In many religions, suicide is considered a mortal sin. Even if seen in a dream, but not in reality, such an incident can permanently deprive a person of peace of mind. Find out what suicide is about to be prepared for possible changes in your life.

Interpretation according to different dream books

The interpretations of the suicide plot in various dream books are somewhat different. But most sources agree that this speaks of certain problems, both in the state of mind of a person and in his relations with the outside world.

suicide dream interpretation

So, the medium of Miss Hasse believes that to see your own suicide is unfortunately, the dreamer himself will be to blame.

The Esoteric dream book says that suicide portends unforeseen circumstances and possible obstacles. But you should not blame others for this - troubles will occur due to your thoughtless or wrong actions. Perhaps you will be the object of attention of criminal individuals or will become dependent on them. And if you dreamed that another person commits suicide, it’s to an unpleasant incident, of which you will become a witness.

According to Miller's dream book, to see a friend in a dream means upcoming worries about resolving an important issue.

In a Muslim dream book, suicide committed by a sleeping or other person portends a remorse for sins or spiritual cleansing.

A more detailed interpretation of suicide visions is given by David Loff. He believes that such stories are closely related to the perception of a person of himself as a person. If you killed yourself in a dream, this indicates rejection and an attempt to eliminate any of your qualities.You are trying to deal with the negative aspects of your personality, behavioral stereotypes and inclinations. In other words, strive to destroy that part of yourself that is unpleasant to you.

Loff calls suicide dreams a matter of serious thought. You should conduct a "reassessment of values" and understand yourself. And if such stories often appear in night visions - do not keep anxiety and negativity in yourself, talk heart to heart with loved ones.

Attention! If you recently read a book, watched a movie with a similar plot, or found out that someone had taken their own lives, such a dream should not be taken seriously. This is just a game of the subconscious and a reflection of your thoughts.

What is the dream of a stranger or mass suicide

An important role in the interpretation of dreams is played by the details of the plot. So, mass suicide dreams of trouble. Circumstances will not be in your favor, hindering the achievement of goals. It is possible that this is due to the appearance in your life of a person or group of people associated with crime. Only caution and careful consideration of each step will help you to avoid trouble.

If in the night vision only one person committed suicide before your eyes, and he is unfamiliar to you, this portends the emergence in the near future of problems associated with professional activities. The cause of trouble will be the machinations of ill-wishers who seek to ruin your life. Try to take work responsibly, weigh all the pros and cons, planning to make a decision.

Suicide of a friend or loved one

If the suicide bomber is your acquaintance, such a plot portends a lot of negative emotions in the near future. Many experiences will fall on your lot, confidence in your abilities and tomorrow will disappear. Self-control and active actions will help - take yourself together, do not succumb to emotions and direct energy to solving problems. Otherwise, a positive result will not work.

suicide dream interpretation

Suicide of a loved one in a night story - to problems in the professional sphere. The fault they will be the uncertainty and indecision of the dreamer. Gather yourself and begin to act, plan and put maximum effort into the implementation of the plan. But be careful and think about the possible consequences before doing anything.

Observation of suicide from the side, regardless of whether a person is familiar or not, can also indicate remorse of the dreamer.

Commit suicide in a dream - which means

If you are trying to commit suicide in night vision, this indicates the cardinal changes that will soon occur in your life. Moreover, they can be both positive and negative. It depends on the decisions and steps to be taken. And in the case when the attempt was successful, such a plot portends trouble in the near future, and only you are to blame for it. And from the point of view of psychology, the dream of suicide can transmit a signal from the subconscious that it considers any problems unsolvable.

When interpreting sleep, the way the suicidal person chose is important:

  • hanged himself - to adverse events;
  • poisoned - to the belated realization that you did not behave too prudently;
  • drowned - to longevity and secured old age;
  • opened the veins, cut the throat - to achieve goals and success;
  • immured himself - to unpleasant news.

Please note that the dream of suicide rather warns and encourages you to be careful and not commit rash acts than predict specific events. And this means that everything depends only on you - control your emotions, weigh each step, and you will be able to come out with honor even out of a difficult situation.