You can talk as much as you like about the dangers of alcohol, but it is always present at any holiday table. A glass of cold champagne always accompanies significant events, and not a single barbecue trip can do without foamy beer. Alcoholic cocktails are also very popular, and a special place among them is occupied by hot ones. The most famous is mulled wine, followed by the grog. And if everything is more or less clear with the first drink, then that such a grog is not known to everyone. Let's correct this annoying misunderstanding and get to know this drink better.

What is grog? Appearance story

There are a lot of legends about how and when this cocktail was invented. Embellishing the stories with incredible details, all the storytellers agree on one thing - the grog first appeared on the ships of the English fleet.

Since the time of the first sailors, the problem of fresh water on board has always been more acute than others. Sailors traditionally drank water and beer on voyages, but the first bloomed quickly, and the second ran out of steam. When in the middle of the XVII century the ships of the British Crown arrived in Jamaica, it turned out that there was neither one nor the other in sufficient numbers on the island. But there is a rum, which rescued the sailors and soon became a profitable trade.

After almost a century, rum was introduced into the daily diet of sailors. The daily norm was half a pint, which corresponds to about a whole glass of a strong (80 degrees) alcoholic drink. The sailors did not celebrate for long, exactly until 1740. In that bleak summer, Vice Admiral Edward Vernon legitimized the need to dilute rum with water.Well, what a disgrace when all the sailors are drunk and discipline is lame? The innovation in the Navy was received without enthusiasm and the new cocktail was called an abusive grog.

The name of the drink was given by sailors in honor of its author, or rather, in honor of a camisole from Faya (grogramcloak), which he did not take off in any weather.

To improve the taste of the cocktail, sugar was added to it, and later lime to prevent scurvy. Grog perfectly warmed on chilly days, if it was heated and spices were added.

Over time, the sailors fell in love with the drink and, twice a day, hearing the call "UpSpirit!"

But the problem of discipline was not completely resolved and, after almost a century later, the portion was again cut back. The equivalent of the grog norm in 1823 began to be four of today's double whiskeys! No matter how they cajoled the sailors with a double portion of meat, a cup of cocoa and an increase in cash benefits, it was difficult to call them satisfied.


The harm of alcohol became more and more obvious and a real threat loomed over the grog in the fleet. By the middle of the 19th century, American sea wolves were left without a favorite drink, and in 1970, sailors of the British Kingdom sadly celebrated Black Stack Day.

Grog was expelled from the fleet, but he, like an old sailor, remained to live in the ports of many countries of the world. Already from there, he confidently spread to the continents, reaching the most elite restaurants. Today this alcoholic cocktail is one of the most popular in the world, to which it owes not only great taste, but also the spirit of adventure and adventure.

How to cook grog at home, the main ingredients

Grog is one of the oldest cocktails. For more than 270 years it has been cooked in all corners of the planet. It so happened that this drink does not have a strict recipe and this, of course, is only at hand. He was born from two components - water and rum, but now only water remains the only predictable ingredient. The grog is now being prepared on the basis of whiskey, and vodka, and wine - if only it would burn. And spices are added just an unlimited amount. It all depends on the imagination, the availability of ingredients, and the appropriateness of flavor combinations. Although taste is such a subjective concept that components that are absolutely incompatible at first glance can become gastronomic chic for true gourmets.

Despite the fact that the authorship of grog, mulled wine and other hot cocktails is attributed to different European countries, the origins of these drinks should be sought somewhere in the Middle East. Nomads Arabs and Indians there prepared a cocktail called punch (paantsch, panch), which in Sanskrit means "five."

So many ingredients were in the composition of the hot drink:

  • water;
  • tea;
  • rum;
  • lemon juice;
  • sugar or molasses.

It is clear that over the centuries the recipe has undergone many changes. Now, the grog can’t do without the author’s zest. It is made not only from various alcoholic drinks, but even from several at once. The main thing is to calculate your strength so that pleasure does not turn into a painful hangover.

In English pubs it is customary to serve Grog No. 1. Its composition is almost authentic and involves a mixture of sweet water with rum, lemon juice and spices. Usually this is a leaf of mint, a stick of cinnamon and clove. The finished drink is obtained by fortress within 15-20 degrees. The cost of grog in European pubs is significantly higher than that of cold alcoholic cocktails. Apparently, "throw" for gas consumption for heating. Therefore, we will prepare grog at home - cheap, tasty, a lot and with soul.

Read also: clove spice: useful properties and contraindications

Beverage Recipes

As you might guess, dozens of grog recipes can be invented - there would be good alcohol. There are no strict cooking canons either. The only thing to stick to is the temperature regime. Do not boil your grog, but languish at a temperature not exceeding 70 ºС. If you overheat, the cocktail will abruptly beat in the nose with alcohol, and this is a very dubious pleasure.

Grog is traditionally served in glasses called irish. These are glasses with a handle made of thick glass.

They are tall and usually straight or only slightly expanding upward for ease of drinking. This form allows the drink to maintain temperature for a long time. Often for the same purposes they put on a special mittens.

Grog, classic recipe

To prepare a strong warming grog you will need:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 200 ml of white rum;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • lemon.

Slow down your imagination. Remember, we are on the ship and our holds do not burst with strawberry syrup and ginger root. The arsenal is limited, winds blow, sailors knocking circles on the table. Let's get started!

  1. Pour water into a bowl and immediately add rum.
  2. Squeeze juice from a third of a lemon directly into a cold cocktail.
  3. Put the dishes on a fire and slowly heat, but do not boil.
  4. When the drink becomes warm, add sugar. Instead, you can use honey.
  5. Try a drink, add lemon or sugar as desired and remove from the stove.
  6. Pour into irish and serve with your plaid and snacks to your homemade “sailors”.

The classic recipe that Vernon proposed back in 1740 suggests diluting rum with water in equal proportions. But you can safely reduce the amount of rum by half or even four times, as did the admirals of the English flotilla in order to save and keep sailors on two legs.

Tea grog: a recipe at home


Grog is also prepared on the basis of black tea. His taste from this becomes more saturated and deep. You can take any tea, but it is best to brew Earl Gray or English Breakfast. In the best English traditions, so to speak. It is not forbidden to include floral or fruit additives in the tea composition. The grog on cherry tea will taste great.

Before you cook grog, prepare the ingredients from the previous recipe, as well as cinnamon and strawberry syrup.

  1. Brew tea and pour into a small pot.
  2. Add spices, lemon juice and the remnants of peeled lemon to it.
  3. Pour in rum and warm, not allowing to boil.
  4. Sweeten and immediately pour into glasses.
  5. Add a little syrup and berry to each glass for decoration.

Apple grog


It is very fragrant and healthy. You can take apples and work a little, but the result will simply delight you. If there is no time, just use apple juice.

  • sweet and sour apples, 5 pieces;
  • water and rum 4 cups;
  • honey or sugar;
  • ground cinnamon.

At the preparation stage, apples will be baked, so you can take more of them to serve as a dessert for a hot cocktail.

  1. Peel apples, pour in honey, or grind sugar and cinnamon. Bake until cooked in the oven.
  2. Grind the fruits in a blender and heat the water in a saucepan.
  3. Put the applesauce in the dishes and add the rum. Boil it.

Your apple grog is ready. If you prefer juice, then just mix juice and rum in equal proportions, add spices and pour into glasses.

Wine grog

We will not understand how the grog on wine differs from mulled wine. Just make a tasty drink whipped up.

  • dry red wine;
  • cranberry juice;
  • water;
  • sugar, honey or cranberry syrup;
  • mint and thyme.

There should be as much water and juice as wine, but you can vary the strength of the drink yourself.

  1. Pour the mint with thyme and boil. Let it brew.
  2. Pour cranberry juice into the cooled infusion and heat it again.
  3. Add sugar and wine. Do not let it boil, turn off the gas.

Lady's grog

Grog is a drink of real bearded men. And what about the ladies? Indeed, the cocktail of sailors is quite sharp and generally does not at all resemble a martini with olive. We suggest slightly changing the composition of the cocktail, making it softer, more refined and sweeter.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • a glass of cognac and raspberry liqueur;
  • half a glass of red wine;
  • a glass of raspberry syrup;
  • sugar (a little, do not overdo it);
  • spices, as usual - mint, cinnamon, cloves.

You can safely replace raspberry ingredients with cherry or strawberry.

  1. Heat the wine, add syrup and spices to it.
  2. Try it and add some sugar.
  3. Remove the wine from the stove, add cognac and liquor.

Be careful, such a cocktail is sweet and tasty, is drunk in one breath and just as quickly sends to a knockout.

Helgoland grog


Pondering what to cook for a long time - grog or mulled wine? Do not rack your brains, do two-in-one!

  • red wine and rum (in proportions 3: 2);
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • lemon.

The cooking process will not surprise you.

  1. Combine wine with rum and water in a bowl, heat, but do not boil.
  2. Add sugar and lemon juice.
  3. Remove from the stove and pour into the glasses.

Add any spices or fruits if desired. It will no longer be the Gelgold grog, so what? The main thing that comes out delicious!

Non-alcoholic grog

In the Navy, there was no question of dislike for alcohol. It is said to drink - it is necessary to drink. Even the corresponding order is, signed by the queen herself. But, thank God, we are not in the Navy, and we can afford to exclude rum from the grog. For pregnant women and children during the period of a cold epidemic, such a drink will be an excellent prevention and restorative remedy.

You will need:

  • black tea or hibiscus tea;
  • sugar or honey;
  • fruit juices (apple, cherry, raspberry) or whole berries and fruits;
  • lemon;
  • spices - cloves, cinnamon, allspice.

The recipe is classic.

  1. Brew tea and pour into a small saucepan.
  2. Add the grated berries and finely chopped apple.
  3. Squeeze lemon juice and inject sugar.
  4. Throw spices into a boiling mixture.
  5. Mix the cocktail thoroughly, remove from heat, let it brew.
  6. Remove peppercorns and pour into cups.

Vodka grog

This recipe is not for pleasure, but for raising the sick and frozen to their feet. You can’t drink a lot of such a drink and cannot be classified as a culinary delight. This grog is a real means of survival.

  • vodka;
  • very strong tea (in equal proportions);
  • sugar.

Boil vodka with sugar. Make tea at the same time. Plain black, no frills. Mix the ingredients and give your sailors caught in a fierce storm or just dug up the car for three hours in the cold. Drink the drink in small sips and a little.

Rum grog

Remember our classic grog drink recipe at home? Now imagine that you are finally at the port and you can choose the best supplements that the soul asks for. Finally, drink a strong, but refined grog!

Prepare a drink in tea or water, and at the stage of heating, enter any spices. It can be black pepper, star anise, cinnamon, cloves. At your disposal any berries and citruses. A great solution would be to add strawberry and peach syrups. Instead of water and tea, you can safely use cranberry juice, cherry or apple juice.

Grog "Honey"

Sweet and fragrant, it has a lower rum content and a large amount of honey and strong tea.

  1. Brew your favorite tea and throw cinnamon, cloves and star anise in the teapot.
  2. When the tea is infused, squeeze a lemon into it and throw it directly into the teapot with the crust.
  3. Preheat rum and pour into cups, filling them 1/3.
  4. Add tea with spices and in each cup put a spoonful of honey. Shuffle.

Grog "Sea"

Any grog can be called sea, but ours will be prepared with the addition of cognac and coffee.

  • half a cup of coffee;
  • two glasses of rum;
  • a glass of cognac;
  • sugar and lemon.

Brew natural coffee, add alcohol and sugar to it. Squeeze the lemon juice and rub it with grated lemon peel. Serve with cheese platter and honey.

Exotic fruit grog

Suppose your team has been swimming for a long time and it is rather difficult to surprise her with something. And you try!

To do this, take:

  • white rum and black tea;
  • syrups - coconut and passion fruit;
  • citruses - lemon and orange;
  • fruits - apple, kiwi, pineapple;
  • spices - cloves, cinnamon, black pepper.

With a glass of such a grog you will feel at least in Hawaii!

  1. Mix tea and rum in a saucepan and set on low heat.
  2. Finely chop fruits and citruses. Immediately throw in a warming cocktail.
  3. Pour in a spoonful of syrups, chop with ground cinnamon and pepper.
  4. Without boiling, remove from heat and immediately pour into glasses. Serve hot.

Do not forget cocktail umbrellas and tubes, otherwise the picture will be incomplete.

Toddy grog with dark rum

Of course, you are already tired of cooking grog, but there is still one more recipe that you can save for yourself. This drink is also called captain's tea, and who is the captain in the kitchen, if not you? Indulge yourself with a glass of strong drink!

You will need:

  • rum and tea, both black as slaves in your hold;
  • grenadine;
  • citruses - lemon and orange;
  • exotic - carambola (replace with pineapple);
  • spices - mint, cinnamon, cloves.

The proportions of rum and tea are determined by yourself. If you do not want a riot on the ship, it is better to breed rum in the proportions of 1: 3.

  1. Brew tea and mix in a bowl with rum. Finely chop the citruses and toss into a smoothie. Send cinnamon and cloves there.
  2. Heat the cocktail, enjoy the aroma for a minute, add grenadine and remove from the stove.
  3. Pour into glasses, add a sheet of fresh mint and your exotic fruit.

Even the schoolboy knows that the English fleet has long been the best in the world. So maybe this is the merit of two daily glasses of grog? We will not guess, but rather we close our eyes and take a sip of the astringent, roasting, spicy drink with pleasure.