Ivan tea, narrow-leaved fireweed, placoon - as soon as a medicinal plant with a beautiful brush of lilac flowers is not called.

This herb can be considered universal - it invigorates fragrant tea from leaves and flowers, and a delicious salad from young shoots. Even the rhizomes of the fireweed do not remain idle - they are ground and added to flour for making bread. Is it possible to drink ivan tea during pregnancy?

Is it possible to drink ivan tea in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when the laying and formation of all the most important organs and systems of the embryo occurs. At this time, the expectant mother is strongly discouraged from eating anything without first consulting a doctor.

Ivan tea during pregnancy
Photo: id.rbth.com

Doctors, as a rule, do not prohibit the use of Ivan tea in the early stages of pregnancy. Moreover, a drink made from it helps to reduce morning sickness, tidy up the hormonal background of a woman and reduce nervous tension. Natural tea can easily replace potent sedatives that are prohibited for pregnant women.

In the middle of pregnancy and in the later stages, the use of willow tea has a strengthening effect on the body of women. This is a natural remedy to help fight cold symptoms. The tannins in the grass help to destroy pathogens and fight against viral infections.

Important! And in the first, and second, and third trimesters, it is recommended to use fireweeds one hour before a meal. Sugar and other sweeteners should not be added to the drink.Pregnant women will take Ivan-tea for 2-3 weeks, after which it is better to take a month-long break.

The benefits of the drink during pregnancy

Ivan tea contains large amounts of vitamin C, iron, copper and manganese and has a number of properties that are beneficial for the body of a woman and her unborn baby:

  1. Beneficial effect on the digestive tract, helps with constipation. The fireweed contains cellulose (plant fiber) and pectin, which help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The mucus contained in the leaves has a softening effect.
  2. Relieves stress, reduces anxiety, irritability, tension. Being in a position, many women tend to get annoyed for almost any reason. Ivan tea helps to gently eliminate nervousness, while not causing increased drowsiness and addiction, normalizes sleep.
  3. Tones up the body. Due to the high content of vitamins, the medicinal herb strengthens the immunity of mother and baby, adds vitality.

Note. Ivan tea is especially recommended for pregnant women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. It acts as a natural antibiotic, gently eliminating the symptoms of inflammation.

How to brew

The plant should be properly brewed to maintain medicinal properties. There are several options for preparing a healthy drink for pregnant women.

Method 1

  • 10 g of fermented willow tea (Kopor tea) placed in a glass vessel;
  • pour 600 ml of boiling water, cover;
  • insist 15 minutes;
  • drink chilled or freshly prepared drink.
ivan tea during pregnancy
Photo: zavarka.life

Method 2

  • in an enameled container place 2 tsp. Ivan-tea flowers and the same amount of Kopor tea;
  • pour the mixture with 0.5 l of warm water and heat over low heat (do not boil);
  • insist broth 10 minutes.

Tip. It is permissible to brew grass up to 5 times, while the taste, as well as useful properties, will remain unchanged. The color, taste and smell of tea directly depend on the quality of the water. It is best to use spring or thawed.

In what quantities can I consume

In the first trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers should not brew more than 1 tsp. fireweed at a time. It is permissible to drink 1-2 glasses of the resulting herbal drink per day. In the second and third trimesters, the amount of herbs brewed at a time can be increased to 2 tsp., Drinking no more than 3 glasses of tea per day.

ivan tea during pregnancy
Photo: medvoice.ru

When planning conception, it is also possible to enrich the body with useful substances and vitamin C. The finished drink is taken on an empty stomach, the total amount per day should not exceed 3 glasses.


Fireweed, unlike other herbs, has very few contraindications. Refuse to take it should only women with individual intolerance to this plant (extremely rare).

Caution when drinking Ivan tea should be pregnant, suffering from the following diseases and conditions:

  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to frequent allergic reactions.

To prevent undesirable consequences and to give a drink from Ivan tea to fully reveal its beneficial properties, it is worth observing several rules:

  • Before drinking tea, you should consult a doctor who observes pregnancy.
  • Clearly observe the proportions when brewing a drink, take into account the allowable dosage.
  • A dried plant should be purchased only from trusted herbalists or pharmacies. The grass must be correctly and timely collected, thoroughly dried.

Tasty and fragrant Ivan-tea is a friend of expectant mothers at any time of bearing a baby. Taking an invigorating and at the same time relaxing drink, a woman gives vitamins herself and the fetus in her womb. But do not forget about the basic principle of pregnant women - moderation in everything. Tea should be strictly dosed.