Tick ​​bite: how it looks on the human body, consequences, symptoms of infection, first aid for a bite ...

A tick is a tiny blood-sucking insect that is often found in forests. A tick bite can cause serious diseases that are difficult to treat. Where and when is most likely ...

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine: symptoms and signs, methods of treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is a serious disease in the course of which numerous pathological changes occur in the bones and cartilage. As a result of this, the ligaments are destroyed ...

Type 2 diabetes: diet and folk remedies at home

Every tenth inhabitant of the planet suffers from diabetes. At the same time, many people have been unaware of the disease for quite some time, writing off its symptoms as a general malaise ....

Subcutaneous tick on face and body - what does it look like, how to get rid of demodex? Symptoms ...

The development of demodecosis is provoked by subcutaneous ticks of the genus Demodex. In a non-hazardous amount, they are found in 96% of people, with an increase in the population, they undermine health and leave irreversible cosmetic ...

Psoriasis on the hands: symptoms and treatment of scaly lichen

One of the subspecies of chronic inflammatory diseases is psoriasis on the hands. This disease most often affects the hands, palms, as well as the area between the fingers. Besides unpleasant ...

Atypical pneumonia: symptoms in adults and children, pathogens of SARS, diagnosis, treatment and prevention ...

Inflammation of the lungs is a widespread disease that can be diagnosed and followed by therapy. The situation is more complicated if the patient develops SARS - to determine the presence of this ...

Arnold-Chiari syndrome: what is it, symptoms and diagnosis of brain pathology, treatment

Modern medicine can explain and cure the symptoms of various diseases. However, many phenomena occurring in the human body remain insufficiently studied, especially in those cases ...

Syphilis: symptoms and first signs, how the disease is transmitted, pathogen, diagnosis, treatment

Syphilis belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases that affect the entire body. It is characterized by skin and mucous rashes, which, in the absence of therapy, appear on the internal ...

Cognitive impairment: what it is, symptoms and treatment in children and adults

Cognitive impairment signals that the full functioning of the brain is severely impaired. Such patients are often little adapted to ordinary life and can not do without ...

Gouty arthritis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment with medicines and folk remedies, diet

Joint disease occurs with bouts of pain, joint deformation. Gouty arthritis (PA) can be treated with several groups of medications. A prerequisite for recovery is a low purine diet. Causes...

Glucose in urine - what does it mean? Causes of Glycosuria

Glucose (from the Greek word glykys - sweet) belongs to the class of carbohydrates, being an important source of energy for the human body. In this case, the concentration of the substance in the blood ...

Transfusiology - what is it? Basic concepts, functions of transfusion medicine

In modern medicine, there are many sections specializing in the study of different areas of the functioning of the human body. Transfusiology is studying a special aspect - the mixing of biological fluids, blood substitutes, ...

Norm of glucose in the blood: table by age, normal sugar level in the venous and capillary ...

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by its imperceptible onset. To prevent pathology, knowledge about the rate of glucose in the blood will help. Even a slight deviation should cause caution. Perhaps this way ...

Hemorrhagic rash (purpura on the skin) in children and adults: causes, a symptom of what diseases is, ...

Rashes are always a sign of a malfunction in the internal workings of the body. A hemorrhagic rash can occur in various diseases, so it’s extremely not necessary to make a diagnosis yourself ...

Klebsiella pneumonia (Klebsiella pneumoniae) - what diseases does the bacterium cause? Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Many bacteria live in the human body. Some are completely safe for him, while others, when their number exceeds the norm, can cause significant damage to health ....

A man’s itch mite: how it looks, how long it lives, how to get rid, symptoms and treatment of scabies

Skin diseases are a very common and unpleasant pathology. In view of the specific symptoms, such conditions can bring a person a lot of inconvenience. Especially when it comes to ...

Neurosyphilis: symptoms early and late, diagnosis, treatment

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. The causative agent of the disease is pale treponema. The disease has a chronic course. Affecting various organs, the pathological process contributes to the violation ...

What is arrhythmia: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias

Impaired heart functionality is a diagnosis that is by no means a rarity for modern humans. Moreover, not all diseases are harmless: most of them are dangerous ...

Toxic hepatitis of the liver: symptoms and treatment, disease options

The liver is an organ that is part of the gastrointestinal tract and plays an important role in cleansing the blood of toxins that enter. Any impaired liver function entails ...

What to do if a tick has bitten: methods of removal, symptoms of diseases transmitted by a tick bite, diagnosis ...

Small bloodsuckers and peddlers of the most dangerous diseases in nature are most active in spring and summer. It is necessary not only to remember what to do if a tick is bitten, but also ...

What is pneumonia: symptoms in adults and children, diagnosis, types, possible complications, treatment of the disease

A disease is not only an unpleasant phenomenon in all respects, but it is also often dangerous for human life. Pathology of the respiratory tract is no exception. What...

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults: the first signs of pneumonia, diagnostic methods, types of pneumonia, possible complications

Previously, pneumonia was a very serious illness that often ended in death. Now the disease is especially dangerous for babies and the elderly. But still, the symptoms of pneumonia ...

Scintigraphy: thyroid gland, skeleton bones, myocardium, kidneys - process description

Even today, few have heard of such a method of studying the body as scintigraphy. It is also called nuclear scanning. Despite such an awesome name, the procedure is quite ...

Is it possible to wash with chickenpox for children and adults: how and when to swim with rashes ...

Chickenpox is a common infectious disease that affects mainly children, so parents often ask themselves: “Can I wash with chickenpox?” Another ten years ...

How to treat stomatitis in children and adults at home

Despite the fact that not much is known about small ulcers and inflammations on the surface of the oral mucosa, even a person knows how to treat stomatitis ...

Carotid disease (African trypanosomiasis): symptoms, pathogen, vector, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Tourists visiting different countries often have to face the risk of all kinds of diseases that are uncharacteristic of their home region. Particularly dangerous is a visit to parts of Africa and ...

How many days is chickenpox contagious before and after the rash begins, how not to get chickenpox ...

According to statistics, about 85% of all people on the planet suffer from chickenpox at least once in their lives. This virus is very volatile. About how many days ...

Nephrologist: what the doctor treats as a nephrologist, how is it different from a urologist

Few people know what a nephrologist treats and what the specifics of his work consist of. This doctor has a very narrow specialization and focuses solely on diagnosis, ...

How hepatitis C is transmitted - options, the first symptoms of the disease

Many people are aware of such a dangerous disease as hepatitis B, since according to the law, all newborns are vaccinated against it in the hospital. But this...

How to treat psoriasis? Causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of treating psoriasis at home folk ...

Those who happen to experience a disease like psoriasis are familiar with all of its unpleasant symptoms. For good, only a specialist can recommend how to treat psoriasis, ...

Carotid paralysis: what are it, causes and symptoms of the condition, how to get rid of carotid stupor

Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder, the characteristic feature of which is the inability to make any movement or say a word. For many years people attributed this condition ...

Hepatitis B - as transmitted, symptoms, vaccination against hepatitis B

Viral infections are the most common human diseases. Viruses are parasites that, when introduced into the cell, destroy it, resulting in disruption of various ...

Infectious mononucleosis in children and adults, symptoms and treatment

The disease proceeds with fever, swollen lymph nodes and spleen. If the immune system is strong, then infectious mononucleosis passes faster or does not manifest in any way. The virus is in ...

Stomatitis in adults, treatment at home, medication and folk remedies

Treatment of stomatitis in adults should be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor.Severe forms of the disease can provoke a lot of complications, including general intoxication of the body and damage ...

Periodontitis: causes, symptoms and treatment of periodontal inflammation

Tissues that allow teeth to stay in the gums are collectively called periodontal. And periodontitis is an inflammatory process that affects these areas. Most often, such a problem ...

Bilateral pneumonia in adults and children: symptoms, diagnosis, duration of treatment, rehabilitation

Bilateral pneumonia is a severe disease that causes damage to both lungs. The disease is dangerous because with untimely and incorrect treatment it can provoke the occurrence of numerous ...

Hydradenitis (hidradenitis): causes, symptoms, treatment

Hydradenitis is an inflammation that develops in the sweat apocrine glands, which has its own structure, structure and located in the axillary areas of the body. The glands in the armpits are ...

Gastroenterologist - what treats and what kind of doctor?

Gastroenterology is the section of medicine that deals with the study of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include the stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and intestines. Gastroenterologist –...

Postpartum hemorrhoids: signs, symptoms, treatment with breastfeeding

Postpartum hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases. But most clinical cases suggest the onset of the disease before pregnancy, just a wonderful period becomes a catalyst ...

Testosterone: level and norm in men, how to increase in natural ways and tablets

It is believed that male strength is determined by the quantitative indicator of testosterone in the body of a man. The lack of this hormone, as well as its excess, can cause serious damage ...

Uterine endometriosis: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease. According to statistics, every 4 women aged 25 to 50 years suffer from this ailment. In today's article we’ll talk ...

Human anthrax: symptoms and signs, how anthrax is transmitted

Anthrax is a serious illness that often ends in a person dying. The main source of infection is livestock and wild animals. In today's article, consider the main symptoms ...

Chickenpox in children and adults: symptoms, treatment, prevention of chickenpox virus infection

Among the most common infections affecting the child's body is chickenpox. In order for her to get sick, it is enough to make contact with a sick person. It provokes a disease ...

Hepatitis C: symptoms and treatment, how is it transmitted?

This disease is called the "silent killer" for the lack of characteristic signs and a high risk of complications. Chronic hepatitis C is most difficult to treat. Modern therapy, thanks to antiviral ...

Prostate adenoma in men: symptoms, diagnosis, effective methods of treatment

Prostate adenoma in men, the symptoms whose treatment has been well studied today, manifests itself mainly in people of mature years and is manifested by hyperplasia of the paraurethral glands. Competent therapy is capable of ...

Community-acquired pneumonia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia

The term "community-acquired pneumonia" refers to a whole group of diseases characterized by general localization and similar signs of manifestation. However, the causes of the disease, its course and further prognosis in each ...

Chickenpox in adults: symptoms, signs and complications, treatment and prevention of the disease

Chicken pox refers to the so-called childhood diseases, which are typical for babies. In childhood, it proceeds quickly and easily, without causing a strong ...

Sinus arrhythmia of the heart: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

According to WHO statistics, approximately 15% of all heart pathologies are arrhythmias. In the last decade, this figure has been growing steadily, and if earlier from such ...

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis: symptoms, treatment methods for hemorrhoids complications

Hemorrhoids refers to the type of disease that is very difficult to tell about to native people, and even to a doctor. But if you do not start the treatment of the disease ...

Syphilis: symptoms in men and women, pathogen, pathways of infection, treatment, prevention

Many people mistakenly believe that syphilis in men and women is a consequence of sexual promiscuity. This is a fallacy, and despite the fact that it is often transmitted ...

Mononucleosis in children and adults, symptoms and treatment

Mononucleosis is a painful process that proceeds in an acute form against the background of damage to the spleen, liver and lymphatic system, as well as changes in the composition of the blood. Consider the main ...

Alanine aminotransferase elevated - what does it mean? The norm of ALT in women and men, the reasons for the increase ...

Before donating blood fluid to the level of transaminases, it is important to properly prepare for analysis and become familiar with the AlAt norm in men and women. After all, alanine aminotransferase is ...

How does chickenpox manifest? The first signs and symptoms in children and adults, the incubation period, treatment ...

If chickenpox does not pose any serious danger to a child’s body, then for an adult, such a seemingly innocuous disease is ...

Is pneumonia contagious or not? Classification of the disease by localization and type of pathogen. As transmitted, measures ...

Every year, approximately 450 million people of all ages fall ill with pneumonia: a combination of circumstances allows microscopic enemies of different types to successfully and aggressively attack the body. Naturally, and ...

Psoriasis: causes in adults and children, symptoms, treatment

Skin pathologies are an unpleasant phenomenon not only from the aesthetic and physiological, but also from the psycho-emotional side. People prone to psoriasis often suffer from numerous complexes ...

Signs of chickenpox: how does chickenpox begin in children and adults, the first symptoms, prevention of the disease

Chickenpox or chicken pox (Varicella zoster virus) is an acute infectious process caused by type 3 herpes virus. Most people suffer this disease in childhood ...

Allergy to the sun (photodermatosis): causes, symptoms, treatment in adults and children

The summer period, created for relaxation, new experiences and a pleasant time, can bring not entirely joyful consequences in the form of an allergy to the sun. This phenomenon ...

Tick-borne encephalitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of viral disease

Together with the pleasant impressions of a walk in the fresh air, after an outing on a picnic, you can bring home a “surprise” in the form of a dangerous bloodsucker. A tick bite threatens ...

Pneumonia: types, symptoms and treatment in adults and children, prevention of pneumonia

Even today, in the age of progressive development of medicine, pneumonia remains a dangerous disease. Due to the high probability of a sad outcome in the absence of timely therapy, it should be promptly ...

Insomnia - what to do? Causes of sleep disorders, remedies for insomnia at home

Many people, regardless of age, suffer from insomnia. It causes serious discomfort, and with prolonged sleep disturbances, health disorders are possible. Those who are faced with a similar ...

How syphilis is transmitted, how not to get infected, methods for diagnosing the disease

Over the past few years, the number of people with syphilis has grown rapidly in our country. This is a serious sexually transmitted disease caused by the vital activity of pale treponema. The causative agent is capable of striking ...

Signs of pancreatitis, causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease in adults and children

Pancreatitis, at first it seems, is not such a serious disease. But not everyone has an idea of ​​what is fraught with poor functioning of the pancreas. This pathology is always ...

Curvature of the nasal septum: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment

Separation inside the dew in the form of a small cartilaginous plate and connective tissue is called the nasal septum. The curvature of the nasal septum is noticeable in the very shape of the nose - the nostrils ...

Stevens-Johnson syndrome: what is it, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

To maintain health and longevity, literacy should be improved by studying medical sources. What is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a pathological process of an allergic nature, affecting ...

Gout: signs and symptoms of the disease, treatment and prevention, diet for gout

Among the numerous disorders in the functioning of the joints, such an unpleasant phenomenon as gout stands out separately. And although for the most part it affects the elderly, from unpleasant manifestations ...

Chronic pancreatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment of pancreatic disease

The health of our gastrointestinal tract depends on the coordinated work of all organs of the digestive system. Pancreatic juice, produced during digestion, helps break down food intake ...

Insomnia - what to do? Reasons and treatment

Insomnia - refers to unpleasant, and even dangerous to health phenomena. Having noticed the signs of such a problem, one cannot ignore them. You need to immediately start looking ...

What is a boil, how to treat at home and when to see a doctor?

Dermatological diseases are extremely unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous. One of such pathologies is furunculosis, which is characterized by the occurrence of multiple or ...

Hemorrhoids: symptoms and signs in women and men, causes and treatment of the disease

This disease is called differently, they are embarrassed to talk about a problem, they do not want to go to the doctors for help and are delayed with treatment. But apart from the inconvenience and pain ...

Hemorrhagic shock: signs and clinical symptoms, first aid, treatment

Hemorrhagic shock in medicine is called extensive blood loss, an unexpected exit of blood from the bloodstream. This phenomenon usually develops quite rapidly and can lead to severe ...

Estradiol - what is it, what is the hormone responsible for, how to determine the norm: it is elevated ...

Women's health and beauty are closely related to the amount of estradiol produced, therefore, with the slightest symptoms suggesting a possible deviation, it is so important to conduct analyzes on time and ...

Hemorrhagic fever: incubation period, signs, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease

"Hemorrhagic fever" is a concept that immediately means a large group of ailments (infectious) with partially similar or completely coinciding main symptoms. Doctors distinguish over 15 subspecies under discussion ...

Furunculosis: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

One of the most common skin diseases is furunculosis. This pathology can bring multiple inconvenience and pain. In addition, a complicated disease can significantly worsen ...

How to treat hemorrhoids at home, which doctor should I contact to treat hemorrhoids

Among all proctological ailments, hemorrhoids occupy a leading position. This phenomenon is very unpleasant, and at the same time dangerous, can develop into oncology. How to treat...

Gout: the first signs, symptoms and treatment, diet. What is this disease and why is it ...

Failure of protein metabolism and, as a result, an increase in the content of uric acid. Reduce your meat intake.

Acute pancreatitis: symptoms, treatment and diet, causes of the disease and possible complications

Pancreatitis is a painful process characterized by inflammatory and degenerative changes in the pancreas. The enzymes that this organ produces are involved in the digestion of food and are designed to transport ...

Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children and adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is known as capillarotoxicosis, allergic vasculitis, and Shaileen-Genoch syndrome. The condition is characterized by damage to the small blood arteries on the skin and internal organs. Such a disease ...

Hemorrhagic stroke: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences, prognosis, recovery

Hundreds of people die from hemorrhagic strokes every year. This is a fairly common disorder that occurs not only in the elderly. Recently, the disease is increasingly striking ...

What is hemorrhoids and how to treat it: symptoms and treatment of the disease in men and ...

Hemorrhoids are a very common pathology among the adult population. The disease is characterized by dilated vessels in the anus and the appearance of nodes in the intestine. This disease is serious ...

Food poisoning in adults and children: symptoms and treatment at home

A condition that is commonly called poisoning is an acute process caused by harmful microorganisms and toxic compounds that enter the gastrointestinal tract from the outside. It happens...

Alcohol poisoning: symptoms, treatment at home

You can get poisoned with alcohol not only in case of exceeding the permissible dose, but also when using low-quality drinks made by artisanal methods. With intoxication, assistance to the victim is needed ...

Caisson disease (decompression sickness, CKD): causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Many divers and experienced divers know firsthand what constitutes decompression, or decompression sickness. This phenomenon was first encountered in ...

The ear is full, but it does not hurt: what to do? Reasons, treatment

If suddenly an ear is laid, but it does not hurt, even medical specialists do not always know what to do in such a situation. The fact is that the stuffy ear ...

Lays ears: reasons and what to do?

Ear congestion is a symptom experienced by almost every person at least once in a lifetime. Often this condition is not considered an alarming sign, because it is provoked by natural factors ....

Liver problems: symptoms and signs of the disease

An absolutely healthy person - in a timely world, the concept is quite abstract. Various factors may not affect the body in the best way. In some cases, a person can ...

What is blood urea? Causes of increased urea, norms

Doctors advise regular biochemical blood tests. Basically, a study is prescribed to determine an increased concentration of urea. First you need to determine what triggered the increase ...

Tinnitus: causes and treatment

Noise, whistling or other sounds in the ear and in the head are called tinnitus. This medical term refers to tinnitus that does not have an external source. Noises ...

An adult ear hurts: what to do?

Ear pain is a common problem that people of all ages face. Sometimes it passes after a couple of moments, in other cases it causes discomfort and ...

Ear hurts: what to do and how to treat at home

Sometimes a sharp pain in the ear can catch at the most inopportune moment. Let's talk about what to do if your ear hurts. Find out ways to relieve pain ...

Treatment of the middle ear: symptoms and treatment of otitis media

The medical term otitis media is a generalization. So called infectious and inflammatory processes affecting the auditory organs. They are external, medium and internal, depending on localization ....

Normal human pulse by years and ages - table

Heart rate is one of the main indicators by which it can be concluded about the level of health and fitness of the body without preliminary diagnosis. To yourself ...

Acne on the face: for which organs are responsible?

In the teachings of the eastern sages, it is indicated that there is a certain “acne map”. She can tell why acne occurs on the face, for which organs these rashes are responsible ....

Diffuse pancreatic changes - treatment

ICD-10 classifies diffuse changes in the pancreas as a symptom that accompanies the pathological processes that are observed in the activity or in diseases of this organ. This is the interpenetration of the sick and ...

Pseudomonas aeruginosa - symptoms and treatment at home, how is the rod transmitted?

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an insidious microbe that can coexist peacefully with a person, not betraying itself for the time being. But as soon as he gets a chance, he ...

Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home

Everyone should know about the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis at home in order to avoid complications such as the growth of adenoids, tonsillitis, pneumonia or meningitis. Signs ...

Why does persimmon stick in your mouth? Causes. Knits even after freezing!

Enjoying persimmon, many people notice that this tasty and healthy fruit leaves an unpleasant astringent feeling in the mouth. Trying to figure out why persimmon knits, first of all ...

Otitis media: symptoms and treatment in adults at home

Otitis media of the middle ear is an acute infectious disease, manifested by specific symptoms. The disease must be treated, as it is dangerous for the development of complications. From the disease is not safe ...

Tinnitus - possible causes, medications and treatment

Tinnitus is a rather subjective sensation that everyone feels differently. It seems to one person that something is hissing in his ears, to another he beeps, to the third ...

Signs of hemorrhoids in women - the first symptoms of external and internal hemorrhoids

The first signs of hemorrhoids in women are no different from the external symptoms in males, although they are sometimes caused by purely female reasons. Attention shown ...

Why do you have nightmares? Causes

Bad dreams are not uncommon. They can visit a person every night, not giving a full rest. Let's see why there are nightmares and what ...

Ear congestion without pain: why do they put ears in and what to do at home?

A congestion of the ear without pain can occur with a number of serious pathologies of the organ of hearing and damage to the brain. But there are physiological reasons for this condition. Treatment...

A smear on the flora in women: what does gynecology show?

A smear on the flora is the most simple but informative method of examining women's health. It allows you to identify many pathological processes. Before visiting a gynecologist, it is advisable to find out that ...

How to enlarge the mammary glands at home quickly?

Breast correction surgery is not suitable for everyone, so girls dissatisfied with their own size often think about how to enlarge the mammary glands at home. The volume of dairy ...

What happens to the body when you quit smoking?

Ex-smokers are constantly tempted. But listing all the useful things that happen to the body when you quit smoking is a serious motivation to get rid of addiction. To be ...

How to increase sperm count?

A decrease in the volume of seminal fluid during ejaculation reduces the likelihood of conception, sometimes it signals internal disturbances, but it also happens in healthy men. The stronger sex is useful ...

Cracks in the heels - causes and treatment at home

Already getting ready for the beach season? Do not forget to take care of the beauty of your legs. After all, beautiful nails and pink feet, of course, are the subject of pride and sexuality of each ...

How to quickly stop blood from nose from an adult at home?

Bleeding from the nose (epistaxis) usually occurs suddenly and puts the person in a state of panic and confusion. How to quickly stop blood from the nose in the first minutes, ...

How a pancreas hurts in a person - symptoms and first signs

The pancreas is an important part of the body, the only organ that produces insulin. In addition, she is responsible for the production of gastric juice. A number of different factors can cause problems ...

Crack in the anus - symptoms and treatment

A crack in the anus is a defect in the large intestine, namely the rectum, which is a small-sized mucosal rupture in the anus. It ...

How to clean the intestines at home - 11 options quickly and without harm?

Knowing how to clean the intestines at home, you can protect yourself from various diseases. A large amount of waste products accumulates in the colon, which become good ...

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment at home

Cervical osteochondrosis (SHOX) is a pathological change in the vertebrae that leads to ossification of the soft components. As a result of this, the depreciation effect disappears, hard bones rub against each other ...

Cystitis in men: symptoms and first signs

Inflammation of the bladder is mainly a problem in the female part of the population, but symptoms of cystitis can also be found in men. One of the most characteristic features ...

Low hemoglobin: causes and effects in women

Anemic conditions in women are observed more often than in men and are characterized by faster clinical development. An understanding of what causes and ...

Pancreatic Inflammation: Symptoms and Treatment

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms and treatment of which directly depend on the form of the disease. Pathology can be acute as well as chronic ....

Chickenpox in adults - symptoms and treatment

Despite the fact that chicken pox is considered to be an exclusively childhood disease, chickenpox in adults is a rare but possible phenomenon. The disease belongs to the category of infections, ...

Heartburn: causes after eating, consequences if left untreated

The appearance of discomfort and burning in the esophagus is not always considered a sign of the disease. To draw conclusions about possible gastrointestinal pathologies, it is necessary to analyze the causes of heartburn and ...

Pancreas: where is it and how does it hurt in a person?

It is difficult to maintain a healthy digestive system without knowing the location and functionality of its organs. Understanding what the pancreas is, where it is and how it hurts, allows ...

Keratoma - what is it and how to treat at home

Recently, the problem under discussion has become increasingly troubling not only elderly, but also very young patients. First of all, experts explain such changes ...

Couperosis on the face: causes and treatment at home

Cuperosis is an unpleasant cosmetic defect associated with a violation of the microcirculation of blood in the upper layers of the skin. The treatment of this disease must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, but something ...

Pneumonia: symptoms in adults without fever and cough

Among the most insidious diseases, doctors include those ailments whose development is asymptomatic. For example, the general symptoms of pneumonia in adults may be absent if the disease ...

Thrombocytopenia - what is it? The norm of platelets in the blood of women

Stopping bleeding (hemostasis) is a vital ability of the body. In case of damage to small vessels, it is provided by special blood cells - platelets. A healthy person has their number ...

Fatty liver hepatosis - symptoms and treatment: drug and folk remedies

One of the most dangerous consequences of excess body fat is fatty liver hepatosis. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are closely interconnected, since the severity of the manifestations of the disease ...

Estrogens - female hormones, symptoms of deficiency

For reproductive function in women, hormones called estrogens are responsible. They also form in a certain amount in the testicles of men, and also in ...

Dry mouth - what causes women?

Dry mouth or xerostomia is caused by dozens of internal or external factors. Drying of the mucosa can be caused by external factors and is easily eliminated by a change in the microclimate or ...

Gases in the intestines: reasons to get rid? Flatulence treatment

The formation of intestinal gases is a physiological process that normally does not cause much discomfort. Problems arise when it is too intense, causing painful bloating (flatulence) ...

Blood from the nose - causes in an adult in normal condition

The causes of blood from the nose in an adult lie in defects in the structure of the mucosa, features of the surrounding microclimate, or associated pathologies. Epistaxis, so scientifically designated this ...

Pain during urination in women, causes of pain after the act

Pain during urination in women is a signal of the dysfunction of the genitourinary system. Ignoring this symptom is dangerous. If you do not make a diagnosis in time and do not start treatment, ...

Breast mastopathy, what is it? Symptoms and signs of mastopathy

Benign neoplasms of the mammary glands over the past 100 years have become one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies. They are found in 70-80% of women of late reproductive age. By...

Pain under the left shoulder blade from behind from the back - causes and treatment

Pain under the left shoulder blade from behind from the back can manifest itself in different ways, be temporary or permanent, or be accompanied by other symptoms. Have a changing intensity or depend ...

Multiple organ failure - what is it, causes

The violation of the functionality of several physiological systems of a person is a serious pathology, identified by WHO as a separate syndrome. Complex changes that occur in this case in the body are classified as ...

Radiation therapy in oncology: what is it and what are the consequences

Radiotherapy is a cancer treatment method based on the use of ionizing radiation. It was first used in 1886 against an Austrian girl. The impact was ...

Stomatitis in adults: causes and treatment at home

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by a bacterial, fungal or viral flora. The disease can occur in various forms, more often occurs in children or people, ...

Frequent urination in women without pain, causes of urge

Often, women begin to suffer from such a problem as the constant and painless urge to visit the toilet room “little by little”. This may indicate the presence of a disease, ...

Nausea after eating - causes in women

The feeling of discomfort in the stomach is provoked by many factors. The cause of nausea after eating can be either a harmless irritation of the mucous membrane of the internal organs with spicy dishes, or ...

Pain under the right shoulder blade from behind from the back - causes and treatment

It is always difficult to diagnose the causes of pain under the right scapula from behind from the back, since this symptom accompanies many diseases, including a fracture of the scapula. So...

Reflux esophagitis: symptoms and treatment with pills, diet and folk remedies

Heartburn and a feeling of discomfort in the throat are among the main signs of inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, and need treatment by qualified specialists. Moreover,...

Bronchitis symptoms and treatment in adults with drugs and folk remedies

The bronchi are the most important component of the human respiratory system. If an infection gets into the body, the active production of mucus begins in it. This leads to the discussed ailment ....

Gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe

The most reliable research method for examining the stomach is gastroscopy. It allows you to examine the entire mucous organ in different projections, take tissue for analysis, and even ...

Cystitis: symptoms and treatment in women, drugs and pills for cystitis

In most cases, chronic forms of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere are the result of an unprofessional approach to therapy. A disease cannot be eliminated if the symptoms do not coincide and ...

Belching after eating - causes and treatment

Belching is the process of expelling excess gases from the stomach through the oral cavity. This phenomenon normally occurs in all healthy people. However, constant heavy burping ...

Duodenal ulcer: symptoms and treatment

Severe pain in the upper abdomen can be a manifestation of serious intestinal pathologies, which are extremely difficult to get rid of without medical help. Moreover, the symptoms ...

Lumbar sciatica: symptoms and drug treatment

The main physical exertion to which a person is exposed lies on the spine. Not surprisingly, back pain, especially in the lumbar region, is familiar to most of the world's population. In a timely manner...

Adrenal glands - symptoms of the disease in women

Women's health status largely depends on the level of hormones and the functionality of the organs responsible for their production. Timely detected symptoms of adrenal gland disease in women ...

Shifts legs at night - causes and treatment

Convulsive contractions of the calf muscles can occur in people of any age, but the older generation is most affected. In fact, cramping is not independent ...

Gastric ulcer: symptoms and manifestation

Peptic ulcer - the formation on the inner surface of the stomach of a poorly healing defect, the size of which can reach three cm or more. It is characterized by a relapsing course. Exacerbations occur ...

Bronchial asthma: symptoms and treatment in adults

Due to the increased sensitivity of the respiratory tract, the development of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the bronchial tree can occur under the influence of not only external but also internal stimuli ....

Sarcoidosis of the lungs - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

According to information provided by WHO, the list of respiratory tract injuries most dangerous to human health includes lung sarcoidosis. What is it - a question of interest not ...

Blood pressure: normal age, table

Any change in blood pressure parameters affects the overall well-being of a person. But if the deviations are significant, the health consequences can be serious. And although there is a table ...

Atherogenicity coefficient increased - what is it and what does it mean?

Studying the results of diagnostic studies, doctors insist on a thorough examination of those patients who have an increased atherogenic coefficient. What is it, it is important to know everyone, not indifferent ...

Constipation in adults - causes and treatment with folk remedies

A common problem is constipation in adults. The causes and treatment of such an ailment are described below. It is possible to cope with constipation with the help of folk remedies at home. Constipation...

Nasal congestion without a cold: causes and treatment

Temporary disturbance of nasal breathing is not always regarded as a disease. While prolonged nasal congestion is regarded as a symptom of the development of pathological processes. Usually causes and treatment ...

Gastroduodenitis: symptoms and treatment in adults - diet and drugs

Despite the fact that the periodic manifestations of gastritis are familiar to most lovers of junk food, they can easily be confused with signs of gastroduodenitis. And since ...

Human pressure: normal age, table

Violation of the norm of blood pressure worsens the patient’s condition, and in some cases completely confuses him to a hospital bed. For the adult population it will be useful to know what should ...

Dementia in the elderly - symptoms, treatment and care

Impaired memory and thinking, decreased interest in the world around us, changes in behavior that occur in old age are often mistaken for signs of aging. Then how timely ...

Coughing - effective cough suppressant

How to treat cough in adults? To understand what to do if the cough does not go away, which effective cough remedy to choose, you should know the basic rules of therapy. Basic principles Cough...

Constipation What to do - urgently at home in an adult

If constipation occurs, what to do urgently and how to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible, it will be useful for everyone to know. There are many methods, not only ...

TSH norm in women by age, table

Changes in the emotional level, behavior or well-being of women are often associated with deviations in the hormonal sphere. And not without reason - this is possible if the TSH norm in women ...

Lyme Disease - What Are It, Symptoms and Treatment

This dangerous infectious disease can affect a patient of any gender and at any age. But more often its manifestations are seen in children under 15 years old and ...

Hoble - what is it and how is it treated

Among the pathologies to which the organs of the respiratory system are subject, obstructive lesions stand apart, due to the specifics of the clinical manifestations. For this reason, such diseases are little known, and patients ...

Hemoglobin norm in women by age - table

The qualitative level of the blood composition is constantly changing over the course of life. A special table of hemoglobin norms in women by age will help prevent the appearance of pathological indicators in ...

Lump in the throat: reasons that it could be?

The causes of a coma in the throat can be very diverse, from psychosomatics to the oncological process in the body. Patients complain of difficulty trying ...

Atrial fibrillation: causes, symptoms and treatment

Changes in the work of the atria cause malfunctions of the heartbeat and indicate physiological pathologies of the heart. The causes, symptoms and treatment of atrial fibrillation are interrelated concepts. To ...

Epstein-Barr virus - what is it, symptoms and treatment

It is not always possible to determine the danger posed by some diseases. A striking example is the Epstein-Barr virus. What is it, few know, although according to statistics, most ...

Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in women

Mental illness, which is difficult to treat, inhibits emotional functions, disrupts the processes of thinking - this is schizophrenia. Symptoms and signs in women depend on the type of disease, ...

Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs

Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia can begin to manifest at any age, but most often the disease occurs after 15 and up to 25 years. Interestingly, by ...

Cholesterol norm in women by age: table for 40 - 50 - 60 years

Each person’s cell membranes contain cholesterol, an organic compound produced by the body from the food it uses. Excess cholesterol compounds in the blood threatens the development of cardiovascular diseases ....

Thrush: treatment quickly and effectively

Thrush - treatment quickly and effectively is possible only if you contact a medical institution in time for qualified help. The onset of the disease is provoked ...

Treatment of thrush in a woman - drugs and pills

Thrush in common people is called vaginal candidiasis. This disease is not a sexually transmitted disease, it is based on yeast-like fungi that live in almost every representative of the weaker sex in ...

Thrush in women: symptoms and treatment

The appearance of symptoms of thrush in a woman and the treatment of the disease is a problem that is often encountered by women of reproductive age. Pathology is characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa ...

Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in men

According to experts, the symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in men are indicated at an earlier age than women. In addition, behavioral analysis allows ...

Glycated hemoglobin - what shows and what is the norm?

One of the most dangerous diseases on earth is diabetes. It still cannot be completely cured, but it can be slowed down in its destructive ...

Polyps in the gallbladder: symptoms and treatment without surgery

Polyps in the gallbladder are a common ailment. About 10 percent of Russians find polyps in a particular organ. Formations are detected in the gallbladder ...

Crohn's disease: symptoms and treatment

One of the most poorly studied pathologies of the digestive system is Crohn's disease. Symptoms and treatment of this disease depend on the causes of its development. It mainly affects ...

Fungal toenails than treat - the most effective means

Feel free to wear open shoes, go for a swim in the pool, or just walk barefoot on the green grass, because you have a nail fungus? The disease, to put it mildly, ...

Prostatitis: symptoms and treatment are effective

Symptoms and methods of treatment of prostatitis should be known to every man, since more than 80% of the male part of the population faces such a problem throughout life. Prostate –...

Cholesterol norm in men by age - table

Scientists started talking about the negative role of cholesterol in the 18th century, but only at the beginning of the 20th century did Russian scientists, academician N. N. Anichkov and a group of researchers ...

Hemangioma of the spine: what is it, treatment with folk remedies

Almost every 10th person living on our planet has problems with the spine. This is especially true for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity aged 20-30 years. BUT...

Colpitis: symptoms and treatment in women

Colpitis is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by the development of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the vagina and is manifested by itching, pain and ...

Polyps in the intestine: symptoms and treatment

If you believe the statistics, then ten percent of Russians have polyps in the intestines and stomach. Polyposis is more common in men than in women ...

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at home

Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathological process in the tissues of the intervertebral discs. Normally, they are resilient and elastic, but under certain conditions they lose their qualities, are compressed, can ...

Polyps in the uterus: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

According to statistics, such benign formations in the uterine cavity as polyps are found in 10% of the female population of the planet. Their formation comes from the inner layer of the main female ...

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine symptoms and treatment

Pain in the lower back most often affects people after 35 years. In the vast majority of cases, the ailment is associated with deformation of the vertebrae and its consequences. Timely ...

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine symptoms and treatment

Among all disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the second highest prevalence is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are determined by the stage of its development, so ...

Tetanus: symptoms in humans, incubation period and route of infection

Symptoms of tetanus in humans may not appear for a long time - up to one month. During this period, the pathogen manages to multiply greatly and become stronger in the body, ...

Parkinson's disease symptoms and signs

Parkinson's disease, symptoms and signs of the disease are well understood and described in various medical works. This is a progressive disease that causes impaired movement and a decrease in mental abilities ....

VVD symptoms in adults, treatment in women and men

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is the most common diagnosis. 25-30% of children and 70% of adults suffer from VSD. Today, the VSD is one of the urgent medical and social problems. Therefore...

Ureaplasma in women symptoms and treatment

Ureaplasmosis is an insidious asymptomatic genital infection that manifests itself only in certain cases. Often a cause of infertility in men and women. What...

ESR is higher than normal - what does it mean, and what is the norm for women by age?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) has been used in laboratory practice since the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Polish therapist, pathologist and medical historian Edmund Bernacki suggested using ...

Edema of the feet causes and treatment in the elderly

Leg swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and can be aggravated when people consume too much salt, sit for a long time or suffer from additional problems with ...

Heartburn: causes and consequences

The discomfort associated with the aggressive effect of the acid contents of the stomach on the walls of the esophagus is familiar to most people on the planet. But if the attacks are repeated regularly, then it is possible that ...

Cholecystitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Disease in one form or another occurs in 10% of the world's population, mainly in women. In this case, the patient is disturbed ...

Osteopathy. What is it and what does an osteopath doctor treat

Nowadays, you can increasingly meet doctors specializing in the fields of alternative medicine. And it is advisable for each of us to know about such types of therapy, because ...

Herpes zoster: symptoms and treatment in adults

An infectious disease specialist should be involved in identifying symptoms and treating herpes zoster in adults, who should be consulted at the first sign of a disease. The disease proceeds with a pronounced ...

FGS of the stomach - how to prepare, important recommendations

Most patients are wary of the gastroscopy procedure. Some simply can not cope with the excitement and refuse the examination they need. But fears can ...

Pulse rate by age in women - table

Each of us has a unique opportunity to feel the contraction of the heart muscle by the pulsation of the vein, only by touching the wrist in the place where the vein is closer ...

Cholesterol: the norm in women by age: table 40-50-60 years

Cholesterol is an important element for the production of hormones, vitamin D, and the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems. But the excess rate of this substance leads to cardiovascular and other ...

Cracks in the corners of the lips - causes and treatment

Cracks in the corners of the lips are popularly called "jamming." In medical terminology there are several definitions for this phenomenon, depending on the causes of its occurrence. Whatever ...

Ultrasound of the kidneys - preparation for the study

The success of treatment of the urinary system largely depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Proper preparation for the study of ultrasound of the kidneys will make the right diagnostic conclusions. And if the decryption ...

CRP in the blood - what is and what is the norm

Excessive CRP in the blood, what is it and what does it indicate? C - reactive protein (CRP) is an enzyme that the liver produces when ...

Triglycerides are elevated - what does it mean and what is the norm

Everyone who cares about their health needs to monitor not only blood pressure and hemoglobin parameters, but also control the amount of TG in the blood. Triglycerides ...


