Indian onion or Tailed poultry, this is a perennial plant that has not been fully studied at the present time. In this regard, official medicine as a medicinal plant is not recognized. However, the healing properties of Indian onions have been known for a long time, and it finds its wide application in folk medicine.

Indian onion healing and beneficial properties

The presence of biologically active substances contained in the plant determines its medicinal properties. The following substances are present in the chemical composition of the Birdseed:

  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids (colchicine, thiocolchicine, colchamine).


The main active substance giving a therapeutic effect is colchicine. This is a natural poison, which, when used internally, can cause poisoning of the body. Therefore, Indian onion is used in dosage forms only externally. It is used as a component in ointments, as well as in the form of tinctures on a water or alcohol basis.

The juice of the plant has a natural antibiotic in its composition, which gives an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effect. The use of Indian onion, due to its pronounced effect, is indicated for the following diseases:

  • traumatic damage to bones, accompanied by fractures and hematomas;
  • polyarthritis, arthritis in the acute stage with severe pain;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • dermatitis of various origins;
  • insect bites, accompanied by swelling and itching of the tissues;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • nail fungus;
  • malignant skin lesion.

Read also: the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus


The alkaloids that make up the plant, acting reflexively through the skin, contributing to the flow of blood to the inflamed or affected area of ​​the tissue. Proper nutrition in the area of ​​organ damage due to better blood circulation and the anti-inflammatory effect of the plant contribute to the fastest relief of pain, tissue regeneration and resorption of the pathological lesion.

Application in traditional medicine

Using Indian onions, the healing properties of which have long been known, you can get rid of a number of diseases. In the recipes of traditional medicine, all parts of the Birdseed are used, including the juice of the plant. For treatment, it is better to use drying leaves of the plant, since they, in comparison with young shoots, contain the highest concentration of nutrients.

The main effect of the plant is associated with toxic alkaloids - colchicine and colchamine, which are toxic to the body when ingested. But the external use of plant forms gives a significant therapeutic effect in various pathological conditions.

Tincture in the treatment of joint diseases

The pain syndrome accompanying exacerbation of joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis) significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life. Drug therapy does not always cope with manifestations of exacerbation of pathology. In this case, tincture of Indian onion from joints will be not only an addition to drug treatment, but with the initial manifestations of the disease, the main treatment.

You can prepare tincture from Indian onion, taking as the basis 70% medical alcohol or vodka. The cooking technology will be the same. The difference is only in exposure times and proportions. Tincture on alcohol is aged for 10 days, and on vodka - for a month.

To prepare the medicine, not only the leaves of the plant are used, but also the constituents of the entire Birdseed. Preparation of tincture from the leaves is as follows:

  • the dried leaves of the plant are cut off and chopped in a porcelain cup with a pestle to a mushy state;
  • the mass is filled with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:20;
  • infused in a cool dark place for 10 days.


After a certain period, the tincture is ready for use. Filtering the medicine is not necessary. An infusion prepared on a water basis using a steam bath will be much more effective, since the active principle colchicine is poorly soluble in alcohol. To prepare the medicine, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • finely chop the leaves of the plant;
  • pour a liter of cold water;
  • stand in a steam bath for half an hour;
  • pour the mixture into a thermos and insist for three hours.

In the treatment of diseases of the joints or lumbosacral radiculitis, poultry compresses are made. To do this, a multilayer gauze is moistened with alcohol or water tincture and applied to a sore spot, followed by coating with a film and wrapping with a woolen cloth. The compress holds for half an hour. If there is no discomfort, the effect of the compress can be extended to one hour.


A positive effect on the removal of pain is tincture by rubbing it into sore joints. To do this, rub a small amount of the medicine into the affected area until completely absorbed, after which a woolen cloth is applied to maintain heat.

Important! The procedure is carried out with the mandatory use of gloves to prevent contact of the skin of the hands with tincture!

You can relieve joint pain with a prepared ointment, consisting of the following ingredients:

  • 15 grams of petroleum jelly;
  • one portion of freshly squeezed bird juice;
  • one part plantain juice.

To prepare a therapeutic ointment, a warm, Vaseline heated to 40 degrees is taken. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.Ready-to-use ointment is rubbed on diseased joints, followed by wrapping to maintain heat.


The course of treatment of joints, using tinctures of Indian onions, lasts for 20 days.

For headache, toothache

Toothache can be successfully stopped by the use of a solution of baking soda and tincture of Birdseeker. For this, 200 grams of hot water requires a teaspoon of soda and tincture. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. A cotton pad soaked in a mixture is applied to the gum of a diseased tooth.

Headache is relieved by lubrication with tincture or fresh juice of the temples of the head, followed by massaging. After applying the product on the skin, there is a feeling of cold and tingling, which are short-term in nature.

With a runny nose, sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis is carried out with freshly squeezed juice from one bulb mixed with warm water in a 1: 3 ratio. A cotton pad soaked in a medical solution is applied to the maxillary sinus region for half an hour. Such compresses must be carried out twice a day. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.


With a cold, the resulting solution is instilled into the nasal passages once a day.

External use of Poultry juice juice on the region of the maxillary sinuses and nose, by rubbing it into the skin, also has a positive effect in the fight against sinusitis.

Nail fungus tincture

Tincture of Indian onion from nail fungus is a very effective tool in the fight against this pathology. For treatment, alcohol or water tincture is used. Lubrication of the affected nail bed is carried out using a cotton swab several times a day. You can also use freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant for treatment. The course of treatment is up to a month.

With tonsillitis, tonsillitis

With this pathology, alcohol tincture is used, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 3. This solution is used for treatment with compresses. Multilayer gauze is wetted and applied to the neck area, followed by the application of a film and woolen fabric. The compress holds for 20 to 30 minutes, then is removed.
Compresses can be alternated with the application of undiluted alcohol tincture in the form of a grid on the neck. After five to ten minutes, the product is removed from the skin of the neck.

Indian onion for diabetes

Often a complication of diabetes is trophic and poorly healing ulcers. In this case, the juice of the plant, with which trophic ulcers are lubricated, has a positive effect on tissue regeneration. Treatment can be carried out with a fresh leaf of a plant.

To do this, a freshly cut sheet is cut in half and applied with fresh pulp to the ulcer, after which the pathological focus is covered with parchment. As the sheet dries, it changes. During the day, it is recommended to make three such compresses. The course of treatment continues until the ulcer is completely healed.

Papillomas and warts

Tincture of Indian onion gives a positive result in the fight against the papilloma virus. These skin lesions, including warts, are successfully regressed during treatment with the Birdsealer. For this, alcohol tincture or freshly squeezed plant juice is used. Problem areas of the skin twice a day are lubricated with this drug.

The benefits of juice, broth, infusion

Indian onion, in any of its dosage forms, gives a tangible effect in the treatment of various diseases. The successful use of the Poultry Shoulder in traditional medicine recipes is confirmed by its practical application. In some cases, the external use of the drug is successfully used in the complex treatment of various pathologies. In particular, it is successfully used, in the form of ointments, for skin oncology.

But not only with diseases, a positive effect on the pathological process of Indian onion was noted. The plant gives an effect when caring for the face and body.

Application in cosmetology

Poultry leaves are used as a component in the body scrub, which can be prepared independently.To do this, glycerin or liquid soap is added to the finely chopped leaves of the plant. In this composition, you can add a small amount of milk.


The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the body with massage movements. The crushed leaves of Indian onion well remove keratinized skin cells and contribute to the activation of metabolic processes.

In the presence of acne on the face or body, lubrication of the inflammatory elements with the juice of the plant leads to the rapid drying of pathological foci. The lubrication of the elements is carried out pointwise, that is, the juice or tincture of the plant is applied to each manifestation of skin inflammation.


Despite the pronounced therapeutic effect, Indian onion has its contraindications. Not all patients are shown treatment with traditional medicine recipes.


No therapy with medicinal forms of the plant is carried out in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  • an allergic reaction of the body - poultry juice can cause skin burns, tissue swelling, itching, skin rashes with individual intolerance to plant components. Before starting treatment, a skin test for an allergy in the elbow area is mandatory. If a positive reaction of the skin is noted, then this remedy is not used;
  • the presence of hemophilia - a pronounced vasodilating effect that accompanies the action of plant components, can complicate the course of the underlying disease.


In other cases, therapy with various dosage forms of Indian onion gives good results and improves the patient's quality of life.