Not everyone knows that many drugs can solve various cosmetic problems. Heparin ointment for the face is an indispensable tool in the fight against age-related changes, rashes, redness, swelling, irritation and inflammation. However, possible contraindications to this remedy should be taken into account.

Composition of Heparin Ointment

Heparin ointment is produced by many pharmaceutical companies, so the composition of this tool may be slightly different.


However, the following active substances are used as the main active compounds:

  • heparin is a central component that has an anticoagulant effect and prevents blood clots;
  • benzocaine - has an analgesic effect, has a sedative effect;
  • benzyl nicotinate - the action of this substance is aimed at vasodilation and enhancing the effect of heparin.

In addition to the main components, heparin ointment contains a number of additional components. Excipients also have valuable properties that can positively affect the skin of a person. Glycerin is responsible for moisturizing, deep metabolism of the epidermis and smoothing wrinkles. Stearic acid protects from the negative effects of the external environment (ultraviolet rays of the sun, frost, wind).

And also nipagin is present in the composition - a substance with antibacterial activity, which inhibits pathogenic microorganisms, inhibiting their growth and development. Another important component is peach or almond oil - this component saturates the skin with vitamins, deeply nourishes, improves the external condition and affects intracellular processes.

Cosmetic use in skin care

This tool is used not only as a drug therapy, but also for cosmetic purposes. An ointment based on heparin is able to act and eliminate immediately a set of problems that are associated with the skin of the face.

From bags under the eyes and swelling

The skin in the eye area is extremely sensitive, so it requires gentle and gentle care. In this regard, it is recommended to apply a small amount of heparin ointment to eliminate bags under the eyes. First you need to clean the skin, then with light patting movements to treat the problem area. It is important to ensure that the ointment does not get on the mucous membranes. The procedure can be performed once a day.

To eliminate swelling on the face, you should use a clean bandage or a sterile sponge. Using these tools and a small amount of ointment, a compress is made. After it must be applied to the problem area and wait half an hour. The remnants of the product are carefully washed off with warm water. This procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

When wrinkles appear

The action of the active component of heparin ointment is aimed at restoring and rejuvenating the skin structure. To eliminate facial or age wrinkles, it is recommended to carefully apply a small amount of the product to problem areas. To enhance the effect of the drug should use cosmetic creams based on natural ingredients and essential oils. Additionally, you can drink a vitamin complex. Heparin ointment for wrinkles on the face is applied no more than 3-4 times a week.

For acne

An extremely important property of an ointment with heparin is the elimination of the inflammatory process and, as a result, acne on the skin of the face. It is preliminary recommended to treat the skin with an antiseptic. Then, the drug is applied pointwise and in small amounts until completely absorbed. The daily rate is up to three applications. The treatment course of acne ointment is at least ten days.

Facial Efficiency

Heparin ointment in cosmetology is a proven and reliable tool that can eliminate many cosmetic problems. This drug has been used for many years to deeply restore the epidermis and activate the regenerative ability of the skin.

Due to the restoring properties, the ointment has a wide range of effects and is able to eliminate:

  • excessive peeling of the skin;
  • dark spots;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • vascular network;
  • inflammatory process, which is accompanied by irritation and rashes;
  • facial wrinkles.

In addition, heparin ointment helps improve the tone and elasticity of the skin, has an effect on the microcirculation of the blood. And also thanks to the active component composition, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, valuable trace elements and vitamins.

Contraindications and side effects

Given that this is not just a reliable assistant in cosmetology, but also a medicine, there are a number of restrictions on the use of heparin ointment:

  1. Inadequate response of the immune system to the main component of the drug, which is expressed as an allergy.
  2. Disturbed blood coagulation process.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Open wounds, bleeding or any other violation of the integrity of the skin.
  5. Therapy with vasodilator drugs.
  6. Low platelet count in the blood.
  7. Age to 12 years.
  8. Cuperosis on the face.
  9. Diseases that are associated with the circulatory system.

Before use, it is recommended to test and apply a small amount of ointment to any area of ​​the skin.

If an allergy occurs or as a result of prolonged use, the risk of side effects is not excluded. Undesirable reactions of an allergic nature can manifest themselves in the form of severe burning, itching, swelling, peeling and dry skin. Often there is a vascular network, acne, rash, dermatitis, blue under the eyes. With pronounced side effects, you should stop using the product.