Obesity is a problem of our time. People have the opportunity to eat everything, in any quantity, while semi-finished foods are especially popular today! If obesity is not associated with any diseases that require a certain type of diet, then to reduce weight and improve well-being, you can use the diet for obesity according to Pevzner M.I.

This scientist from the USSR has developed a number of effective diets. Each of the latter does not have a big name, like "Become an anorexic!" (In reality, there is a diet with a similar name), but has a number or a number with a letter. In this review, we will get acquainted with diet No. 8.

Check your weight (body mass index)

General Obesity Nutrition

If the disappointing diagnosis of "obesity" is made, do not panic and jam the trouble with a carrot! You need to think about proper nutrition, which will help in weight loss. Without the appointment of a specialist, table No. 8 is not recommended for use, because it has its own contraindications, which we will talk about later.

It is worthwhile to understand that the medical diet according to Pevzner is not magic, which in a week will save you from everything superfluous.

Strict rules must be followed. Table 8 diet goals:

  1. Weight reduction before approaching the standards.
  2. Resumption of normal work of metabolic processes.
  3. Normalization of the body’s water and salt balance.

The basic rules are as follows (they are suitable for any degree of obesity, including the first):

  1. About 80 grams of fat should be consumed per day, half of which is of animal origin, the second of vegetable.
  2. Proteins in the daily diet should be at least 100 grams, exceeding is also not recommended.
  3. Sugar should not be present in any of the dishes, so remove even sugar-containing sauces (including ketchup) to the far shelf.
  4. Carbohydrate per day is consumed from 120 to 150 grams.
  5. The total energy value of consumed products per day should not exceed 1600 kcal.
  6. Pay attention to fluid intake: an adult needs normal consumption of pure water per day for normal metabolic processes to work, at least about a liter for juices, tea, broths and other liquids.
  7. When cooking, do not add salt, but a complete rejection of it is harmful. How to be Salt food during its consumption (the norm is 3 grams at a time).
  8. You need to consume only foods that have the lowest calorie content. For example, you want kefir, you need to take it with a fat content of not higher than 1.5 percent.
  9. The composition of food - only simple carbohydrates, easily digestible. Choose foods that are low in fat.
  10. Be sure to have days to unload the body. But they should not be “hungry”, these are mono-diet days. You yourself choose what to eat throughout the day: fish, vegetables (one type of vegetable), meat, fruits (one variety). And the total calorific value per day should not be higher than 1000 kcal these days.
  11. Dishes are prepared only by cooking, baking, it is possible - steamed. Exclude all fried, smoked.
  12. Pickles and pickled foods are off.
  13. Food should be fractional, you can’t eat a lot of everything, but rarely (and often too). Eat in portions from your palm (that’s how much a person’s stomach should contain) 5-6 times a day! It will be difficult at first, but then such food will become familiar!

As for people with obesity above 2 degrees, here the rules are more stringent:

  1. The amount of calories consumed should not exceed 1200 kcal per day.
  2. Of 80 grams of fat - 2/3 of vegetable origin, or you can completely abandon animal fats.
  3. The liquid is not limited in consumption, but not less than 2 liters.
  4. From the kitchen you need to eliminate all foods that cause increased appetite, just so easy to break.
  5. More foods with dietary fiber.

Table: diet products "Table No. 8"

Everyone should understand that diet is a rejection of a number of foods and dishes that interfere with effective weight loss! But there are also products that you must eat with a diet. They help establish metabolism. Let's talk about what you can and should eat, and also give a list of dishes that you will have to refuse, at least for the duration of the diet.

What can I eat with a diet

  1. It is not necessary to completely abandon bread; you can eat up to 150 grams per day of whole-rye or whole grain bread.
  2. From meat, choose only lean varieties: beef, poultry, rabbit, lamb, lean pork and lean lamb. Up to 150 grams per day.
  3. Of the sausages, high-quality sausages are allowed, you can also eat jellied meat. Both that, and another - to 150 grams a day (one thing).
  4. Seafood, low-fat fish - up to 0.2 kg per day.
  5. Up to 200 grams per day, you can consume dairy and dairy products. For example, a glass a day of ryazhenka, kefir or milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. All - the lowest fat content, no sugar. If you like sweet curd, put a little fructose or any sweetener in it, you can spoon a honey.
  6. Chicken eggs - one per day. It is possible in the form of an omelet or hard boiled.
  7. From cereals it is allowed to eat buckwheat, a bag, barley. But it’s not advisable to cook, it’s better to cook steamed cereals: in the evening pour boiling water a portion of raw cereals, warm in the morning and eat.
  8. Raw vegetables can be anything. If we are talking about cooking dishes with potatoes, carrots and beets, then their daily content should not exceed 200 grams. Would you like sauerkraut? Wash it under running water to rinse off excess salt.
  9. Fruits - any, but not grapes and bananas.
  10. If it’s too hard without sweet, then you can eat jelly (without sugar) in small quantities, mousse and compote - also without sugar, use substitutes or honey.
  11. With the diet “8 table” it is allowed to consume fats, but in a minimal amount: a thin layer of butter per piece of rye bread (once a day), vegetable oil - a few drops for dressing salad.
  12. It’s very difficult without sauces! You can cook tomato sauces, use ready-made tomato paste, sour cream, mushroom sauce, and vinegar consumption is also not prohibited.
  13. Any drinks, but without sugar. Minimum amount of coffee! Stop drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks while dieting. If the holiday, then you can one serving of dry red wine, brandy or vodka.

The mandatory list includes products:

  • boiled egg, at least protein;
  • lemon;
  • honey (spoon per day, no more).

Fully or partially restricted products

As for the partially banned, they have already been talked about above. None of the foods can be eaten in large quantities, for example, potatoes - up to 200 grams per day, meat and fish - up to 150-200 g, and so on.


You must completely abandon the following list:

  • bakery products from premium flour, all products from puff and yeast dough;
  • legumes;
  • pasta (do not even put in soups);
  • caviar, canned food, smoked meats, fatty meat and fish;
  • semolina, rice;
  • raisins, dates, figs;
  • ice cream, jelly;
  • everything that contains sugar;
  • mayonnaise, lard, spicy seasonings, spices;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products.

The list of "banned" is not so great, it will be difficult for the sweet tooth and everyone who is used to eating everything with bread. The main thing is to cook on your own, do not visit cafes and restaurants where the aroma of all tasty, but so harmful to the figure reigns! Remove from the kitchen everything that leads to sinful thoughts: “a tiny piece will not harm”. After all, usually it ends with a real gluttony!

And remember that losing your weight is not the feeling of hunger, but the head!

You need to be aware that in most cases you want to not eat, namely food: taste it, chew it. But to suppress the need to chew, do not use chewing gum, it will only increase your appetite. The stomach does not understand why the chewing process is going on, but nothing is coming into it - it will secrete more acid. If you really want to eat something, take a half apple (no more, snacks are not recommended). And remember: do not want to eat an apple - do not want to eat in principle!

Features for men, women

As a rule, it is more difficult for women to lose weight because of their natural predisposition to the accumulation of fats on their stomachs and hips. Men are just hard to restrain themselves, so as not to overeat. If you have a good metabolism, then losing weight will go faster, the feeling of hunger will dull, because already accumulated fats will begin to burn.


To help speed up metabolism, it is recommended for both men and women:

  1. As soon as you wake up, without even brushing your teeth, draw a glass of warm water. Squeeze the juice of a quarter of lemon into it, drink it in one gulp.
  2. Breakfast after such a drink can be in 20-30 minutes.
  3. Lose weight you need at least with minimal, but physical exertion. Take a walk in the park (not along the roads: the exhausts of passing cars will only do much harm), walk from work to work, refuse the elevator in favor of walking up and down the stairs.
  4. Sign up for water aerobics - it not only helps to lose weight, but relaxes muscles and bones that are overweight. You will feel much better after classes!

Pevzner's therapeutic diet menu

As we managed to determine, the nutrition should be fractional. We will eat 6 times a day, but in miniature portions. They are small at first glance, but in reality you quickly get used to such an amount, since the stomach has the ability to taper, and the previously consumed amount will seem terrifying! So, we suggest considering a sample menu of a medical diet for a week. Further, you yourself can easily compose this.

In the morning, do not forget to drink warm, sour water. And so every day!


  1. Breakfast - one apple, a cup of coffee.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 - a glass of kefir.
  3. Lunch - mushroom soup - 150 grams, 100 grams of buckwheat + sausage, green tea.
  4. Snack - jelly or natural orange juice (not tetra-pack!), You can handful a hazelnut.
  5. Dinner - trout baked in foil with a side dish of steam broccoli (you can chop fresh cabbage and season with oil).
  6. Dinner No. 2 a couple of hours before bedtime - a glass of milk or fruit.


  1. Breakfast - a handful of cottage cheese with fresh berries, boiled egg, tea or coffee.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 - grated carrots with a spoon of honey.
  3. Lunch - beef soup with potatoes, tomato and cucumber salad, seasoned with butter, juice.
  4. Snack - kefir.
  5. Dinner - two tablespoons of green peas with boiled beef tongue, tea.
  6. Dinner No. 2 - herbal tea with lemon, a spoon of honey, drying.


  1. Breakfast - omelet from one egg with vegetables, coffee.
  2. The second breakfast is carrot pudding.
  3. Lunch - soup with meatballs, a salad of fresh white cabbage and carrots with butter and vinegar, tea.
  4. Snack - natural sugar-free yogurt with berries or fruits.
  5. Dinner - steamed fish, lettuce, a glass of milk.
  6. Dinner No. 2 - a glass of kefir or milk, an apple.


  1. Breakfast - cheesecakes cooked in the oven, tea with milk and a spoonful of honey.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 - juice from pumpkins and carrots.
  3. Lunch - soup made of vegetables without meat, boiled chicken breast with a side dish of buckwheat, tea from herbs.
  4. Snack - grated apple.
  5. Dinner - steam seafood, tomato and cucumber salad with butter and lemon juice, tea.
  6. Dinner No. 2 - 100 grams of cottage cheese.


  1. Breakfast: hard boiled egg, a piece of whole grain bread with a thin layer of butter, tea.
  2. The second breakfast is grapefruit.
  3. Lunch - mashed potato soup with beef broth, barley with a steam fish patty, tea.
  4. Afternoon snack - applesauce.
  5. Dinner - broccoli with meat stewed in tomato sauce, a glass of mineral water.
  6. Dinner No. 2 - kefir.

Read also:applesauce


  1. Breakfast - one egg omelet, spinach, coffee.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 - juice from apple and celery.
  3. Lunch - green cabbage soup, two baked potatoes with rabbit meat, juice.
  4. Snack - fruit salad of orange, kiwi and apple (half in all), season with a spoon of honey.
  5. Dinner - beetroot soup, tomato.
  6. Dinner No. 2 - tomato juice without salt.

Sunday (like any other day 7, if the diet is not Monday) - the unloading period.

Follow the diet, but eat only apples (up to one and a half kilograms) or steam fish (up to 0.5 kg) all day. You can even drink kefir with a fat content of 1% - one and a half liters throughout the day.

Do not forget that every day you can also eat up to 150 grams of rye or whole grain fresh / cracked bread.

Interesting recipes for healthy dishes

Even healthy foods can be turned into a terrific dish that will not let go of the diet! We offer several interesting options.

Low-calorie soup puree:

  1. Boil celery, broccoli, carrots until tender.
  2. Grind in a blender when ready.
  3. Serve with sour cream, fresh herbs, crackers.

Braised Squid:

  1. Hold 250 grams of fresh squid in boiling water, clean.
  2. In a frying pan with butter, let the carrots and onions, add the squid in pieces, simmer for 7-9 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle with lemon juice, serve with vegetables.

Vitamin Salad:

  1. Grind a cucumber, a couple of radishes, a little Beijing cabbage, add cherry.
  2. Dice the feta cheese, add the olive oil and lemon juice.

Dessert "Curd":

  1. Beat 200 grams of cottage cheese, add fresh berries.
  2. Mix with a spoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon, put in the microwave for a minute.

"Table No. 8" during pregnancy

At first glance it seems that there is nothing wrong with this diet: all harmful products are prohibited, only usefulness can be! But be that as it may, the diet is designed for an adult, losing weight person. Vitamins and minerals in the diet are enough only for him, but not for a pregnant woman!

If it was already decided by the doctor that the expectant mother can observe Table No. 8, then an additional complex of vitamins and minerals must be taken.

In general, no diet is useful during pregnancy, except those specially designed for pregnant women who are overweight, with a strong weight gain during gestation. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can advise on diets, choose the most suitable, based on the personality of the patient's body!

For the most part, overweight people lose weight during pregnancy and without any diets there! You can not start to observe the "Table No. 8" pregnant without the advice of a specialist!


Is Table 8 suitable for everyone? Unfortunately not. Overweight people often suffer from diseases in which other nutritional rules must be followed.

These include:

  • diabetes;
  • liver disease
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, before deciding to follow the diet "8 table", you need to consult a doctor!

If you have metabolic problems and you are assigned to the “Table 8” diet, try not to break, go this way to the end. Instead of abstaining from your favorite foods, you will feel well, you can significantly lose weight, which will affect your overall health! Isn't it worth it? Good luck!