Easter is a beloved holiday for everyone, the essence of which is in joy from the resurrection of Christ after his betrayal by Judas and crucifixion on the cross. Easter crowns Holy Week, and on the threshold of it, along with other days, is Thursday, which is of particular importance. The main task of Orthodox believers is purification, and not only physical but spiritual, but on this day you can conduct rituals, read conspiracies, create amulets and guess.

Secrets and wonders of Pure Thursday

Why is Thursday before Easter called clean?

There are several versions:

  1. In ancient times, when washing was a problem, they did it in advance so as not to be distracted by this immediately before the holiday, in which it was supposed to look appropriate. And also to this day it was necessary to get a haircut and put your house in order.
  2. A very long time ago on this day, on the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus held the Last Supper, at which several important events took place, one of which was washing the feet of the disciples. It is known that the disciples protested, convincing Jesus that they were not worthy of such a gesture on his part. But he explained to them that there was nothing shameful in this, that doing good to others was a great joy, and that in this way he expressed great humility, respect and love for them. And these are precisely the qualities that are valued above all in the kingdom of heaven.

So, among the people, the main task of believers on this day is considered to be the purification of the body and home. In fact, pure Thursday has a second name - Maundy Thursday. It is named so because of the importance of the events that occurred on that day.

Back to the Last Supper.In addition to washing his feet, the Savior held a special sacrament (Eucharist) on which he blessed bread and wine, and then gave it to his disciples, saying that the first is his body, and the second is blood shed for them.

The communion of believers on this day is associated with this event. They need to come to the church to serve and taste the blessed bread and wine.

And even that evening, God's messenger predicted the betrayal of one of the disciples, and he knew exactly what to call him Judas.

Thus, for Church ministers, Maundy Thursday is a day dedicated to the recollections of the events of the supper, in which passages from the gospels are read and sacraments are held. For ordinary believers, Pure Thursday is a day of purification and renewal, bringing joy to the Easter holiday bustle.

In 2019, Easter falls on April 28, and Pure Thursday, respectively, on April 25.


Happy Thursday
I send you congratulations
Both soul and body
I wish purification.

I want to wish
I'm Thursday you clean
To clean up
Both in deeds and in thoughts.

Scrub and sweep
Every corner
Throw out of the house
All the troubles are beyond the threshold.

I wish you
On our holy day
Happy to meet Easter
With a pure soul.


With the permission of the Lord
Can be cleaned today!
We clean thoughts from evil,
We cleanse the soul for good
Wash my hands and face
My room, porch.
Let the house be in order
And no one will blame you
Kindness and good luck to you
Peace, happiness, mood.

What you need to do on a clean Thursday, customs

Opinions on what needs to be done on a clean Thursday are very different between the church and the common people. The priests teach us to go to church that day, listen to services, repeat prayers, receive communion ... In general, we can purify ourselves spiritually with all our strength. People came up with many rituals and traditions designed to attract good luck and wealth, restore health, get protection, find out fate and so on.

The Church is categorically against all this and calls these actions manifestations of paganism.

Which side to choose - everyone decides for himself. We will tell about those customs and rites, information about which has survived to this day.

So, on a clean Thursday you need:

  1. Get up before sunrise and wash yourself. It is advisable to put any silver object on the eve of the water, so that the water acquires special magical properties. She will not only wash away the dirt, the evil eye and spoilage, but also for the whole next year will bestow beauty and youth. Taking water procedures, you need to pronounce a conspiracy to conduct them.
  2. To tidy up the house, as order favorably affects relationships and well-being in the family. It is not necessary to "lick" the entire house, most importantly, to wash the floors and doors. It is advisable to prepare the water, put it in a bucket at dawn, drop coins there and leave it until noon. This will help attract material wealth to the home. Coins after cleaning must be put in a corner (previously washed), and pour water under a tree. Throwing a trifle in a bucket, you must also repeat the special plot.
  3. Toward evening, prepare all the Easter treats - paint the eggs, bake Easter cakes and prepare more food (in the next three days it is not recommended to approach the stove).

The items listed above are from the mandatory, and then, we will talk about signs and customs.

So, usually on this day:

  1. Hair cut in order to get rid of the accumulated negativity. Old-timers advise on Thursday before Easter to do the first haircut for the kids, which will remove the evil eye, spoilage, fright and other troubles.
  2. Rearrange furniture in the house. It is believed that the permutation symbolizes renewal and promises the fulfillment of desires, and also helps to find long-lost things.
  3. Finish everything that once started, but postponed. Cases are solved easier and problems melt before our eyes.
  4. They protect the house from all the bad things, for which they take a handful of salt, speak it up and sprinkle it from the outside of the front door (along the threshold).
  5. Lonely women attract a married man, for which, during cleaning, they make room for him in the closet, on the shelf in the bathroom, where a new toothbrush, men's t-shirt and other things are laid out. Be sure to put new men's slippers (with socks inside) near the front door.
  6. They attract wealth, for which three times (at sunrise, sunset and noon) they count all the cash available at home (both pieces of paper and coins). This should be done in a concentrated manner, without being distracted or talking, secretly from relatives. Putting money on the bed is not worth it, it is better on the table or tray. Each time, reaching the anniversary number (5, 10, 15, and so on), you need to pronounce a special conspiracy, which is listed below.
  7. To attract money on a clean Thursday, you can also speak a five-ruble coin, which is then put into your wallet. To do this, you need to say magic words on a coin seven times.
  8. Young girls on Thursday before Easter speak their beauty, for which they buy a mirror (you need to give money without change), stand between two nearby growing trees, look at the new thing and repeat the words of the conspiracy three times.
  9. Turn to the owner of the house for protection. To do this, you need to put refreshments in the cellar, in the attic or pantry, and ask for it in a special way.
  10. They feed the wolves to protect livestock and families from their attack - carry meat or bones to the forest, leave them there and utter a conspiracy.
  11. Parents speak for the year of the child from spoilage. Do this when the baby is sleeping.

All of the above is only a small part of the rites and conspiracies existing among the people.

Conspiracy during water procedures. “Here is Monday, here is Tuesday, here is Wednesday, and here is Thursday clear water. Washes the living, explicit water. Omoy and me, so that trouble will pass! Voditsa-sister, spoiling the harmful, washed away from me. Wash away ailments and diseases, wash for health! Take away the evil weakness and ma'a. Give me strength of health, good babble! My word is strong! By my will be done! ”


Plot on a bucket of water with coins. "Money, get on - do not transfer, grow, multiply, do not get to the enemy!"


A plot of salt to protect the home. “Go for a drive, a thin share, a lover, a kumushnitsa. Roll, do not reach, do not twist at the threshold, do not cling to the porch, do not hang on the gate! "Doggie, goblin, raven help, roll off the threshold!"


Money Conspiracy. “Thousands, yes half-colonies, yes six hundred, everywhere my master hand will take. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen".


Coin plot. “In a golden field, in a golden house, on a golden table, a golden idol stands. The idol has golden lips, the idol has golden teeth. Whoever takes the idol, the gold will not be transferred from him. I’ll go closer to the golden idol, bow down to the golden idol. There is an idol, does not swing, stands, does not move. And just as this idol will never become copper, so may wealth never fall from my hands. My word is stucco, my deed is strong. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. I close my words, I close my affairs. I’ll lose the keys to the lock. Let it be according to my word! Exactly!"


Conspiracy to beauty. “As people look in the mirrors, admire their reflection, so people would have mercy on me, my beauty, rejoicing, admiring! The word said on Thursday is pure. Having been convinced by my will and desire of thought! ”


Appeal to the owner of the house. “A stranger’s house out, but come and save your house, protect us, and enrich your household.”


Conspiracy from the attack of wolves. "I leave all yours to you, but owe you nothing more."


The plot of the child from damage. “As a little child lived in the mother’s womb, she did not see the light of white, the sun of red, so live in the whole white world; do not believe in knocking, nor in thunder, nor in dog barking, nor in martyrdom laughter, nor in magpie tickling, nor in a black-haired girl, nor in a young man passing by. Splinter has come - there and go: from the wind has come - there and go; come from people - go there; don't come back. "

Interesting folk signs

How did the signs come about? Over the years, people have noticed and remembered the similarities of events, on which later they made signs.

It is interesting:parables about life with morality - short

The following popular beliefs are associated with Maundy Thursday:

  1. If it is warm on this day, then in all the remaining spring days the weather will be the same, if it is cold, then the rest of the spring will be rainy and cloudy.
  2. If in the morning a young woman is the first to see a young man in the window, then she will be married this year.
  3. On a clean Thursday, you need to throw garbage out of the house so that the unnecessary is replaced by the necessary.
  4. Bathing in running water, such as a river, bodes well until next Thursday before Easter.
  5. Kulich did not bake - the year will be troublesome.
  6. Young oncoming in the morning - for good, the old woman - wait for difficulties.
  7. A candle brought from the church on Maundy Thursday will cleanse the house of filth.


Happy Thursday friends
I hasten to congratulate you for good reason.
Here we cannot relax
It’s necessary to quickly clean up.

Boil an egg in the husk,
And cover with patterns.
To the feast of the Resurrection,
Fun came to the clean house.

Talisman of the day

The mascot of Pure Thursday can rightfully be considered a Thursday salt, which is prepared in several ways:

  1. Simplest. All households take a handful of ordinary salt and put it in a canvas bag. Next, this salt needs to be blessed in the church.
  2. With flour. All family members should pour a handful of salt into the pan, the rest can be poured just so that it turns out about a kilogram. Then add 12 tablespoons of rye flour there. Fry salt, constantly stirring and reading "Our Father", over low heat until it darkens.
  3. Original. You need to go to three neighbors (you can friends or relatives) and ask them for a handful of salt, mix everything in one canvas bag or clay pot.
  4. With herbs. A pack of salt is mixed with fragrant herbs (thyme, mint, lemon balm and others) and dripped in a pan until black.

It is worth noting that ready-made Thursday salt can also be purchased at the church shop. But if you want to cook it yourself, then you need to do it right, namely take only coarse salt without additives, carry out all the manipulations on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, be sure to read “Our Father” in the process.

Quaternary salt has amazing properties. It is added to the drink by the sick for healing, poured in the corners of the house, driving away misfortune, put under a pillow to reconcile the spouses, thrown into the fire to return the departed, interfere with water in the children's bath to bless the offspring, chase away the enemies, chasing them with food Thursday salt and sprinkling their traces on leaving.

With Thursday salt, various ceremonies can be performed, for example, such:

  1. To protect the house, you need to pour on the threshold and pronounce special words.
  2. To rid the family of quarrels and regain understanding, salt should be added a pinch to the dishes and also pronounced a conspiracy.
  3. To attract wealth, salt must be poured into a container with coins of different denominations and mixed (always with the right hand), pronounce a conspiracy, standing in the center of the house, and then spread out in the corners of each room. After Red Hill, collect and store all year.


A plot of salt to protect the home. “Thursday I pour salt, which expels ailments and pain from the house. Keep everything evil away from the entrance. Keep away adversity and dashing! This house will go around evil. My word is strong! It will happen! ”


A plot of salt to rid the family of quarrels. “I salt, salt, sprinkle, I return happiness and peace to the house. Amen".


A plot of salt to attract wealth. "Let wealth and good fortune come to this house and linger for a long time."

True fortune-telling

In addition to carrying out conspiracies and rituals, on Pure Thursday you can tell fortunes, for example, on fate, love, and so on.

Fortune telling at the first comer:

  1. Get up before the sun.
  2. Have a Thursday bath.
  3. Look out the window, but rather go outside.
  4. The first encounter will become a prediction of fate: an old woman - to troubles, a child - to gain new skills, a man - to luck, a young woman - to harmony in the family, a cat - to be in trouble, a dog - to success in all matters.

Fortune telling in love:

  1. A young unmarried girl with blindfolds and an egg in her hands should stand in the center of the room.
  2. Her girlfriends should spread bread and a ring, sugar and salt in the four corners of the room.
  3. The girl needs a good spin, and then roll the egg into one of the corners of the room.
  4. What the egg rolls to is the result: a ring - a quick marriage, salt - disappointment in cupid affairs, sugar - carefree and calm all year, bread - meeting a wealthy young man.

Fortune telling by a candle 5 minutes before midnight (close the windows, light a candle and look at the flame):

  1. A candle smokes - only flirt and frivolous relationships.
  2. Burns weakly - longing and disappointment.
  3. The flame is medium and even - a calm year without relationships and passionate feelings.
  4. The candle went out - loneliness.
  5. The flame is big and bright - mutual love and wild passion.


Clean Thursday is coming to us,
Cleansing is for everyone!
Clean your house
Lord you pray
You wash your body
Today is holy water
Open the soul of the Lord
And peace will settle in it!


May Pure Thursday bring you
Only good and soul cleansing!
May the Lord send you today
His heavenly blessing!

Let your thoughts be pure,
Throw away the rubbish and all the unnecessary trash
May your life be cleaner than water,
I wish you great happiness!

What not to do on Clean Thursday

Signs, ceremonies, fortune-telling and conspiracies - this, of course, is very interesting and exciting, but it is also very important to know what you can’t do on Clean Thursday.

So you can’t:

  1. To take personal things out of the house, namely to give or sell, since the one whose things left the house on Clean Thursday will leave for them within a year.
  2. Give for a while, sell or give home utensils, especially kitchen utensils, as luck, prosperity and happiness go with it.
  3. To lend - the whole year will categorically not have enough money.
  4. To swear, get angry, take offense - you can stay alone for the whole year.
  5. Leaving dirty dishes or underwear - this promises problems and illnesses.


Thursday Great Clean
I congratulate you!
The sun with golden light
Heats every home. Earth

Soon Easter will meet again
Let everythnig will be alright!
May faith shine upon us
The souls will be clean and bright.


All of you with Pure Thursday!
Let the house be cozy
The dirt will disappear forever
And then the trouble will go away.

Let the grievances not touch
And friends will not turn away.
Let the heart fill the light
And live for many years!


Thus, Pure Thursday is a wonderful holiday, the main purpose of which is to put in order the house, body and soul of a person. Congratulate your loved ones on this wonderful day, and this will make it even brighter.