Do you think losing a month to 30 kilograms is unrealistic? This is quite possible if you adhere to a chemical diet for 4 weeks. Its author is a brilliant professor Osama Hamdiy. Hearing the name, many will not even dare to find out the details, all because the word "chemical" scares. But this method is far from the consumption of harmful substances, the chemical diet menu for 4 weeks consists only of healthy products that are available to everyone.

General principles and features of nutrition

Initially, Japanese doctor Osama Hamdy developed this nutritional technique for people with diabetes. But over time, the diet was corrected, and now it is intended for everyone who wants to lose a few extra kilos without starving themselves. The technique is also suitable for people with overweight.

Do not be alarmed by the name of a chemical diet for 4 weeks; there are no chemicals on the menu.

You will eat regular foods except for some of their types.

Why does weight go away?

A diet based on chemical reactions is based, they will occur in the body losing weight due to:

  1. Reducing the amount of salt in the diet.
  2. Consuming only low-carb meals. This will cause the body to destroy stored fatty tissue.
  3. High protein food is the basis of the diet. Proteins help the body get enough for a long time, so there will be no feeling of hunger, and you do not want to eat.
  4. A chemical reaction will occur through a combination of menu ingredients, so it is not recommended to replace something or not to consume food.

Diet refers to low-carb protein techniques. Such a diet guarantees weight reduction, but you must strictly follow the instructions, stick to the menu. The result depends on the initial weight of the slimming, and on average is from 10 to 30 kg.

If for some reason you broke, then you don’t have to continue, but start from the very beginning, so think carefully before eating something forbidden.

The principles of nutrition are simple:

  1. If the proposed menu does not indicate the weight of the dish, then you can eat it until the body is full, but the main thing is not to overeat. Every time you need to leave the table with a slight feeling that you are undernourished, you could still have a piece. But no, another piece is impossible! Literally in 5-10 minutes. the food you eat “settles” and you realize that you ate enough.
  2. Weighing recommended every day is the key to success. You will see that the weight goes away, and this will be an incentive to continue the diet. You need to weigh yourself in the morning, on an empty stomach, clothes are the lightest (underwear, shirt).
  3. With such a diet, severe hunger rarely occurs at first. If you decide that you will not reach the next meal, then eat a slice of cucumber or a piece of tomato, but not earlier than one and a half to two hours after the previous meal.
  4. You need to drink water! And this is not about tea, juices and broths - these are liquids. Drink at least 2 liters of the simplest, purified, but not boiled water per day.
  5. Vegetables are consumed in boiled and raw form, everything is possible, except for potatoes.
  6. Salt - in minimal volumes.
  7. All oils are prohibited.
  8. Sugar and sweet foods are prohibited.
  9. No pasta, rolls and bread, pastry.
  10. The last meal - no later than two hours before bedtime.
  11. The diet is recommended once a year, but if you are not satisfied with the result, it is allowed to repeat it.
  12. Dishes of the menu cannot be interchanged, replaced by others.

The rules aren't that complicated. Everyone is capable of observing them, and you only need to be patient for a month.

Advantages and disadvantages of a chemical diet

Consider first the disadvantages and advantages of the technique.

Cons of a chemical diet:

  1. Like any other technique, it involves the rejection of many products and dishes. Harmful high-carb and fried foods are deposited on the body in the form of fat.
  2. The chemical diet is very strict, it does not allow even a slight relaxation, a breakdown, you have to start again if something from the forbidden list has got into the body.
  3. A complete rejection of alcohol, even a small portion of wine is completely contraindicated.
  4. The breakfast menu for the month is very monotonous.

On this shortcomings end.

What good is obtained from the diet, if you come to terms with the minuses:

  1. Fast and productive weight loss. Fats disappear evenly, so there will be no problems with sagging skin.
  2. Hunger is not felt, many dishes can be eaten to the full.
  3. The technique is applicable for people with diabetes.
  4. The diet has no age restrictions, does no harm.
  5. Psychological comfort, joy - all this comes from the realization that losing weight is obtained.
  6. Improving overall well-being and health through the combustion of fats, the transition to a healthy and proper diet.
  7. An addiction to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. Many losing weight were able to completely abandon the sweet, bakery and confectionery products even after leaving the diet.
  8. The result is long, if from the first day after the completion of the diet does not start again, there is everything in a row.

It is worth suffering just a month without cakes, fried chicken and other harmful dishes for the sake of physical and psychological transformation. It's not that much.

Table of allowed and prohibited products

This table will help clean the refrigerator from all unnecessary and forbidden.

CanIt is impossible
Beef, pork, rabbit, birdMutton
Oranges, grapefruits, apples, kiwi, lemonBananas, grapes, dates, mangoes
Cabbage (any), carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetablesPotatoes
Rye and whole-zeon dried breadPremium bakery products
Tea, coffee, natural juice, compotesPasta
Skim cheeseAlcoholic and carbonated drinks
Fish: pollock, hake, trout, pink salmon, salmonVegetable, butter, margarine
Any seafoodPreservatives
Tomato pasteMarinades
Minimal saltMayonnaise
Skim milk productsKetchup, like other sauces, spicy sugar
Honey in minimal quantitiesMilk
Hard cheese and low-fat cheeseKefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream
Dried fruits: apples, pear, prunesRaisins

This is not too harsh. The main thing - you can eat meat, vegetables, fruits. You don’t have to starve on such a diet.

4 weeks menu

We turn to the most interesting - the menu. Based on the allowed products, the diet is varied, you can eat tasty and healthy.

First week

Breakfast for the whole week for every day should consist of the following products:

  • a pair of hard-boiled eggs;
  • 0.5 oranges, and preferably grapefruit, as it helps to burn fat.

Lunches of the first week:

  1. Mon - a fruit that is allowed. Eat your fill, but do not overdo it.
  2. Tue - poultry, tomato and cucumber to garnish, dessert - grapefruit.
  3. Sr - toast from a piece of rye bread, low-fat cheese (ideally feta cheese), tomato.
  4. Th - fruit.
  5. Fri - vegetables, a couple of eggs.
  6. Sat is a fruit.
  7. Sun - poultry grilled, garnished with cooked vegetables or fresh cucumbers. Dessert - grapefruit (you can also orange).


  1. Mon - lean meat (beef, pork without fat, rabbit, chicken, turkey) - grill.
  2. W - toast from a piece of whole grain bread, two hard-boiled eggs, orange / grapefruit.
  3. Wed - meat (any of Monday's list).
  4. Thu - meat (from Monday's list), garnished with lettuce.
  5. Fri - white fish with a side dish of lettuce, grapefruit (orange).
  6. Sat - meat (from the list on Monday).
  7. Sun - vegetables.

Second week

This week's breakfast is the same as the previous one.


  1. Mon - two hard boiled eggs, lettuce.
  2. W - meat or fish, a side dish of lettuce.
  3. Wed - the menu of the previous day.
  4. Th - a salad of steamed vegetables with feta cheese, a couple of chicken eggs.
  5. Fri - steamed seafood or allowed fish.
  6. Sat - salad leaves with meat, grapefruit.
  7. Sun - steamed chicken breast, tomatoes, citrus.


  1. Mon - two eggs and a grapefruit.
  2. Tue and Wed - last day is duplicated, only grapefruit is allowed to change to orange.
  3. For the next three days in the evening, eat fruit (one day - one kind of fruit).
  4. Sun - chicken with a side dish of fresh tomatoes, orange / grapefruit.

Third week

This period is based on a mono-diet - only one product is allowed to eat all day. But you can eat it in any quantities, preferably observing the regime of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The Osama Hamdiy diet offers a good menu:

  1. Mon - fruits (one species).
  2. T - steamed vegetables, fresh lettuce.
  3. Wed - vegetables (carrots, cabbage, pumpkin) for a couple or one type of fresh fruit from the list of allowed products.
  4. Thu - fish and lettuce.
  5. Fri - chicken.
  6. Sat - fruits.
  7. Sun - fruits.

Fourth week

This is an interesting week. Here for each day in a specific quantity a set of products is given. It needs to be distributed independently, eat in any order and in a convenient combination.

Product Kits:

  1. Mon - tomatoes and cucumbers (no quantity restrictions), 200 g of allowed fish and lean meat (all boiled), one orange and one grapefruit each.
  2. Tue - four fruits from the “May” list, a couple of toasts from thin slices of rye bread, cucumbers, tomatoes - not limited.
  3. Wed - two tomatoes, orange and grapefruit, 100 g of dietary cottage cheese, two toasts from thin slices of rye bread, 200 g of steamed vegetables.
  4. Thu - two cucumbers and tomatoes, one orange and one grapefruit, about 500 g of chicken.
  5. Fri - two eggs, grapefruit, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce.
  6. Sat - 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, cucumber and toast from a piece of whole grain bread, 0.2 kg of poultry per couple.
  7. Sun - one orange and one grapefruit, a dried slice of whole grain bread, 150 g of boiled fish and 200 g of boiled vegetables, a couple of fresh medium-sized tomatoes.


  1. For four weeks, you can drink water, tea (green, herbal, black) in any quantity. Coffee is not recommended, but not much.
  2. Slightly salted meat before meals, but not during cooking.
  3. It is allowed to cut vegetables with salad, then sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. If you do not like eggs, you can only eat egg white. If you still don’t like it, then replace them with fat-free cottage cheese, a portion of 200 gr.
  5. In order for metabolism to work better, drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice every day 20-30 minutes before breakfast (a tablespoon per glass is enough). This can be done not only with weight loss, but also every day.

Remember, it will be hard only during the first week. You yourself will note that your well-being is improving and there are no longer wanting prohibited foods.

How to get out of a diet

You can not arrange a "feast for the whole world" at the end of a four-week diet. If you immediately start eating everything that was forbidden, you can damage the digestive tract. Many who went wrong on the diet complained of a stomach ache, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, constipation.

You need to go out of the diet gradually, and return to your usual food carefully.

At the end of the course, the following menu is recommended for the week:

  1. In the morning - porridge on water from oatmeal, 150 g of cottage cheese with berries.
  2. Snack between breakfast and lunch - yogurt, fruit.
  3. For lunch, soup in meat broth or buckwheat with stew, juice or tea.
  4. Snack - a handful of berries or fruit.
  5. Dinner - white fish cooked or baked without butter with rice or vegetables or an omelet from two eggs with ham and a piece of bread with cheese.
  6. A couple of hours before bedtime - kefir.

Gradually introduce prohibited foods in the diet, and eat them only in small portions.

Contraindications and side effects

Any diet is stress for the body, and for some people this is simply unacceptable.

You can not apply the technique in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergy to citrus and high protein foods;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • heart and vascular diseases.

Before using a diet, you need to consult a doctor.

Side effects are possible in the form of:

  • dizziness, headache, panic, depression, unjustified aggression - a consequence of malnutrition, a change in diet, and refusal of your favorite foods;
  • dry skin, brittle nails and hair, pallor - as a result of a lack of vitamins;
  • even more weight gain - it can happen due to a breakdown. For example, you lasted a week, then decided to quit, began to eat the same or even more than before. The body sensed the danger of starvation and decided to start saving more fat on the "rainy days".

If you feel severe dizziness, stop the diet, try another one, for example, “Kremlin”, it is also based on protein foods, but there is a more satisfying and varied menu.

If you can hold out for a month, you will see a wonderful result in weight loss. Remember that hunger is only in your subconscious, you just want food, that is, taste and chew. If you control it, the body will quickly switch to the consumption of deferred fats, during the burning of which weight loss occurs.