Salt-free diet is a very effective program for losing weight, which is even indicated for some chronic diseases.

What is the essence of a salt-free diet

The daily intake of salt for an adult is 5 grams. Many people overestimate this indicator and eat an excessive amount of salty food, which leads to various pathologies. Unleavened diet is a diet with a sharp restriction of this product in the diet.


The proper eating regimen restores the water-salt balance in the body, allows you to remove stagnant fluid and toxins.

A fresh technique helps to lose excess weight precisely thanks to the active "destruction" of excess fluid. But, choosing a similar method of nutrition, you should know about its contraindications.

Certain Compliance Rules

The maximum duration of the program is 15 days. It is not recommended to completely abandon the salt for a longer period of time, as this can lead to disturbances in the electrolyte balance and cause dehydration.

The rules of the diet allow the first two to three days to add a little white crystals in the dishes, but only after its preparation.
It is necessary to eat fractionally, several times a day, in small portions. You should eat no more than 150 g of food in one meal. After 19 hours it is forbidden to eat. Fruits and all cereals are allowed to be consumed only up to 16 hours. Nutritionists advise getting up from the table with a slight sense of hunger.

According to the rules of the diet per day, you need to consume up to three liters of water. Alcohol for 15 days is completely excluded. It is not recommended to drink cocoa and strong tea.

Advantages and disadvantages

The salt-free diet for weight loss has its pros and cons. Significant advantages over other methods include complete body cleansing and a fairly wide menu. And also, such nutrition contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, relieves stress from the kidneys. On the diet presented, you can really lose weight very quickly, dropping to 7-10 kg.

Excess sodium can lead to increased blood viscosity, which is harmful to the heart and blood vessels, and also contributes to severe heartburn and stone formation. That is why completely fresh systems of nutrition are very useful for cleansing the body. Excess salt can even cause a serious heart attack.


But the technique also has obvious shortcomings. In the hot season, you can not observe a similar diet. Before you go on a diet, you should definitely visit a doctor and consult. The fact is that a long meal, in which there is no sodium, can cause weakening of the skeletal system, which is fraught with serious health problems.

Recommended and Prohibited Products

The menu of the salt-free diet compared to many others is quite extensive and varied.

Allowed Products:

  • all seafood;
  • lean meat;
  • fresh fruits and ripe berries, except bananas;
  • baked and raw all vegetables, with the exception of potatoes;
  • all fermented milk products;
  • dried fruits.

There are dishes and "goodies" that are under a complete taboo:

  • smoked meats;
  • everything is fried and fatty, spicy and salty;
  • fish and meat broths;
  • bakery products.

But still, despite the list of prohibited foods, the remaining diet is very rich, which allows you to make a rather long list of delicious and nutritious foods. In addition, the technique is even allowed to drink a lot of coffee.

Detailed menu for 7 and 14 days

Depending on the purpose, the diet menu may consist of 7 or 14 days. If necessary, then after a week the program repeats the food of the previous 7 days.


We start the day with black coffee with skim milk. We do not add sugar.

For lunch, eat a big apple.

For lunch, boil a small piece of chicken, prepare a salad of raw cabbage. Two eggs are allowed.

Have an afternoon stew of vegetables.


We’ll have dinner with a salad of sweet crispy carrots and a piece of boiled fish.


In the morning we “enjoy” berry tea with a slice of brown bread. You can choose a grain product.

For lunch, eat a big pear.

Lunch consists of vegetable soup and low-fat cottage cheese with a spoonful of sour cream.

At afternoon tea - boiled breast.

Dinner omelet with two egg vegetables.


In the morning, treat yourself to coffee with milk without sugar.

For lunch, eat an orange or pear.

Lunch should consist of raw vegetables and baked fish.

For an afternoon snack, fermented baked milk or low-fat kefir is allowed.

We have dinner with vinaigrette and boiled beef.


We start the day with tea without sugar, supplemented with whole grain bread.
Apple is allowed for lunch.

Lunch consists of stewed zucchini and boiled beef.

Have an afternoon of yogurt and cottage cheese.

For dinner, lettuce and radish are allowed, as well as two eggs.


In the morning we eat a salad with carrots and sour cream, we drink weak tea.

For lunch, enjoy a pear.

We have lunch with stewed chicken and vegetables.

For an afternoon snack - kefir or ryazhenka, a salad of raw vegetables.

We have dinner with eggs and fruits.


Pamper yourself with morning coffee again.

For lunch, drink a cup of freshly squeezed citrus juice.


Lunch should consist of vegetable soup and boiled fish.

For an afternoon snack an apple and fermented baked milk.

We have dinner with a salad of cabbage and boiled beef.


We will have coffee without sugar and crackers.

For lunch, eat a pear or an apple.

For lunch, boiled chicken and vegetables are allowed.

At lunch we eat cottage cheese with sour cream.

We have dinner with eggs and fruits.

In the proposed menu, the products contain natural salt, the amount of which is enough to ensure the minimum needs of the body.The salt-free diet for 14 days repeats the presented menu, just its duration is two weeks.

Types of Salt Free Diet

There are several varied salt-free nutrition programs. This is a protein technique, and a salt-free Japanese diet, and some others. The technique of Elena Malysheva also applies to similar methods of losing weight.

Another, Chinese program, is designed for 14 days, and it is based on a complete rejection of sodium chloride and high-calorie foods. The program promises rapid weight loss of up to 10 kg.

Salt-free protein diets are high in protein and very popular. The main product in such programs are meat and eggs. The diet lasts up to 60 days. Various recipes are offered without salt based on fish, dairy products, eggs and, of course, chicken breast.There is also a rice salt-free diet, the basis of which is rice grits. Such a program is designed for a month.

The Japanese diet has very strict rules and lasts only a week. Its basis is nutrition, consisting of lean meat and vegetables.

The right way out of the diet

After the observance of the program, you should very carefully begin to enter salt in the menu. High-calorie foods should also be avoided.

In order to keep the results achieved with such hard work for a long time, after losing weight, it is better to abandon artificial sugar substitutes and limit flour products to the diet. Do not abuse carbohydrates.

Of course, salt in the diet should be minimized.

Contraindications and side effects

Since there is simply nothing to replace this loose element with the diet, the body has to be content with the amount contained in the products for quite some time. But this volume is clearly not enough for a long time so that the electrolyte balance is not disturbed.

Failures in metabolic processes can lead to serious health problems. Lacking for normal functioning of the salt, the body begins to draw from the bones.

Therefore, a fresh diet has many contraindications. You can not choose it for weight loss for people engaged in heavy physical labor, especially in the summer. The fact is that along with the sweat, the body removes many salts.

It is forbidden to sit on the program and everyone who wants to lose weight if they suffer from the following diseases:

  • cardiac and vascular;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • an allergy.

Diet with high cholesterol, as well as during pregnancy and feeding the baby, is strictly contraindicated. Since many women suffer from edema during this period, doctors recommend reducing the amount of salt: you still can’t completely abandon this substance.

In addition, various side effects may develop during the diet:

  • serious metabolic disturbances;
  • severe nausea;
  • weakness;
  • digestive disorders;
  • prostration;
  • pressure drop;
  • loss of appetite;
  • expressed general ailments.

Unleavened diets are not at all complicated, and compared to many others, they are fairly easy to tolerate. If there are no direct contraindications to such weight loss systems, then they really help to significantly reduce weight.