What character is hidden behind the cute face and miniature size of a long-haired chihuahua? The answer to this question, as well as many other useful information related to the content of a cheerful dog in the house, readers will find in this article.

Description of Longhaired Chihuahua

Chihuahua is a decorative dwarf breed, which is distinguished by its miniature, activity and human orientation. Such qualities turn the animal into an excellent companion dog, which, with all its external data, having high intelligence, easily becomes a manipulator in the house.

An important advantage is the ease of care for the Chihuahua. They can easily be satisfied with a stationary toilet in the form of a tray. But, of course, to strengthen the health and full functioning of the musculoskeletal system, one cannot refuse to walk in the fresh air.

If the future owner has children or other pets, then you can start a baby of the breed presented. But in the reverse order, this is not worth it, because the Chihuahua is very jealous. They are so attached to the owner that sometimes such a feeling reaches egoism - the dog does not want to share the owner’s attention with anyone, even with the child that has appeared. In the eyes of an animal, it is just a competitor.

Origin history

According to the most popular version, the ancestors of the kids are leakies - dogs, who lived together with the Toltec Indian tribe. But the immediate ancestors of modern Chihuahuas lived in Mexico, Chivava. The breed owes its name to the habitat of the Chihuahua.
Over time, the animals came to the border states of the USA, where the work of dog handlers on the improvement of the species began. They crossed with English toy terriers, as well as Pomeranian spitz. The last blood infusion led to the formation of a species of long-haired chihuahua.

The first standard of such dogs appeared in 1904, after which breeding began. Today, the breed is one of the three most popular in the world.

Life span

Representatives of this species with Mexican roots live about 12 years. However, the average age indicator can be extended if the dogs are provided with appropriate conditions of detention, systematically devote a little time to caring for her, and also give the baby their love and care. Regular visits to the veterinarian are important, which allow you to timely diagnose ailments and prevent their development.

The purpose and nature of the dog

There is no better companion dog than a chihuahua. His attachment to the owner is transmitted through the ability to feel and even guess the mood of the owner. Therefore, one should not show aggression, because a dog can demonstrate it as a reflection in his consciousness.

Often they are even considered good watchmen, or rather, “bells,” since small chihuahuas are very wary of strangers and immediately give voice. They get along well with children only if they were brought in after the appearance of the child.

A chihuahua is a breed that does not recognize authorities among its own kind. At the same time, their weight and size are not indicative for the doggie. He can chase a larger individual if he wants to.

Puppies are exorbitant. But adult dogs can spend hours calmly watching the owner reading a book under their favorite rug.

Breed standard and puppy selection

Purebred pedigree long-haired chihuahua with a claim to the championship must meet absolutely all pedigree standards:

  1. Head - rounded with a skull in the shape of an apple with a pronounced wide transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  2. The muzzle is shortened, upturned, wide at the base and tapering to the tip.
  3. Nose - the lobe can have any shades.
  4. Jaw - regular scissor bite.
  5. Eyes are large, rounded, dark in color (light are not the cause of disqualification, but are undesirable).
  6. Ears are large, erect, quite widely spaced.
  7. The trunk is compact, well developed with a wide and deep chest.
  8. The limbs are erect, vertical with respect to a correctly folded body.
  9. Tail - set high and medium length.
  10. The coat is thin, silky, straight or slightly wavy with a thick, thick undercoat. On the ears, neck, back of the legs and tail should be scratched.
  11. Color - any are allowed, except marble.
  12. Growth at the withers - 15-23 cm.
  13. Weight - 2.5-3 kg.

The choice of puppies of a long-haired chihuahua is a responsible event, which you need to approach consciously, having learned the following points:

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the future destination of a little friend. If the dog breeder plans to use it for breeding or participation in exhibitions, then it is better to go to the kennel with a specialist in order to avoid acquiring a baby with defects in the exterior;
  • it is necessary to observe the behavior of the future pet so that it is active, playful;
  • Before the acquisition, an inspection of the animal is mandatory: the ears should be clean, and the eyes should not be cloudy;

On a note! High-breed dogs should be purchased exclusively from specialized kennels or from trusted breeders who do not chase money to the detriment of the genetic purity of the animals.

Maintenance, care and feeding

Chihuahua is not suitable for life on the street. But in the summer period he will be very grateful if the owner relocates him to an open-air cage for fresh air.The kid loves walking and active pastimes, which the owner must take care of.

Mowing a long-haired chihuahua, like grooming, is not carried out. It is enough to comb it every week. During molting, which is not particularly pronounced, the frequency of the procedure can be increased. It is advisable to bathe the dog if necessary when using special tools.

Systematically, the four-legged pet should wipe his eyes and clean the auricles. Like other small breeds, chihuahua teeth often suffer from caries and stone formation, so the baby should be taught to carry out their sanitation from the first days of appearance in the house. And also do not forget about shortening the claws every month.

In a pet's diet, which should be balanced, preference should be given to dry foods of a super-premium class for small breeds. The last point is very important, since such a line has a high energy value. If the owner believes that the animal should be fed only with natural food, then meat products with the addition of vegetables and various cereals should prevail in the diet. Do not forget to give your pet fermented milk products and eggs.

How to train a chihuahua

Starting from 3 months, it is necessary to begin an intensive socialization of the dog. An ideal option is the situation when the circle of communication includes various birds, cats and other brothers.

Do not, looking at the miniature of the animal, carry it on your hands. This is fraught with abnormal bone formation. You should walk with a chihuahua so that the latter runs most of the road on a leash. This is especially important for exhibition individuals.

Pets are well trained. But training should be carried out on the floor, so that because of the trick the doggie does not get injured.

For those who are looking for a fluffy companion dog, a long-haired chihuahua will be just the perfect solution.