TSH increased - what does it mean for women

TSH is elevated in women - what this means is necessary to know in order not to miss a dangerous pathology. The concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone may vary due to ...

Pneumonia - symptoms in adults without fever

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult are usually quite noticeable. However, the situation changes with the atypical course of the disease, one of the options of which is the absence of its main symptom ...

The rate of white blood cells in women - a table of different ages

The main purpose of a woman given to her by nature is the bearing of a human baby. In this regard, their protective and adaptive functions are much more developed than ...

Blood urea is elevated - the reasons for what it means and how to treat it

High levels of urea can occur for a number of reasons. This is excessive alcohol consumption, the use of diuretics, diabetes, lead poisoning, kidney disease, cancer, pregnancy toxicosis or consumption ...

Sand in the kidneys - symptoms in women

Sand is the smallest formation of concentrated mineral salts and proteins (no larger than 0.9 mm), which are just beginning to appear in the kidneys and have not yet ...

Spleen: where it is and how it hurts

Few of us know the function of such an organ in the human body as the spleen. But he is responsible for the immune system, counteracting pathogens ...

Cardiac insufficiency of the stomach - what is it

Bad breath, belching, heartburn - these manifestations may indicate improper functioning of the sphincter. Cardiac pulp is a common disease that affects patients of different ...

Thrush in men: treatment at home

This infection is not a dangerous disease, but getting rid of it is quite difficult.Many try to cure it on their own, and someone turns to a specialist for help ....

White blood cells in the urine are elevated - causes in women

White blood cells are white blood cells, they are responsible for the functioning of the human immune system. There are several types that differ in the type of action. Elevated white blood cells in ...

Pertussis in adults - symptoms and treatment

Previously, this disease was considered exclusively childish. The Ministry of Health reports disappointing statistics that every year more and more adults become infected with this infection ....

How to raise hemoglobin at home quickly?

Hemoglobin is a complex protein that is responsible for supplying tissues and organs with oxygen. The level of this substance in the blood is an important indicator of the health of the body. Malnutrition, stress, ...

Green feces in an adult - reasons

If your stool color suddenly changes, you should not immediately panic - the reason may be absolutely not serious. Anxiety will be appropriate with a constant unusual ...

Hemoglobin norm in men by age - table

One of the most important components of the blood is hemoglobin. The norm in men by age (table) is presented below. With a decrease or increase in this component, they begin to develop ...

Adult diarrhea - home treatment

The problem of more frequent stools is always taken by surprise and can seriously spoil plans for the day. Therefore, the question is how to treat diarrhea in adults at home ...

Allergic rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

What is allergic rhinitis? Allergic rhinitis is one of the forms of the local abnormal reaction of the body with high sensitivity to various types of allergenic agents, in which ...

Pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Pancreatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas caused by an etiological factor. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute conditions are surgical ...

Perioral dermatitis, treatment: ointments and folk remedies

Human skin performs many important functions in the body. It is involved in heat and gas exchange, the release of toxins, is a barrier to harmful environmental influences. Diseases ...

Cold Allergy - Symptoms and Treatment

How does an allergy to cold manifest? Cold allergy is a pathological condition of the body that occurs in people with abnormal intolerance to low temperatures. It occurs in the following cases: If ...

Allergic conjunctivitis - symptoms and treatment

In 2013, the Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists announced disappointing data. According to foreign epidemiological studies, 15 to 40% of adults in ...

Red spots on the face: causes in women, men and children

Red spots on the face are a rather unpleasant symptom that negatively affects the appearance and self-esteem of a person, interferes with communication with people around, leads to ...

Bulimia: classification, causes, treatment

The term "bulimia" in recent years has become increasingly popular. It can be found both in scientific and in near-medical literature, as well as on the pages ...

Furuncle - treatment at home

A furuncle is called an acute inflammatory-purulent formation on the skin, starting with inflammation of the hair follicle with subsequent involvement of subcutaneous tissues in the process, which causes golden or white ...

Furuncle: causes and treatment of furunculosis

It happens that even a person with perfect skin once finds a painful abscess on some part of the body. This is the boil. An annoying cosmetic defect is not always harmless ...

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin: what is it and how to treat it

Keratoses are a group of diseases of the skin of non-inflammatory origin.Pathology is manifested in the appearance on the skin of benign neoplasms from single or multiple coarsened and keratinized tissues ...

Nevus - what is it

Approximately 75% of people of the Caucasian race have nevuses on their bodies (nevoid tumor). On average, an adult can count at least 20 nevi, and ...

Snoring in men: causes and treatment

Snoring - a specific sound made by sleeping people occurs in 30% of the population. They often include smokers, older members of society, as well as people, ...

Seizures in the corners of the mouth, causes and quick treatment of seizures and cracks

Seizures in the corners of the mouth (scientifically - angular cheilitis) is an inflammatory disease that occurs at least once in a person’s life. Accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, ...


