by people who are constantly forced to control their dark desires.
  • According to Hosse's dream book, zombies dream of an early meeting with an energy vampire.
  • Miller believes that zombies dream of some difficulties or speaking to a wide audience.

If zombies dreamed of an important deal, the dreamer needs to carefully study the terms of the contractual agreement - there is a chance that he missed some important aspect. According to other interpretations, dreams with zombies portend that the sleeper will soon find out very important information, solve a secret or solve old problems.

If a zombie apocalypse dreams, then soon life will begin to change for the better. But if the dreamer suffered from the bites of a dead crowd, then in reality he can be seriously ill.

If you had a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, and after waking up the excitement does not let go, then in the afternoon you should not start new things.

Run away from zombies

Running away from zombies in a dream is perhaps one of the worst nightmares. What does such a dream mean and is it worth it to be taken seriously?

There is an opinion that such a dream warns about:

  • the presence in the inner circle of an enemy who desires evil;
  • future problems that will have to be resolved without outside help;
  • health problems
  • the accumulation of domestic issues, the solution of which is constantly not enough time;
  • the presence of an opponent, the fight against which will not bring positive results.

Running zombies warn that the dreamer has a difficult relationship with a certain personality or that one of his friends will be a real enemy.

The Wanderer’s dream book says that people who have to escape from the comfort zone to reach new heights have to escape from zombies in a dream.

Wallace is convinced that sleeping with zombies warns of many routine cases that will not bring any pleasure. If zombies attack sluggishly, they turn out to be slow - the dreamer moves into the void, leaving no time for himself to realize his own desires. A dream encourages you to become more active, not to be afraid to show hidden opportunities and to bring something new into your life.

See an attack on a person

Attackers and biting zombies symbolize the need for positive emotions, physical and emotional relaxation. It is better to take a short vacation at work and be sure to spend it in a new place.

Dream Interpretation Maya claims that zombies are a symbol of lost opportunities to improve life. You should be careful and learn to recognize the signs of fate, otherwise you can never find your happiness, which is enough just to reach out. Stop going with the flow, it's time to set goals and aspirations.

To correctly interpret the dream, you need to remember exactly how the dead people behaved:

  • tried to tear apart - gossip and slander provoke certain life difficulties;
  • killed someone - to make a fateful decision;
  • attacked other people - the dreamer envies the success of a person.

If in a dream it was possible to hide from the zombies, then in reality the dreamer zealously guards his personal space and does not like hypocrisy.

Kill evil

Fight zombies in a dream - to important events. If it turned out to defeat the enemy, then in reality the time has come for active action - now it will definitely be possible to implement the plan.

The English dream book interprets the fight against the “living dead” as a sign that the sleeping person will be able to overcome all difficulties, solve long-standing conflicts and improve his life. Killing zombies in a dream is the beginning of a new successful stage in life.

If after destruction the dreamer buried zombies in the ground, then soon he will spend a large amount on an unnecessary thing.

Turn into a zombie

Sometimes in a dream a person himself can turn into a zombie. Such a dream signals a constant internal conflict and the inability to find a place in this life. Also, such a dream dreams of people suffering from constant friction at work and at home.

Wang argues that such a dream comes to someone who is very dependent on the opinions of others, cannot find peace of mind and achieve his goal.