Dreaming animals are often a symbol of future events or personify some people surrounded by a dreamer. Whether such a dream is beneficial or not, largely depends on the species of the dreamed beast. We will find out why a cat with kittens is dreaming, and what such a dream promises to a man or woman.

Dream Interpretation

Popular dream books interpret a dream involving cats and kittens, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances, tracking the actions of a dreamer, as well as the coloring of animals:

  1. Family dream book. Taking pets, stroking them and playing with them means improving the existing situation in the foreseeable future.
  2. Miller's Dream Book. Gives a negative interpretation of such dreams. One should especially be wary if in a dream a cat, protecting kittens, attacks the sleeping one. In reality, most likely, someone wants to harm him. The dream book calls for caution and selectivity in relation to friends and pals. Most likely, they can become a source of trouble (intentionally or accidentally).
  3. Dream Book of Wangi. It also speaks of the negativity from such a dream, a strong conflict is possible, up to a break in relations. Several cats with kittens portend to the dreamer shame and dishonor.
  4. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. According to him, to see a cat with kittens in a dream means neither more nor less than a natural disaster, or at least a drought. However, if the cat is comfortable in the basket and licks its babies, most likely, the situation in the country / city will certainly improve.

If the sleeping man dreams of small kittens with a cat, after waking up, you should try to reproduce what you saw as much as possible.It is from the smallest details of sleep that the precise interpretation of the following events depends.

Seeing a lot of cats and kittens in a dream

Seeing a lot of cats and kittens in a dream is a symbol of the gossip surrounding the dreamer, which can harm him and make him the subject of ridicule. Especially unfavorable is the dream in which animals with their cubs simply stray together without showing any affection and care for each other. This is a bad sign, a symbol of hidden enemies, with which cats act in a dream. In addition, minor troubles that should be expected from ill-wishers can lie in wait in human life.


If the kitten breaks out of the dreamer's hands and tries to scratch, in reality he will have to make a lot of efforts to eliminate all the troubles.

Dreamed of a nursing animal

If a person dreamed of a cat feeding kittens - this is generally a good sign. However, the coloring of the mother cat should be considered. A white or light-haired cat, feeding her babies with milk, promises waking presents from loved ones, care and tenderness of loved ones. A black or dark animal feeding offspring is an alarming sign, especially for a woman. It is possible that a certain insidious rival weaves intrigues around her and dissolves gossip.

Black, white, red or tricolor cat

The coloring of the cat is of key importance in the process of interpreting the dream:

  1. Various dream books are sure of one thing: the dark color of the cat's coat is a symbol of trouble. So, to see a black cat with kittens in a dream - in life, undergo betrayal of a loved one. If in a dream a black cat, along with his dark brood, crosses the road to a business person, then in reality he will face minor litigations and trouble in business. The black kittens that surrounded the dreamer mark ill-wishers who are just waiting for an opportunity to harm him in reality.
  2. I dreamed of a white cat with a kitten - to get an unexpected present. However, the dreamer should not rejoice too much - such a gift can provoke trouble in the future.
  3. A cat of red color surrounded by offspring can hint at the insincerity of people who only pretend to be friends of a dreamer. In fact, nothing should be expected from such a relationship except disappointments and manifestations of self-interest. It is worth being especially attentive to the gifts received from such people.
  4. Tricolor cat is considered a symbol of good luck and success. In some cases, such an animal together with the offspring promises an addition in the family. And also this dream can promise in reality various adventures and adventures. Moreover, the more small kittens in a dream, the more fun the dreamer will have time in reality.

One-color kittens in a dream - a symbol of measured, even boring life. Tricolor babies, by contrast, promise luck and positive.

Cat birth

The dream in which the cat gives birth should be interpreted correctly, taking into account the emotional coloring of what he saw. When the giving birth animal revolted the dreamer, in reality he will have to go a long way towards the desired goal. However, if in a dream a person is touched at the sight of such a picture - in the very near future replenishment will occur in his family.

If the cat gave birth to dirty and groomed kittens, most likely, in reality the dreamer will do things that can turn against him. A fluffy and well-fed cat took care of healthy babies - this is a good sign, but at the same time, a dream invites you to reconsider your behavior.

Funny, active and frisky newborn kittens are a sign of prosperity, especially favorable for merchants. Sleep bodes profit. White kittens, motionless and soundlessly lying near their mothers, on the contrary, warn - soon success is not to be expected.

Cat with dead kittens

A dream where kittens dreamed of dead or dead kittens promises deliverance from trouble and a change for the better. Those who are sick will recover, the businessman will solve problems with business, and a woman who is waiting for replenishment in the family will give birth to a strong and healthy baby.

If the dreamer killed the kittens himself, he will face a fierce struggle in which he will most likely win. Flatterers, envious and gossip will leave his circle of communication, old grievances will shatter, and ideas and plans will bear fruit.

What does sleep mean for women, men

And also in the process of deciphering sleep, one should take into account the gender of the dreamer:

  1. A young girl who has a dreaming mother cat with kittens promises a considerable number of boyfriends. But such a dream does not guarantee the serious intentions of these men.
  2. If a cat with a brood dreamed of a man, it is quite possible that in reality someone seeks to harm him. It is possible that he strongly offended any woman in his circle. Such a dream does not bode well for budding entrepreneurs - probably, the dreamer poses a threat to competitors and they try to suppress it in every possible way.
  3. A cat with kittens dreamed about a woman - most likely, in reality she has a rival in love. If the brood of kittens was donated by a friend or friend, it is possible that this particular person will become a source of trouble and misunderstanding in the dreamer's life.

The interpreters of dreams often regard cats as an unfavorable sign promising the machinations and intrigues of enemies in reality.

At the same time, the dream should be interpreted taking into account all the nuances: the color of the hair of the mother and her kittens, their behavior, the sexuality of the dreamer. However, even if the general emotional background is favorable, a person who sees a cat in a dream should in reality be careful and attentive to the people who make up his environment.