The drug is specifically designed in Germany for expectant mothers - already expecting a baby or planning to become pregnant, as well as nursing women. The multivitamin Elevit Pronatal provides bioactive substances to mother and child organisms.

The composition of vitamins for pregnant women

The complex contains 12 vitamins, 7 mineral supplements needed by the pregnant woman, the fetus and the baby.

Bioactive substances (BAS) in Elevit Pronatal make up for the lack of micronutrients, which inevitably occurs during certain periods of a woman's life. The consumption of biologically active substances increases significantly during pregnancy and lactation. Deficiency negatively affects the health and well-being of the mother, the development of the fetus or child.


Elevit Pronatal satisfies the increased needs of the female body before, during, after childbirth, until the end of breastfeeding.

Recommended daily intake of micronutrients and content in the preparation:

Lettering or Vitamin NamesThe need for the periodContent at Elevit Pronatal
BUT1.1 mg1.5 mg1,080 mcg (3,600 IU)
B11.2-1.3 mg1.3 mg1.6 mg
IN 21.3–1.4 mg1.4 mg1.8 mg
AT 61.9 mg1.9 mg2.6 mg
AT 123.5 mg4.0 mg4 mcg
FROM105 mg125 mg100 mg
D320 mcg20 mcg12.5 mcg (500 IU)
E13 mg17 mg15 mg
Biotin30-60 mg30-60 mg0.2 mg
Folic acid550 mg450 mg0.8 mg
Pantothenic acid6 mg6 mg10 mg

Recommended daily intake of mineral additives and content in the preparation:

Mineral supplementsThe need for the periodContent at Elevit Pronatal
Calcium1000 mg1000 mg125 mg
Copper1–1.5 mg1–1.5 mg1 mg
Iron30 mg20 mg60 mg
Magnesium310 mg390 mg100 mg
Manganese2–5 mg2–5 mg1 mg
Phosphorus800 mg900 mg125 mg
Zinc10 mg11 mg7.5 mg

The methodology for determining the daily intake of micronutrients in different countries is different. The table uses indicators that are recognized in the European Union. Elevit Pronatal is designed and manufactured in Germany, fully complies with the standards recommended in the West.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

In the first 6-8 weeks after conception, the laying of the vital organs of the unborn child takes place. The molecules of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) serve as the “building” material. The role of vitamins and mineral supplements is different. Bioactive substances are needed in small quantities for the implementation of all metabolic processes that serve as the material basis for growth and development.


The lack of micronutrients arises for many reasons. Pregnant women do not have enough biologically active substances in food, as the needs of the body increase significantly due to hormonal imbalance, stress, and the load on the endocrine system. The consumption of micronutrients increases under adverse climatic conditions, during stress, during infections, and kidney diseases. The body does not receive biologically active substances with food allergies, low quality products, vegetarian and other diets.

Pharmacological action Elevit Pronatal - supplementing the deficiency of vitamins and mineral supplements.

Vitamin Properties:

VitaminsFunctions performed, action
BUTActive participant in biosynthesis processes. Normalizes the functions of the skin structures, the organ of vision. Excess, as well as lack, negatively affects the formation of the fetus.
B1Participates in the regulation of the heart, the function of the nervous system.
IN 2For better tissue regeneration.
AT 5Required for normal metabolism of nutritional components.
AT 6For the formation of red blood cells, healthy bones, gums and teeth.
AT 12It takes part in erythropoiesis, the implementation of the functions of the National Assembly.
FROMRegulates carbohydrate metabolism, vascular wall permeability, synthesis of steroid hormones.
D3Prevents the development of rickets in a child due to the effect on the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
EAn antioxidant that protects cell membranes from being destroyed by free radicals.
BiotinIt is important for metabolism, improves the absorption of proteins.
Folic acidParticipates in the formation of the circulatory, immune systems. Necessary to prevent fetal neural tube defects.

Calcium and phosphorus - mineral supplements that are needed for bone tissue, provide the strength of the skeleton and teeth. Magnesium is required for the biosynthesis of proteins, the work of bones and muscles. Iron is a mineral component in the composition of hemoglobin. The red blood cell protein carries oxygen to organs and tissues. Copper is required for the exchange of iron in the body.


Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of taste perversion, general weakness, palpitations, dizziness, dry hair, and brittle nails.

Manganese is required to regulate bone mineralization, giving them strength, but not fragility. Zinc is consumed during the formation of the skeleton, it is needed for better skin regeneration, the functioning of a number of hormones.

Bioactive substances perform their functions not in isolation. For example, zinc is necessary for the proper functioning of vitamin A. There are many such examples; each of them confirms that it is better to take multivitamin complexes than individual biologically active substances.


The absorption and biochemical transformations of vitamins and mineral supplements in the body are very complex. Some vitamins, calcium, magnesium and iron ions are absorbed already in the duodenum 12. Most vitamins are absorbed in the jejunum and ileum.

As a result of metabolic reactions, various conversions of bioactive substances occur. End products of metabolism: carbon dioxide, fatty acids and other substances. Exchange products with bile are excreted, excreted by the kidneys.

When the drug is prescribed

Even with a healthy diet, a pregnant woman or a nursing mother get less vitamins and mineral supplements. The reasons may be different. Mainly affected by increased needs, the destruction of micronutrients in the culinary processing of products.


Elevit Pronatal tablets are prescribed for the following groups of women: those planning to become pregnant, pregnant women, breast-feeding. In each of these periods, the prevention and therapy of vitamin deficiency and mineral supplements is required.

Metabolism in pregnant and lactating women is increased. The needs of your own body and fetus are growing. 50–100% more micronutrients should be ingested compared to other periods of life.

The intake of mineral supplements should be increased by 100% or more. Iron for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy requires three times more. It also increases the consumption of folic acid, vitamins B12 and D, calcium, copper and zinc, necessary for cell division, tissue formation.

Instructions for use Elevita Pronatal

The usual dose is 1 tablet per day. The pill is swallowed whole during breakfast, is not chewed, washed down with several sips of water. If a woman suffers from nausea in the morning, then she can drink the medicine at lunch or in the evening. The tablet is allowed to be divided along the groove so that it is easier to swallow. If necessary, the pill is ground in a mortar, this powder is added to water or yogurt.

The instructions for use also contain information on the duration of treatment. Elevit Pronatal is recommended to start taking one month before the planned pregnancy, throughout the entire period of gestation, after childbirth and until the end of lactation.

Drug interaction

Elevit Pronatal Maternity Vitamins contain Vitamin C, which enhances the effects and side effects of sulfa drugs. Absorption of iron from the multivitamin complex deteriorates with simultaneous treatment with antacids, for example Almagel or Maalox, fluoroquinolones, tetracycline antibiotics.

Calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc can interact with antacids, tetracycline and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, antiviral agents, diuretics. Folic acid reduces the antiepileptic effectiveness of drugs that contain carbamazepine and barbiturates. It is necessary that between taking Elevit


Pronatal and any of the listed medicines have passed 2 or 3 hours.

Contraindications and side effects

Do not take Elevit Pronatal with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients and / or excipients of the drug. The list of contraindications includes hypervitaminoses A and D, excess calcium in the body, metabolic disorders of iron and copper. Do not drink Elevit Pronatal together with other vitamin A and / or D.

The drug is not recommended in case of severe renal impairment. Tablets contain lactose, therefore, it is contraindicated in case of its intolerance and lactase deficiency.


The most likely adverse effects are allergic reactions. Blisters, redness of the skin, swelling of the lips, tongue, neck appear. Headaches, insomnia may occur. Side effects from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, heaviness and pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.

Iron turns the stool black, riboflavin changes the color of the urine to orange. These side effects are completely harmless.

Cheap Vitamin Analogs

Packages of Elevit Pronatal 100 tablets should last for three months. The price of the drug in the pharmacy seems to many overpriced - from 1700 to 1950 rubles. You can find multivitamins with the same composition, macro- and microelements.


The list of analogues is cheaper than Elevit Pronatal:

TitleNumber of tablets per packprice, rub.
Berocca Plus30900
Bio max30 or 60300, 400
Vitrum Prenatal Forte30300
Complivite Mom30, 60235, 300
Mommy's Alphabet Health60363

Each tablet of Vitamin Complex Elevit Pronatal contains such a quantity of micronutrients that meets the daily needs of a pregnant and breast-feeding woman. You can choose a similar drug, more affordable.

It should be remembered that in domestic multivitamins the concentration of active ingredients is lower than in imported products. This is explained by the fact that the calculations of the daily requirement for micronutrients are performed differently. In addition, many experts believe that it is necessary to take increased doses of vitamins, since bioactive substances are not completely absorbed from food and drugs.