Anxiolytics are drugs that reduce anxiety and eliminate general emotional anxiety. The second name of the group is tranquilizers. Such drugs are used for the symptomatic treatment of conditions accompanied by anxiety, anxiety and fear. One of the most common representatives of the group is the drug Afobazole, what this medicine helps with, and in what cases it is prescribed - it is necessary to understand in more detail.

The composition (active substance) of the drug

The active substance of the drug is anxiolytic fabomotizole. A tablet of a sedative preparation contains 10 mg of the active substance. The tablets are small, almost white, cylindrical in shape. Each of them additionally contains starch, cellulose, lactose and magnesium stearate.

The drug is dispensed without a prescription, which makes it one of the most popular anti-anxiety agents. Each package contains 60 tablets, other dosages and dosage forms of the drug in pharmacies are not presented. Previously, the drug was produced in a lower dosage, but currently Afobazole 5 mg tablets are not on sale.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine is a selective tranquilizer, the effect of which extends only to the activity of sigma-1 receptors in brain nerve cells.The drug restores the sensitivity of cells to the action of inhibitory mediators, thereby providing a calming and relaxing effect without directly inhibiting the activity of the nervous system.

Properties of the drug:

  • restoration and protection of nerve cells;
  • reduction of anxiety and anxiety;
  • decrease in depressive symptoms;
  • elimination of somatic manifestations of anxiety syndrome;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • increase in cognitive functions.

In this case, the medicine acts gently, removing negative symptoms, but without affecting the overall emotionality and tone. In other words, taking the drug does not have a pronounced sedative effect, which leads to drowsiness, due to which the medicine is assigned to the group of daily anxiolytics or tranquilizers.
It should be noted that simultaneously with the elimination of anxiety, the drug Afobazole stimulates nervous activity, activating the metabolic processes in the central nervous system. The result is an increase in energy and a surge of vitality, which is especially important for people with asthenic disorders and hypochondria.

An anxiolytic agent acts mildly, does not have a muscle relaxant effect and does not reduce the concentration of attention. Doctors and patients choose this drug for lack of addiction and withdrawal effect.

What does the medicine help from?

The main indication for use is anxiety disorders of various forms. The medicine is used as part of complex therapy of the following disorders:

  • neurasthenia;
  • Anxiety disorder
  • phobias and panic attacks;
  • vegetative disorders;
  • insomnia associated with increased anxiety;
  • premenstrual mental stress.


Due to the lack of addiction and withdrawal, Afobazole is a drug used by narcologists in the treatment of the effects of withdrawal symptoms in patients with alcoholism. In addition, the drug is widely used in the fight against nicotine addiction to reduce the symptoms of anxiety associated with quitting cigarettes.

As an adjuvant, anxiolytic should be prescribed to patients with hypertension, bronchial asthma and tachyarrhythmia to eliminate anxiety and panic attacks against the background of exacerbation of these diseases.

As you can see, there are a lot of indications for taking the drug. The doctor may recommend taking Afobazole for other diseases and conditions not listed in the official instructions.

Instructions for use Afobazole

Indications for use, dosage regimen and recommended dosage are selected by the doctor individually. Universal dosage regimen - one tablet three times a day for three weeks or more. Reception is carried out immediately after a meal.

The drug has a cumulative effect, the effect manifests itself 5 days after the start of administration.

In some cases, the recommended dosage can be doubled - up to 6 tablets per day. In the treatment of severe anxiety disorders, the course of therapy is extended to 2-3 months.

The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved after 21 days of regular intake of tablets. After drug withdrawal, its effect lasts for two weeks, and then gradually decreases. There is no withdrawal syndrome, exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease after discontinuation of the drug is observed in rare cases, which is associated with the specifics of the pathology, but not with the withdrawal of the drug.

Can I drink pills during pregnancy and lactation

Anxiolytic is contraindicated in pregnant women due to a lack of data on its effect on fetal development. Presumably, the medicine can cross the placental barrier and adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby. During lactation, a tranquilizer is not prescribed.If you can not do without such treatment, you should abandon natural feeding in favor of artificial mixtures in order to avoid negative consequences for the child.

Alcohol compatibility

Instructions for use contain information that the drug does not interact with ethanol, and, therefore, is compatible with alcohol. At the same time, the patient is advised to think about the appropriateness of drinking alcohol while taking a tranquilizer and the possible health consequences. The fact is that diseases and conditions in which Afobazole is recommended to be taken can be aggravated by the action of ethanol, which negatively affects the achieved therapeutic effect. Despite the absence of a negative interaction with alcohol, it is recommended to abandon the use of alcohol during treatment for the sake of your health.

Drug interaction

The drug is generally safe, as additional evidence of a small number of potentially dangerous drug interactions. So, Afobazole enhances the anticonvulsant effect of a carbamazepine-based agent, which necessitates a change in the dosage of the latter.

With concomitant use with diazepam, potentiation of anxiolytic action is noted, which negatively affects cognitive abilities. As a result, drowsiness and impaired concentration occur, therefore, while taking it, it may be recommended to reduce the dose of diazepam. The final decision depends on the indications for the appointment of these two medicines and is taken by the attending physician.

While taking anxiolytic anesthesia with thiopental is allowed, since Afobazole does not affect the effect of this agent.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The drug is characterized by a small number of contraindications and restrictions on admission.

Among them are marked:

  • age up to 18 years;
  • intolerance to the main active substance;
  • allergy to auxiliary components of the composition;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Afobazole for adults can be taken according to the scheme indicated in the instructions. The drug is harmless, therefore, it can be used as an adjuvant during an exacerbation of anxiety. The medicine is not prescribed for children, since there is not enough data on its safety in the treatment of patients of a younger age group.

The medicine is usually well tolerated. Over the entire study of the drug, there have been few cases of side effects. Adverse reactions are allergies with intolerance to the components of the composition or active substance, headache. An allergic reaction is manifested by redness of the skin, rashes characteristic of urticaria, itching and swelling of the epidermis. If allergy symptoms appear, appropriate measures should be taken and a doctor should be consulted about drug withdrawal and the selection of an analogue with a different composition. A headache that occurs while taking anxiolytic is not an indication for drug withdrawal, as it passes after a few hours on its own without the need for symptomatic treatment.

With an overdose, the sedative effect of the drug increases markedly, which causes weakness, drowsiness, and a breakdown. With a slight excess of the used product, these symptoms can be eliminated with just one cup of coffee. If the recommended dose is exceeded by more than 20 times, a special 20% caffeine solution must be administered to stop the symptoms of intoxication with the medicine. Emergency care is provided in a hospital.

Analogs of Afobazole

It is impossible to select a complete analogue of the drug, since this is the only drug of its kind with such a composition. In addition, the tool does not cause side effects and has an affordable cost, so the replacement of Afobazole is often impractical.

Analogues of Afobazole for therapeutic action should be considered with intolerance to the main active substance.It is recommended to consult with your doctor about the possibility of treatment with one of the following means:

  • Selank (nasal drops with anxiolytic action);
  • Adaptol (full analogue - Mebikar);
  • Stresam (available only with a prescription).


In general, the choice of analogue depends on the testimony. In some cases, it is recommended to do with softer drugs, such as Novo-Passit. Self-medication can be dangerous, so the replacement of the medicine should be selected on the recommendation of the attending physician.