In April there are many name days for both men and women. The church calendar allows you to compare names and dates. It is pleasant and joyful to celebrate the name day in April, because it is a beautiful spring month, which always gives pleasure to practically established warm weather and sunny days.

April Church Name Day

The custom to name in honor of the holy born children appeared after Christianity was adopted in Russia, in connection with which the people were baptized. Our ancestors were absolutely convinced that the patron saint of the name chosen for the child would protect and direct his beloved child throughout his life. Therefore, earlier it was selected not only by beauty, which is most often happening now, but also taking into account many objective factors.

As a rule, the name of the child is the day whose date the date is mentioned in a special church calendar. In deeply believing families, this holiday is often celebrated no less solemnly than another birthday.
Saints are a special calendar, every new day in which is dedicated to the commemoration of a saint. Indications of the days of remembrance of these saints can be quite easily found in the month of the month. It necessarily contains marks on the annual circle of church holidays.


There are a lot of male birthday in April. Usually in the calendar for this spring month old Slavonic names come across. If the parents have chosen a modern option for their child, which is not on the list, then they should seek help from the priest. The latter will help you choose a name that is consonant with your favorite.

So, on the first day of the name day, three male names immediately mark. If we talk about common ones, then these are Ivan and Dmitry. And Innocent is also worth congratulating.
On the second of the day, Victor, German, Maxim, Sergey and Nikita have a holiday.The third is with Cyril. There are some other options on the list, but they are less common and almost not used today. For example, among such Abraham (April 8), Isaac (11th), Sevastyan (19th), Terenty (23rd), Aristarchus, Lukyan (28th).

Each person can find a complete list of names on the church calendar. The father in the nearest church will probably agree to give information about the option that the parents are interested in.

Recently, beautiful old Orthodox Orthodox names for boys began to be used more and more. For example, Miron. A boy with this name will celebrate his April name day on the 2nd. And also Makar (5th number), Zakhar (6th number), Tikhon (7th number), Ephraim (9th number), Yefim (14th number), Gabriel (22nd number), Lukyan (28th number).


And also in April, there are many women's birthday. Interestingly, men are found almost daily, but there are small breaks with women. For example, ladies born on April 3, as well as the period from 9 to 12, from 22 to 24, turned out to be without them at all. If we talk about the names that are widespread today and always popular, the following can be noted: Daria - April 1, Alexandra, Svetlana - April 2, Anastasia - April 5 and 28, Anna - April 13, Maria - April 14, 17 and 21, Irina - April 29th. As you can see, in the carriers of some names in the second spring month there are several holidays. So, Masha’s name day fell on three different days at once.
Among the rarely used female names today, it is worth noting the following: Claudia - April 2, Praskovia - April 2 and 8, Akulin and Evdokia - April 20, Martha - April 25 and 26. Although experts note that in the past five years, young parents have increasingly begun to pay attention to such options when a girl appears in the family.

It is believed that if a person has a lot of Angel Days throughout the year, then he should not celebrate them every time. The best option is to choose the closest day to the date of your birth.

Features of the selection of a name for the child

Many are faced with the fact that often parents choose a name for the child solely by its beauty and sound. And this is a big and unforgivable mistake. You must always remember - the name has a great influence on the character and even on the fate of the child. Therefore, before naming the baby with the chosen option, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its meaning, study in detail all its details and important characteristics.

Choosing the names according to the church calendar, you must certainly think about the consonance with the middle name and surname, which is very significant for a boy or girl. Sometimes their parents simply forget about this crucial aspect, and an already grown child will experience suffering and inconvenience all his life. Especially if you choose a job at which he is regularly called by name and patronymic.
It should be remembered that many modern popular names that are not in the calendar, when baptizing a child, will have to be replaced with others. The father will offer similar or simply suitable by date options. For example, it certainly will not work to baptize Leonard, Marcel, Dionysus, Daniel, Elina, Eleanor, Victoria with her own name.

Angel Day in April is celebrated by so many people. On such a solemn date, it is customary to bake a birthday cake and invite godparents to visit.