In pursuit of a slim figure, many resort to a variety of methods, often quite dangerous, up to starvation. But as always, everything ingenious is simple. The usual buckwheat diet with kefir will be the best solution both in the fight against extra pounds, and for healing the body.

The benefits of cereals and slimming drink

Each of these products individually is a real storehouse of all kinds of minerals and vitamins. And together they form a universal tool that helps to restore a slim figure without harming health.

The specific benefits of such a power system are as follows:

  • metabolic processes are accelerated and normalized;
  • toxins and slags are removed;
  • fiber, which is rich in buckwheat, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, accelerating digestion and thereby contributing to rapid weight loss;
  • beneficial bacteria that inhabit the fermented milk product normalize the work of the intestines and stomach;
  • skin and hair condition improves;
  • the liver goes into "rest" mode due to the absence of fatty and fried foods, as a result of which it is unloaded and the functions are restored;
  • cholesterol is reduced;
  • blood sugar returns to normal;
  • pressure equalizes;
  • a feeling of satiety persists for a long time due to the high nutritional value of the products.

The benefits of this diet can be discussed for a very long time, since it is truly universal and is suitable even for diabetics, hypertensive patients and people with intestinal diseases. But let's get to knowing the specific principles of this system.

The principles of the diet on buckwheat and kefir

The main essence of such nutrition is the restriction of the diet by buckwheat, which is poured with kefir in the evening.

The main difficulties in maintaining a diet are connected with this. It is difficult to abandon food diversity, switching overnight to two products that are not the most attractive in terms of taste characteristics. Therefore, the first few days are given especially hard, while the body develops the habit of eating according to the new system.

In this regard, less stringent diet options were developed, buckwheat with kefir in them was supplemented by a set of other permitted products.

Choosing this method of losing weight, it is important to carefully study its features and rules.

Cooking the main course is quite simple. A glass of cereal is poured with two glasses of kefir (you can use low-fat yogurt) and left overnight. It is forbidden to add butter, sugar and even salt to the finished porridge. The resulting amount of product is divided into 2 servings: one for breakfast, the second for dinner. During the day, a snack is allowed with a light salad, lean soup or low-fat fish.

The diet lasts 10 days. If you wish, you can do another approach in a couple of weeks.

Too long to adhere to such a diet is not worth it. This can cause a reverse reaction - uncontrolled absorption of junk food after leaving the diet.

It is important not to forget about the drinking regimen, drinking at least a liter of plain water per day.

Combining such a nutrition system is better with moderate physical activity. The body is still not capable of great activity in connection with the intensive process of purification.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

The main products, as already mentioned, are kefir and buckwheat.

In addition, the diet is allowed to supplement with other components:

  • low-fat yogurt and other dairy products (sugar free);
  • apples that can be cut into porridge or eat separately;
  • a small amount of dried fruits (especially with high mental stress);
  • a few tablespoons of honey (in the evening with sleep disorders);
  • celery root, accelerating weight loss due to the fat-burning effect;
  • boiled beets;
  • raw carrots;
  • White cabbage;
  • green tea.

From vegetables, you can make a light salad seasoned with lemon juice. Oil is forbidden to add.

List of prohibited products:

  • semi-finished meat products;
  • Cheeses
  • alcohol;
  • oil (all types);
  • salt;
  • pepper and other spices;
  • sugar and all kinds of sweets;
  • bakery products.

After completing the diet, you should also slightly limit your diet, pacifying cravings for fast food, fried and fatty foods, and confectionery. This will help consolidate the result.

Detailed menu

Despite the fact that this food system belongs to mono-diets, you can turn to a more gentle variation that allows the inclusion of other products. The result in this case will not be so impressive, but getting used to a new diet will happen faster. So next time, the transition to a strict restriction will not be so sharp and traumatic.

Here is an example of a sparing 10-day menu for a buckwheat diet with kefir.

1Buckwheat porridge with kefir, tea with a spoon of honeyTomato soupAn AppleBuckwheat stewed with mushrooms
2Buckwheat porridge, fresh cucumber and tomato salad seasoned with lemon juiceVegetable soup (without potatoes)Some dried fruitsBraised cabbage and buckwheat porridge (without kefir)
3The third day is to eat only buckwheat with kefir and drink clean water
4Buckwheat porridge with low-fat yogurtLean buckwheat soupA glass of low-fat kefirBoiled sea kale and buckwheat
5Porridge, apple and green teaMushroom broth with fresh herbsDried fruitsBuckwheat with vegetable stew without oil
6All day only buckwheat steamed with kefir and water
7Kefir with buckwheat, tea with honeyColeslaw, a slice of lean fishUnsweetened fruitBraised turkey zucchini
8Buckwheat with kefir, dried fruitsCelery Soup200 g kefirBoiled beetroot salad without salt, low-fat fish
9All day - buckwheat with kefir and a plentiful drink of plain water
10Buckwheat porridge with low-fat yogurt, teaZucchini puree soupHandful of dried fruitBuckwheat meatballs, grated raw carrots

If you managed to hold out on such a menu for all 10 days, then in a month you can safely proceed to a more rigorous version.

The effect of fasting days

Fasting day is an effective method of quickly getting rid of extra pounds on the eve of an important event. The essence of the method is to use only buckwheat without adding salt. The food is washed down with kefir. 200 - 250 g of cereal is taken per day and distributed into 6 - 7 servings. The last meal is carried out no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

Such food unloading is carried out no more than 1 day per week. Before carrying out it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist and undergo the necessary examination.

The results of the fasting day on buckwheat with kefir are impressive:

  • weight is reduced by at least half a kilogram;
  • skin acquires a healthy color;
  • allergic manifestations disappear;
  • overall appearance improves;
  • lightness appears throughout the body.

But such a “respite” on the digestive system will have a particularly positive effect. The work of the intestines and stomach will be restored, the “rested” liver will return to normal.

The right way out of the diet

The final stage is the most important part of the whole system. It depends on him whether it will be possible to maintain the achieved result. Disruptions often occur, and lost kilograms are rapidly returning. After such a difficult path, it's a shame to get a similar result.

Nutritionists are strongly advised to adhere to a gradual transition to a normal diet.

At the first stage, you can include more fatty varieties of meat and fish in a boiled form in the menu, then add dairy products and eggs. Fried foods with added oil should be the last to go.

Within a week after the completion of the diet, it is necessary to observe the caloric content of the daily diet, in the range of no more than 1500 kcal. Preference should be given to stewed, boiled and raw foods. The fractional nutrition model should be maintained, as well as the general regimen of food intake.

What results can be achieved

According to reviews, you can lose from 3 to 10 kg on such a diet. The exact performance depends on the initial weight, severity and duration of the system. Some note the disappearance of constipation, bloating, flatulence. Women who were depressed before the start of the diet, after exiting it, noticed improvement in well-being, restoration of strength, normalization of metabolic processes, alignment of the menstrual cycle.

In addition, this approach is notable for the rapid appearance of visible results - many noted the changes on the third day, which encouraged them to continue the course. Throughout all time, good health and a positive attitude are preserved.

What are the contraindications?

Sometimes, after several days of a new nutritional system, abdominal cramps occur. In this case, you must stop the diet and consult a doctor. This reaction is most likely caused by intolerance to one of the products. Buckwheat can provoke an allergy, and kefir should not be consumed by people who have stomach diseases in a chronic course.

In all these situations, it is urgent to change the diet, choosing a more acceptable option.

Thus, this nutrition system fully justifies its status as one of the best ways to get rid of extra pounds and improve the overall health of the body. However, the presence of special instructions nevertheless indicates the need for preliminary consultation with a specialist.