One of the pillars of Chinese philosophy is Qi energy. She personifies the cosmos, the Universe, the beginning and breath of life itself. It is intangible and associated with the ether, but has an important impact on human life, which is why it is so important to develop it. The ability to control Chi energy is the key to preserving youth, good health for many years and unity with the Universe.

What is Qi vital energy

It is impossible to describe the meaning of Qi energy in a few words. It is a part of all that is, visible and invisible to the human eye. It is intangible, but more real than other concepts familiar to man. Chi energy is a vital force in its most fundamental manifestation. According to Chinese philosophy, it stood at the origins of all things, is part of it, and invisibly governs the entire human life.

Qi energy is one of the most important concepts in Chinese medicine. The key to good health and longevity is the balance between the Qi energy flowing in every organ of the human body, in muscle fibers and skin cells.

It should be understood that the word "qi" means any energy that comes from the world (or from the outside). In other words, the heat generated by the human body is also called qi. During severe illnesses, temperature can rise, and this indicates an inability to control vital energy, as a result of which it accumulates in a certain organ, causing illness and fever.

How to feel and use it

Everyone should strive to manage their own Chi energy.Qigong helps to learn this - a special Taoist gymnastics aimed at managing and controlling life force. The exact translation of the word "qigong" is "qi management."

Chi in the human body is divided into four types or flows:

  • primary - concentrated in the kidneys and from there it can spread throughout the body, controlling the life energy of a person;
  • respiratory or internal Qi - circulates through veins and blood vessels, moving throughout the body;
  • nutritious - enters the body with food, also called Yin;
  • protective - concentrated in the epidermis and muscle fibers, performs a barrier function.

The task of qigong is to achieve a balance between these energies and learn to control them. If everything is quite simple with nutritious energy, you just need to follow a proper diet and eat food at a certain time, then special practice is needed to learn how to manage other flows.

Feel the energy of Qi will help a special exercise. To do this, you need to stand up, straightening your back and legs apart a little narrower than the width of the shoulders. In the knees, the legs need to be bent, it is recommended to make several springing movements in order to feel relaxation. Next, spread your arms to the sides, straighten, and raise the hands and turn them so that your fingers look at the ceiling. In this position, you need to stay for 5 minutes, closing your eyes, listening to your own breathing and blood flow. After a few minutes, any person will feel the warm streams of energy circulating throughout his body.

With proper dexterity, everyone will be able to work with this energy. Qi flow control allows you to:

  • improve health;
  • keep youth;
  • improve mental abilities;
  • visualize cherished desires;
  • interact with the universe;
  • cleanse the body and mind.

Energy management will help you gain complete control over your life. In addition to the fact that qigong gymnastics perfectly cleanses the mind and helps fight stress, the accumulation and management of qi can help fulfill secret wishes, as it allows them to be better visualized by transmitting thoughts into space.

Principles of congestion

It is not enough to feel and “tame” Chi energy, you need to be able to accumulate it, and then direct it in the right direction. For the accumulation of vitality, only two simple exercises are practiced. They must be performed daily, at least 15 minutes. When there will be enough energy, a person will feel this by a change in his state.

The first exercise is special breathing. To master it is very simple: relax in any position (sitting, lying), take a breath, then exhale immediately. In the process of breathing, the stomach is involved, not the chest. All thoughts should be focused only on the process itself, and not on other things. Such an exercise needs 5-10 minutes.

The second exercise involves the hands, since it is in the palms and fingers that the qi energy flow is best felt. To do this, raise your right hand to your face, lowering your palm to the ground. The left hand at this time should be held just below the level of the chest, with the palm turned up. Being in this position, you need to visualize a large ball of fire located between the palms, while simultaneously monitoring the breath and concentrating completely on it.

How to develop Chinese qi energy

Work with life energy is available to everyone, because it is part of everything. Exercises aimed at accumulating Qi will teach you how to feel it better, but often this is not enough.

The awakening of Qi energy occurs through:

  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • regular exercise
  • meditation.

Another important condition is that a person must be in harmony with himself and the world around him. This will help meditation and qigong exercises.

Life-Building Exercises

Qigong requires a slow and smooth movement, concentration on the breathing process, and the release of the mind from thoughts.

One of the basic techniques: stand straight, put your right leg forward, put your left leg back, bend your knees slightly, making a springy movement. Raise your right hand to shoulder level, opening your palm to the sky. Pull the left forward at chest level, also opening the palm. In this position, stay for a couple of minutes, carefully monitoring your breathing.

Another effective exercise: stand straight, legs apart wider than shoulders and bent at the knees. Sit down a bit, raise your hands to chest level and imagine that there is a ball in them. Mentally make the ball move by rotating its arms. Concentrate on breathing.


Meditation will help increase energy levels. To do this, kneel, and then lower the pelvis to the heels. Put your hands in front of you, turning your palms up and connecting the middle finger with the thumb. Close your eyes, press your tongue to the sky and imagine how a person turns into a tree, his roots go deep underground and surround the entire globe. To feel the energy, you should visualize how it flows through the feet-roots into the body from the soil.

It is necessary to engage in such meditation daily for 20 minutes. This will help to learn to feel and direct the energy of Qi, in addition, this practice gives psychological comfort, relieves stress and insomnia.