The sensational "star" diet of the Valley is really very effective, but only if you strictly follow all its rules. Once going through this weight loss program to the end and evaluating the result, you will stay with it forever.

Features and principles of the Valley diet

This technique is based on the daily use of low-fat kefir. This fermented milk product perfectly stimulates digestion and helps to lose weight. In addition to the main course, raw vegetables and fruits, meat and other dairy products are included in the diet.

Although the technique of the famous singer has several options, still the set of products remains the same. The duration of the diet depends on the desired result.

The main feature of the Valley program in the absence of a constantly haunting feeling of hunger, characteristic of many other diets. Food is allowed to be taken so often that losing weight simply does not have time to get hungry. The technique gives guaranteed results, since nutrition is built on low-calorie foods that are quickly absorbed.

The main principle of the program is to drink at least 500 ml of low fat kefir per day. Herbal teas and water are recommended, but also no more than 500 ml per day.

The principle of the diet is to reduce the daily volume of fluid consumed. It is this feature that helps to lose weight so quickly.

  • The entire daily amount of food, sitting on a diet, must be divided into 6 receptions.
  • Between meals at least 2 hours must pass.
  • After 18 hours you can’t categorically eat and even drink kefir.
  • During the program, you can not add salt to the food or add spices.
  • Meat and vegetables are allowed only boiled or baked.
  • Fried foods are strictly prohibited.

Recommended and Prohibited Products

Larisa Dolina’s diet is quite strict, but the quick result is worth the gastronomic deprivation. The main product is kefir. All fruits and vegetables are allowed except grapes. Even potatoes can be cooked following the program under discussion.

Every day it is allowed to eat low-fat cottage cheese, as well as drink yogurt and consume low-fat sour cream. Low-fat varieties of meat and poultry, as well as lean species of fish, are recommended.

Drinks containing caffeine as well as alcohol fall under the taboo. It is strictly forbidden flour, canned, fried, salted, smoked.

Advantages and disadvantages

The “starry” weight loss technique has helped so many women find their perfect body.

The benefits of the program include:

  • Efficiency. All who went through the diet to the end note that they have achieved a visible result.
  • Quick result. The first visible effect of minus 1 kg can be seen already on the second day of the diet. This stimulates the passage of the process to the end.
  • An opportunity to leave a diet as soon as the desired result is obtained. There is no need to diet for a week or two. The program can be stopped as soon as the balance shows the desired weight.
  • The irritability and bad moods that often occur on strict diets will not bother. A little nervousness due to an unusual diet can easily be stopped by herbal teas.
  • The diet can not be called hungry, since you will need to eat often and sufficiently nutritious foods.

But, despite all the obvious advantages of the "star" weight loss program, it also has its own significant drawbacks.


  • Not everyone can abandon the usual diet for a week or even two. Many give up in a couple of days.
  • Doctors say that the diet on kefir is very poor in protein, and this can cause general weakness and loss of muscle mass during weight loss.

A rather uncomfortable diet forces enemas almost every day, and many women do not fulfill this point.

  • Losing weight on the program can be no longer than two weeks. This period may not be enough to achieve the desired weight.
  • Diet Valley recommends limiting fluid intake. A lack of water can lead to dehydration, which can lead to various serious health problems.
  • According to the rules of the technique, dishes cannot be salted. A lack of sodium in the body leads to disturbances in the electrolyte balance, which can also lead to the appearance of various pathologies. Therefore, for a long period, refusing salt is strictly not recommended.

The Valley diet has a lot of fans, and some women go through the program several times in order to maintain perfect shape. In addition, the kefir technique helps to cleanse the body, because kefir, like a brush, sweeps out all toxins and fecal stones from the intestines and helps to improve the digestive tract.

Detailed menu for 7 and 14 days

The Valley diet for 7 days requires a strict menu, however, having shown willpower, it can be endured. The proposed products for one day are divided into 6 meals.

The menu for the week of the program should look something like this:

  • Day 1. 5 boiled medium-sized potatoes + 2 cups low-fat kefir.
  • Day 2. 200 g of low-fat sour cream + 2 cups of kefir.
  • Day 3. 200 g fat-free cottage cheese + 2 cups kefir.
  • Day 4. Half boiled chicken + 2 cups kefir.
  • Days 5 and 6. 2 cups of kefir and 400 g of fruit.
  • Day 7. 1 liter of mineral water without gas.

If the desired result is not achieved in one week, the menu is repeated after a three-day break. Days can be interchanged at will. The menu for 14 days completely repeats the diet of the first week.

Way Out Of The Valley Diet

If you are already desperate to return to your ideal form, and after the next diet you will soon gain weight again, feel free to follow the Valley kefir diet.But after the end of the diet, especially if it lasted 14 days, it is necessary to smoothly return to the previous diet.

  1. The first couple of days the menu remains almost the same as on the diet - you must continue to drink kefir and eat fractionally. But a little cereal is introduced into the diet. It can be oatmeal or buckwheat with milk and butter.
  2. Fatty foods are introduced into the diet very carefully. It is recommended to add 10-15 g of butter, fat cottage cheese, vegetable oils per day.
  3. After the end of the diet, so that the result achieved with such difficulty can be preserved for a long time, it is necessary to strictly limit all fried, smoked, fatty and floury foods in the diet. Do not immediately after losing weight pounce on confectionery, start drinking juices with sugar and eat fatty meat.

Enough after losing weight for two weeks to control your diet, and a new lifestyle will become a good habit.

On your plate must be proteins, some carbohydrates and vegetable fiber in the form of raw fruits and vegetables. Prefer boiled and stewed dishes, bake meat in the oven, try to eat more rough food and drink more pure water.

How many kilograms of excess weight can I lose?

How quickly weight loss occurs on any diet depends, first of all, on the physiological, individual characteristics of each organism. But Dolina kefir diet gives guaranteed results - in two weeks of the program it usually takes up to 10 - 12 kg of excess weight, which is excellent.

For a week following the procedure, judging by the reviews of thin women, you can lose from 5 to 7 kg of weight. Many other diets do not give such a sustainable result.

To speed up weight loss, doctors recommend exercise during the program. Running on the spot, swimming, dancing and even long walks in the park will help to quickly leave excess fat.

To whom such a diet is contraindicated

Since the diet is strict, it is not recommended to sit on it without the permission of the attending physician. Such a meager diet has a lot of contraindications, and in order not to harm yourself, you should weigh all the pros and cons of the method.

Diet is contraindicated in:

  • Diseases of the liver and gall. You can’t sit on the kefir slimming program for hepatitis, gallstone disease, and cholecystitis.
  • Problems with the stomach and intestines. Although kefir has a healing effect on the digestive tract, with some problems with the digestive system, the diet is contraindicated. In no case should you adhere to this nutrition system for gastritis, especially in the acute stage, as well as for colitis, proctitis, ulcers. Enterocolitis is a direct contraindication to following any diet for weight loss.
  • Kidney disease. Since you can’t drink a lot on a diet, and nutrition on the program is very scarce, such pathologies can become aggravated.
  • Heart problems. People suffering from ischemia, rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris, and many other diseases of the heart muscle should in no case be allowed to sit on a strict nutrition system.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. Any problems with the functioning of the endocrine system can be exacerbated due to a lack of nutrients on the diet. With gout, diabetes, hypothyroidism, the Valley diet is directly contraindicated.
  • Hypovitaminosis.

In no case should you go on a strict diet for adolescents, as their body is not yet strong enough to endure the rejection of nutrients and vitamins without consequences.

A direct contraindication to the discussed nutrition system is pregnancy and feeding the baby. You can not sit on a "star" diet and older people, as their body is already weakened and needs proper nutrition.

The sensational diet of Larisa Dolina gives truly guaranteed results that remain for a long time.But in order not to harm yourself with a strict menu for a sufficiently long time, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting the program. And the delightful figure of a Russian pop star and her young flowering appearance is only proof that her weight loss program works.