Hungarian goulash is a great option for a hearty, tasty, fragrant dish that diversifies your usual lunch. We offer several options on how to cook beef goulash in Hungarian, recipes for every taste.

Classic Hungarian Beef Goulash

You can cook goulash in a traditional style from the following components:

  • beef - 500 gr;
  • onion - 1 small head;
  • sweet pepper - 1 unit;
  • peeled tomato - 2 units;
  • cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • red pepper - a pinch;
  • red dry wine - 50 ml;
  • a little oil - 1-2 table. l

Rinse the beef thoroughly under running water, if necessary, remove the veins and films - so the meat will turn out more tender. Cut into small pieces, approximately 2 by 3 cm in size.

Rinse the vegetables, peel and cut into small cubes, approximately 1 cm.

Fry goulash in oil for a third of an hour, stirring occasionally. After we add vegetables, spices, mix again, simmer everything in our own juice for about ten minutes. Then pour the wine, a glass of water, cover, reduce heat and simmer for half an hour or forty minutes.

It is recommended to cook the dish in a pan with a thick bottom, stewpan or casserole.

On a note. The skin of tomatoes will be easily separated from the pulp of the fruit, if they are lowered for 5-7 minutes in boiling water. Further, an incision is made in the form of the letter “X” on the underside of the fetus, and the skin is removed from it.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

The method of cooking goulash in a slow cooker is not very different from the standard method - on a stove or in a pan.


For frying, the “Frying” mode is set at the same time as is necessary for classic cooking. The lid does not close.

Next, the meat is cooked with vegetables in the "Stew" mode. The cover must be closed. It should be noted that cold water cannot be poured into the preheated capacity of the multicooker - this way the coating spoils.Pour pre-heated water. You can use vegetable / meat broth.

Hungarian goulash soup

A little thick Hungarian goulash, it turns out, according to the following recipe:

  • beef brisket - 600 gr;
  • potatoes - 600 gr;
  • onions - 200 gr;
  • grated tomatoes - 80 gr;
  • sweet pepper - 200-300 gr;
  • Hungarian paprika (spice) - 2-3 tsp. (with a slide)
  • salt - 1-2 tsp;
  • oil post. - 4-6 Art. l

We clean the onion, cut into small cubes, fry in oil.

Meanwhile, rinse the meat tenderloin, cut into slices and send it to fry with the onion for a quarter hour. At this stage, add spices and salt, mix well with a spoon.

Boil the kettle. Pour a couple of glasses of boiling water to the meat and leave to stew.

In the meantime, we prepare the rest of the ingredients: rinse the vegetables, peel the seeds, and peel the potatoes. We cut the potatoes into a cube and send it to the meat. Continue to cook another 10-15 minutes. After we add the tomatoes and peppers. Cook for another 5-7 minutes, stirring. Turn off the fire and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Hungarian goulash soup is ready. Before serving, you can add herbs and sour cream.

On a note. It is recommended to add a teaspoon of granulated sugar - the goulash sauce will turn out to be slightly sweet, very tasty.

Vienna goulash - bograch

The number of products is designed for a five-liter cauldron. It is recommended to adjust the measure depending on the available pan volume and the planned number of servings.

  • 150 grams of fat without layers;
  • 700 gr of veal tenderloin;
  • 800 grams of pork drumstick;
  • 250 gr smoked sausages;
  • 250 gr smoked ribs;
  • medium carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 4 sweet tomatoes;
  • head of garlic;
  • greenery bunch;
  • at the request of a little chili;
  • dried bell peppers - 2 tables. l .;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 150 ml dry red the fault.

Cooking begins with the preparation of the ingredients: all vegetables are rinsed, peeled.

We cut the fat into small strips, veal into slices, divide the ribs into separate bones with meat, sausage into small pieces. Onion - a small cube.

First of all, fry lard with onions and spices. After ten minutes, we lay out all the other meat components (except for sausage), including the washed drumstick. Fill with water so that all meat is covered with water. Cook for two to two and a half hours, until the meat on the shin begins to lag behind the bone. Periodically, water must be added so that it remains at the same level.

We cut the peeled carrots into a small cube, similar in size to onion slices. At this point, you can remove the shin, leave to cool and then disassemble into pieces.

Grate the garlic on a fine grater.

In goulash, put chopped drumstick, diced potatoes, pepper, garlic, sausage. Mix well. Salt, add the remaining spices and mix again.

We spread the tomatoes, diced. We cook for ten minutes, pour the wine, put the chopped greens and cook another five to seven minutes.

With beef tomato paste

The following recipe involves cooking a very simple, and at the same time delicious goulash.

The components are as follows:

  • beef - 600 gr;
  • onions - 500 gr;
  • potatoes - 400 gr;
  • salt, pepper, "For beef" spices;
  • olive oil - 3 tables. l .;
  • tomato paste - 100 ml.

In heated oil, fry the onion half rings. After a few minutes, add the meat, cut into small slices. Sprinkle with salt and spices, mix and cook for several minutes, until the pieces are slightly browned. Then dilute the tomato paste in one and a half glasses of water and pour the meat with onions in the sauce, mix and leave to simmer for an hour under the lid.

In the meantime, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. When the meat is ready, put the potatoes to it, mix and simmer under the lid for another 15-20 minutes, until the potatoes are cooked.

Goulash with bell pepper

The traditional goulash recipe contains sweet bell pepper.To make the dish more sweet, the amount of this vegetable can be increased at your discretion, not forgetting to strengthen the taste with ground paprika.


The dish will look even more interesting if you add multi-colored peppercorns - yellow, red and green. Vegetables are cut into cubes.