An appetizing and nourishing Fishroll is quickly prepared, and at the same time it turns out to be tasty and convenient in order to take refreshments with you on the road, for work, for a picnic. In the filling for such an appetizer, a wide variety of fish can be used - even slightly salted or in the form of nuggets. A prerequisite of the dish is a large number of vegetable ingredients.

The composition and calorie content of "Fishroll"

The treat in question is an appetizer consisting of a fish portion, slices of cheese, mixed vegetables, sauce and a “shell”. As the latter, thin Armenian pita bread or wheat cake is most often used. The base into which the filling is wrapped can be prepared independently from the simplest ingredients (flour, water) or bought in a store.


The composition of Fish Roll may vary depending on the tastes of the cook. According to the classic recipe, the appetizer includes fish cakes or nuggets fried in breading. Also, slices of Cheddar cheese, cucumber, tomato, Iceberg salad, half rings of red sweet onion are added to the filling. As a sauce, spicy pesto sauce is used. The ingredients of the filling are mixed and placed in a fresh wheat tortilla. It is in such a classic “Fish Roll” that calorie content is approximately 473 kcal per 100 g.

To make the treat more dietary and easier, you can increase the amount of greens and vegetables in the filling, for example, add curly parsley, sweet pepper, boiled squash cubes to it. Instead of fried fish cutlets, in this case, slightly salted or boiled red fish should be used. The resulting snack can be pampered even during the diet.

Homemade Fast Food Recipes

There are several good Fish Roll recipes at once. They are all simple and fast.

Fishroll as in McDonald's

According to this recipe, an appetizer is no worse than in a cafe.


  • fish fillet - half a kilo;
  • breadcrumbs for breading - ½ tbsp .;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • carrots, cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • pita - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • light mayonnaise - ¼ st .;
  • sweet / spicy mustard - 1 tsp;
  • spices for fish, salt.


  1. Mix bread crumbs with salt and spices. Beat the egg.
  2. Cut the fish fillet (e.g. pollock) into small pieces. Each dip in egg whipped until foam and roll in crumbs. Then fry to a delicious crust in a heated skillet.
  3. Mix mayonnaise with mustard. To salt.
  4. Pita bread cut in half. Spread each part with sauce. Cover with lettuce leaves.
  5. Cut the cucumbers into strips, rub the carrots. You can take other vegetables to your liking. Distribute their slices on pita bread with sauce.
  6. Lay the fish on top. Add the remaining sauce.
  7. Wrap blanks tightly.

Serve treats to the table warm or cold.

Fishroll with salted salmon

According to this recipe, a delicious low-calorie treat is obtained.


  • thin Armenian lavash - 1 large;
  • slightly salted salmon - 200-250 g;
  • fresh cucumber, tomato - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • yogurt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt.


  1. For the sauce, peel the avocado, remove the stone. Knead the rest with a fork. To make it easy and simple, you need to take a very mellow avocado.
  2. Add natural unsweetened yogurt to the green gruel. Salt the mass.
  3. Pita bread cut into two parts. Spread each resulting avocado sauce. Lay lettuce leaves on top.
  4. Cut all remaining vegetables and fish into large cubes. Spread the filling on pita bread. Wrap blanks tightly.

The resulting pita rolls with fish should be served chilled.

Benefits and harm to the body

The most useful snack is obtained if it is cooked independently at home using the freshest ingredients. Indeed, in “Fishrolls”, which are sold in fast-food cafes, very high-calorie harmful sauces with dyes and flavorings are often added.
Firstly fish appetizer is good because it contains many vitamins - A, E, PP, group B. Also, the fish is enriched with numerous useful trace elements - phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, treats with it positively affect the condition of teeth, bones, nails, hair.

Fresh vegetables from the filling contain a large amount of fiber, which helps to reduce weight and cleanse the digestive tract. They also strengthen the body's immune system.

If we talk about the dangers of "Fishroll", then first of all you need to remember the substances contained in the snack that can cause allergies. It is milk and gluten free. Do not eat treats with a tendency to obesity and intolerance to fish. “Fish rolls” from cafes should be excluded from the children's menu due to the content of acidity regulators, flavorings, preservatives, and colorants in them.

Fishroll is a delicious, hearty treat. If you cook it yourself and choose the right products for the filling, then such an appetizer will also be useful.