It seems that the compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio is very ambiguous, since the characters of the representatives of these signs are completely different. A balanced Virgo and a quick-tempered Scorpio are opposites that can become one only under certain conditions and compromises on the part of each of the partners.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

In this alliance, points of contact are easily found. The virgin, by virtue of her character, will patronize the eccentric Scorpio, and he, in turn, will create an enchanting show, which the earthly Virgo lacks so much.

  • Scorpions, endowed with natural magnetism, embody restraint and endurance. These are purposeful people who are resistant both physically and spiritually. They are wrestlers by nature. People born under this sign are incredulous, but if the partner succeeds in passing the test, they will not find a more faithful partner.
  • Pride, impulsiveness and passion are the qualities that characterize a Scorpio man. He is domineering and passionate, in a love relationship he can hardly find equal, but by nature a guy born under the sign of Scorpio, an owner who does not tolerate falsehoods, much less treason.
  • The Scorpio woman contains all the feelings - nobility, love, fullness of emotions and a little mistrust. In order to gain the trust of Scorpio, you should try, especially for the girl. The Scorpio woman is a real lioness for her family: she will protect against troubles, occupying a high position in the secular circle.

Virgo is the personification of purity and justice.They strive for excellence, noting flaws and trying to fix them. People under the auspices of this sign trust the mind more than the feelings.

  • A virgin man from an early age manifests independence. He seeks material independence and never refuses financial assistance to his relatives.
  • A man born under the sign of Virgo is not prone to emotionality and the manifestation of feelings. In relation to the chosen one, it is too economical.
  • The virgin woman is characterized by inaccessibility, grace, innocence and naivety. As a rule, she is the owner of an attractive appearance. And thanks to a sense of style, a girl under the auspices of the elements of the Earth from an early age is very popular. Due to sensitivity to flattery, it can be deceived in love, which over time manifests itself in the form of distrust of the stronger sex. The Virgo woman needs moral support from her close circle.

Compatible Virgo men and Scorpio women

The union of the Virgo man and the Scorpio woman is a rather harmonious tandem, where each partner complements his soul mate. But for his long and happy existence, both will have to change a little.

In a love relationship

It would seem that what could be common between the pragmatic Virgo and the passionate Scorpio? A woman of a watermark is full of emotions and sincerity, so not enough for a man under the earth sign, who, in turn, is ready to offer the protection and support necessary for her partner.

But over time, this ideal tandem may cease to exist due to the insidiousness of Scorpio, which the Virgo man regards as a deception, unacceptable to him in any manifestations, as well as because of the coldness of the latter. A woman under the auspices of the elements Water urgently needs manifestations of feelings on the part of the partner.


If two opposites decide to create a family, then they need to be ready for “grinding” at the beginning of family life.

Virgo man is a faithful and caring husband. But a diligent housewife will not come out of a Scorpio woman. Her tendency to constantly clarify relationships and passions can irritate the representative of the stronger sex, which, in turn, can offend Scorpio with indifference to his emotions.

In friendship

They can become good friends, because a Virgo man is always ready to provide practical help, and a Scorpio woman - moral support. In this friendly tandem, each partner will be able to give something new to the second.

Sexual compatibility

In sexual terms, as in marriage, everything is also not easy. She is responsible for the passionate side, and he - for physical comfort. And it seems that everything goes perfectly: sex is interesting and deep. But a man may lack tenderness on the part of the fair sex, which, in turn, lacks affection from the Virgin.

How compatible are Virgo women and Scorpio men

The compatibility of the pair Scorpio man and Virgo woman is much better than that of the previously mentioned union. She personifies decency and practicality, and he - at the same time composure and ardor. To become one, they don’t have to exert much effort.

In a love relationship

In love, this couple manages to create harmonious relationships, as the male Scorpio makes them deep, and the female Virgo makes them stable.

The girl is trying to study a bright and strong man, to whom she is also very impressed, because he has not seen such an order for a long time. Her restraint and outward indifference will be the first step towards creating a strong bond, since he will not be familiar with how you can remain so indifferent to his courtship. A man will by all means strive to conquer the Virgin.


The compatibility of the zodiac signs in marriage is almost perfect. Woman Virgo is the guardian of the hearth, creating an atmosphere of harmony. A Scorpio man is a loving and faithful husband who appreciates the comfort and cleanliness supported by the girl.

In friendship

They know how to make friends. In their friendly tandem, the Virgo woman will calm the ever-raging, temperamental Scorpio man. If necessary, they will always provide each other support, both material and psychological.

Sexual compatibility

The compatibility horoscope promises a good understanding for the couple in bed too, where the responsibility for the technique and the creation of comfort lies with the Virgo woman who is obsessed with cleanliness. Scorpio will be responsible for the emotional side of intimacy. They are so different that their sex will be harmonious, complete and deep.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Among the indisputable advantages, astrologers distinguish:

  • stability and constancy - Scorpio, prone to violent romance, will be "ordered" by the earthly and calm Virgin;
  • material well-being - Scorpio knows how to earn and increase, but Virgo does not spend without unnecessary need;
  • Coziness and purity - in the power of the Virgin to accustom the Scorpions to the order, which they themselves are unable to maintain.

The main disadvantages of experts reading by stars include:

  • the struggle for leadership in the family - quarrels and conflicts will accompany the couple, until one of the partners surrenders to the will of the winner and gives up the reins of government;
  • different views on pastime - Scorpio dreams of a partner who will become his companion both in adventures, in walks in the park and at social parties, but calm Virgin prefer to spend evenings and free time in a comfortable chair in front of the fireplace.

Without a doubt, such a union can be attributed to very successful. Especially if each partner will appreciate the feelings and values ​​of the other, at least a little compromise.