Lentils are a healthy bean culture, known since ancient times. In those days, only wealthy people could afford to eat dishes from this cereal, but today it is accessible to everyone. Consider how lentils are useful for the female and male body, how to cook it best, and what to look for when choosing a product.

The chemical composition and calorie content of lentils

Lentils can be of several types: yellow, brown, black, red or green. Regardless of the variety, the size of the grain is 5 - 8 mm, and the shape of the bean is rounded or slightly elongated.

This cereal allows you to enrich the body with the following trace elements:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, K and PP;
  • iron;
  • magnesium
  • potassium;
  • calcium
  • zinc;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • folic acid.

The calorie content of beans is 150 kcal per 100 g, while there is practically no fat in cereals, and the bulk of them are proteins and carbohydrates.

Why lentils are good for a woman’s body

Useful properties of lentils for a woman’s body are as follows:

  • the risk of neoplasms in the uterus and mammary glands is reduced;
  • the digestive system and the condition of the rectum improve, which helps prevent hemorrhoids;
  • feeling better with premenstrual syndrome;
  • the work of the reproductive organs in menopause is normalized.

During pregnancy, women need to use lentils for the following reasons:

  • the body's resistance to diseases increases;
  • the likelihood of developing anemia is minimized;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • easier bowel cleansing;
  • folic acid in cereals contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

Attention! Expectant mothers are allowed to eat no more than 50 grams of lentils per day. Abuse of the product threatens flatulence, constipation and nausea.

Useful properties for men

For the male body, eating lentils can also bring tangible benefits.

In addition to saturation with vitamins and macronutrients, this bean culture has such a positive effect:

  • potency improves;
  • the quality and duration of sexual intercourse increases;
  • blood cholesterol normalizes;
  • the heart muscle is strengthened;
  • increases endurance and performance.

In addition, cereals, mashed potatoes and lentil soups are quite nutritious dishes that will allow the representative of the stronger sex to get enough for a long time without overeating and risk losing their good physical shape.

Which lentils are healthier - red or green

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question, what kind of lentil is more useful, red or green. It all depends on the purpose for which this product is used.

Red croup is a valuable source of iron and helps to normalize important processes in the nervous system, and also prevents anemia. Green beans contain more fiber than other varieties, and are indicated in the treatment of intestinal diseases, diabetes and in the fight against excess weight.

Regardless of the type, lentils contribute to such positive changes in the human body:

  • cells are saturated with useful trace elements;
  • bowel cleansed in a timely manner;
  • sweating decreases;
  • the balance of glucose and cholesterol in the blood is restored;
  • increased vascular patency;
  • improves memory and ability to concentrate.

It should be borne in mind that you can benefit from the use of this bean crop only in cases where the product is of high quality.

Good lentils have the following symptoms:

  • friable structure;
  • grains of the same color and size;
  • smooth and even grain surface without visible damage;
  • lack of extraneous particles, mold and signs of pests;
  • nice smell.

Attention! Even if visually the cereals meet the specified requirements, it is necessary to check the expiration date on the package.

How to use grits for weight loss

Lentils are recommended for weight loss, as this culture contributes to weight loss. This effect is explained by the fact that the cereal contains a large amount of fiber, which allows you to quickly get enough, and since it is digested for a long time, the feeling of hunger will not return soon.

In addition, lentils contribute to normal bowel cleansing. Its microparticles help to remove fecal stones and other "deposits", due to which there is rapid weight loss.

Lose weight “on lentils” in two ways: eat a small amount of boiled cereal several times a day, combining with other low-calorie foods, or practice mono-diets. The first method is considered more sparing due to fewer restrictions.

Tip. Those wishing to lose weight quickly, it is better to use green lentils, because it contains a lot of fiber, which helps to cope with appetite and forget about hunger for a long time.

Application for muscle growth in athletes

To ensure muscle gain, you need a sufficient amount of easily digestible protein. Lentils are able to provide the body with the required element in the right amount, in addition, it helps to increase endurance and quickly replenishes energy reserves.

It is interesting:lentil dishes - recipes are simple and delicious

To achieve maximum effect, you need to use lentils in combination with meat or dairy products. This will increase the nutritional value of cereals. Beans are eaten for muscle gain in boiled or sprouted form.

On a note.Lentils can cause flatulence, but this can be avoided if you soak the cereal in cold water for several hours before boiling, periodically changing the liquid.

For vegetarians and raw foodists

The body of a person who refuses to eat animal food often suffers from a lack of a number of essential trace elements. This problem can be eliminated if lentils are used regularly. It will not only replenish the balance of nutrients, but also prevent anemia.

Vegetarians and raw foodists are better off eating cereals not in boiled form, but in sprouted.

Germinated Lentils: Beneficial Features

You can get even more benefit from eating lentils, if there are sprouts of it.

In this case, the content of the following trace elements increases almost 15 times:

  • B vitamins, E and PP;
  • ascorbic and folic acid;
  • magnesium and iron.

The volume of fiber will increase by 2 - 5%, which makes the cereal even more satisfying.

For germination of grains, it is better to choose green lentils.

It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. Sort and rinse the grains, then pour them with water.
  2. After a few hours, remove the liquid and put the lentils in a container, the bottom of which is covered with several layers of gauze.
  3. Moisten the workpiece with water and put it in a warm place. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the gauze is constantly a little wet.

If the lentils are of high quality and everything was done correctly, the first shoots will appear in a day. Tearing and eating them is possible when they grow by 15 - 20 mm.


Like any product, not everyone can use healthy and micronutrient lentils.

The following conditions are considered contraindications to use:

  • joint diseases
  • gout;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • dysbiosis against the background of increased gas formation;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Legume can also harm a healthy person if consumed in large quantities.

In this case, the body accumulates trace elements, the excessive content of which can lead to the following problems:

  • flatulence;
  • impaired renal and hepatic function;
  • malfunctions of the heart;
  • the appearance of stones in the gallbladder.

To understand that the permissible rate of use of lentils is exceeded, it is possible even before the onset of the listed complications.

The following symptoms indicate this:

  • bloating;
  • the appearance of heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • stomach upset;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

These symptoms occur within a few hours after eating and disappear when a person reduces the amount of lentils consumed. This condition does not require special treatment, you can only take medications to combat heartburn and indigestion.

When planning your diet, it is important to remember that everything should be a measure, and not get carried away with any product, even very useful.

Read also:the benefits and harms of sprouted wheat