Strawberries are one of the most popular berries in the world. Its delicate, sweet-sour taste and soft, juicy texture cause gastronomic delight in many people. But this is not only attractive to the regal berry, because in addition to taste and aromatic charms, it contains a whole storehouse of useful substances. Vitamins, minerals, acids have a beneficial effect on the human body both inside (when eating berries) and outside (when using the fruit as a cosmetic product). However, this amazing and healthy berry does not grow all year round (greenhouse cultivation is not taken into account) and in order to feast on strawberries in the cold, many different options for its preservation were invented. One of the most popular methods is strawberry jam, which not only preserves the beneficial properties of an amazing berry, but also has an excellent consistency, smell and, of course, taste.

Strawberry jam recipe for the winter, which can be prepared in several ways, try to cook right now.

Strawberry jam - a classic winter recipe

This is the easiest and most frequently used method.

To make a delicious strawberry jam, you need only three ingredients:

  • strawberries 1 kg;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemon juice of one fruit.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pure, selected berries are sprinkled with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and left for two hours, so that the strawberries give juice.
  2. The resulting syrup is poured into a large saucepan and put on fire.
  3. Berries with sugar are put in the boiled juice and boiled for 10 minutes. Lemon juice is added, which will add spice to the beautiful dessert and remove excess sweetness.
  4. Strawberries boiled in syrup are ground with a blender and the resulting mass is put on fire for cooking for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Cooked jam is poured into sterilized and dry cans.

The jam is ready.

Tasty recipe: five minute strawberry jam

On a note. For the last boil, you can use a large pan in order to increase the area of ​​evaporation of moisture and make the jam more thick.

Five-minute strawberry jam, a quick and easy recipe

This is one of the most common types of jam making. Due to the speed, simplicity and usefulness, this method is used by many housewives.

It is as follows:

  • strawberry berries 2 kg;
  • sugar 0.8 kg.

Wash the harvested crop, clean the stalks, and remove rotten and crushed fruits. Using a blender, a meat grinder or a crush, turn the strawberries into mashed potatoes and cover them with sugar.

Put the resulting mixture on fire, boil, remove the foam and cook for five minutes. Then cool and repeat the procedure twice, to evaporate more moisture and get a thick jam, after 8 hours.

Dessert in a slow cooker


Modern appliances greatly facilitate the work in the kitchen. To create a wonderful jam that will not work under normal cooking conditions, you can use a slow cooker. She will not only give the hostess more free time, but will change the consistency of the usual delicacy, making it more tender, dense and rich.

Strawberry Jam Recipe:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp. (previously diluted in 100 ml of boiling water).

The principle of preparation remains the same as if a pan was used, with the only difference: strawberry puree with sugar is prepared in a separate container and only then transferred to the multicooker bowl. Then the “Extinguishing” program is selected for 1 hour. When the time comes, the jam will be ready. If desired, you can add gelatin to give more density or additional components. Ready jam needs to be poured into pre-prepared jars that will retain a great treat for a long time.

Strawberry jam is not only able to decorate any dish, but it can also become a wonderful dessert that will fill the cold season with aromas of summer and warmth.

On a note. Adding lemon juice preserves the color of the jam and gives it a special touch.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam


There are a number of different recipes where not only standard ingredients such as strawberries, sugar and lemon juice can participate, but also additional elements that will make the taste of the dish richer and richer. These components include mint, orange, apples, white chocolate. Together, these products are best not to add, so that they do not interrupt the taste of each other.

We offer the following recipe:

  • 2 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 500 g of orange pulp;
  • 40 g of gelatin (previously diluted in 200 g of boiling water).

We prepare delicious and thick strawberry jam as follows:

  1. Preparation of berries: washing, peeling of green leaves, removing rotten and damaged fruits. The orange is peeled and crushed with a blender.
  2. Processing: chop strawberries until smooth (mashed potatoes). Pass through a sieve to weed out small bones. This will give the jam beauty and tenderness.
  3. Cooking: sugar and orange are added to the puree, the whole mixture is cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes. For quick dissolution of sugar and uniform heating, it is necessary to constantly stir the boiling mass. Additional ingredients can be added as desired.
  4. Completion: after 20 minutes, the jam pan is removed and covered with a cloth (gauze, towel) so that it absorbs moisture and the jam becomes thick. It is advisable to repeat the cooking step twice to get the optimal consistency of a great dessert. Add gelatin during the last cooking.

On a note. Removing the seeds from the crushed berries will give the jam a tenderness.

How to make strawberry jam with pectin?

A thick and tasty strawberry jam is obtained when adding gelatin or pectin, a thickener obtained from the peel of citrus / apples, during cooking.

For a thick dessert you will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 200-300 g;
  • pectin - 20 g.

How to make strawberry jam:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse and grind, then add sugar and gelatin in the puree.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a pan, put on fire and cook for 5-7 minutes. When the consistency of the jam reaches the desired density, remove the pan from the heat and pour the resulting mass into specially prepared jars.

On a note. When cooking, the white foam protruding from above can be removed at will, but if left alone, it will give a rich taste and spicy notes to an exquisite treat.

Forest strawberry jam for the winter

Forest strawberries, or simply strawberries, have an interesting “forest” flavor. Strawberry jam will be an excellent dessert for tea drinking in the winter season. If possible, try picking a bucket of wild berries in season and close the strawberries for the winter.

Forest strawberry jam is very simple to make:

  • 3 kg of strawberries;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar.

First, prepare the berries: wash, clean from green leaves. Next, we take a large container and grind strawberries in it with sugar, you can use a sieve and rub manually, or skip the berries through a meat grinder. Water does not need to be added, the berry is juicy enough, and the jam should be thick. Put the jam on a slow fire. As soon as the jam boils, we detect 1.5 hours (it may take 2 hours) and cook, stirring occasionally. Do not forget to periodically remove the foam. Jam should boil well, gain a thick consistency.

While the jam is boiling, prepare the jars. We wash, sterilize in a convenient way, keep the lids in boiling water for 5 minutes. After boiling, do not allow the dessert to cool and in a hot state we lay it out on the banks, wrap it and leave it to cool.