Harry Potter is a modern phenomenon. One of the most popular books and beautiful stories in the world. Despite the fact that books and films have already exhausted themselves, this saga still remains relevant. 

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She inspires hard work and hope 

The story of Harry Potter was written by author Joan Rowling on the way to a hated job, during the period of divorce and the death of his mother. This means that you can create beauty, even when it seems that everything has come to an end.

Hermione Granger remains a symbol of feminism for ages

One of the few heroines who was as independent and unaffected by male characters that all guys liked.

Loser can become a hero 

Slackak Neville always seemed worthless and empty. As a result, he played one of the key roles in history. Therefore, you can not write off the weak.

You should not look at the screen for a long time, otherwise you will miss life 

The book had a mirror reflecting a more beautiful and enjoyable life. Just like in gadgets. But because of them, you can forever lose touch with reality.

Always read books

They have answers to all questions.

People who are different from you may be close

Even if you have little in common, you might be a good couple. The heroes of the saga confirmed this.

Your flaws can become your strength

Any weakness can at some point turn out to be a person’s strength. 

Boring at first glance, things can save someone's life in the future


We all skip classes and do not listen to teachers. And by the way, the knowledge that they give us can save a life in the future. So Harry provided first aid to his friend in one of the books.

Anger leads to hatred, and hatred to darkness

It is a fact. Any manifestation of anger will lead to irrevocable changes.

You can't pretend to be too long

You cannot build yourself out of someone. Sooner or later, reality will open.

The bastard might just be scared 

Many villains are unhappy and frightened people who lack heat. The book describes this many times.

Dumbledore remains the wise mentor we all need

We all need a role model. Someone who is associated with our loved ones. Dumbledore is one of them.

Someone close to you may be your life partner

If you have been friends with someone for many years or just chatting, but have never been seen as a partner, it can actually be your passion.

Help will come to everyone who asks for it. 

Many people are embarrassed to ask, and this deprives them of support.

Simple gifts are the best

They always give more warmth and love. So it was with the banal socks in the book, which saved the brownie from slavery.

Never take cars without demand

The flying machine in the book nearly killed Ron and Harry when they took it without asking. Because of this, they had big problems. Everything is as in life.

Each family has its own

The closest and dearest are not those who gave birth, but those who raised. Harry had a new family, although his parents were dead.

Sometimes a kiss can lead to disaster. 

In the book, the most terrible creatures, dementors "kissed" their victims, which led to a loss of mind. The same thing can happen in real life. Some relationships are not worth it.

Never trust rats

If a person has at least once shown himself to be a traitor, he must lose confidence forever. As was the case with Ron Weasley rat, who turned out to be the criminal who helped kill Harry's parents.

Your memories deserve to be supported 

This is all that you have left at a certain moment in life. Always keep them.

Grammar and phonetics are very important

An incorrectly spelled spell in a book led to defeat. In life, talking and writing correctly is just as important. Both in professional activities and in everyday life.

If you care for animals and plants, they will respond in the same way.

In the book they stood up for those who helped them. So it is in reality. Animals respond good to good.

Always have chocolate on hand

It is good for the brain. Helps reclaim from the “kiss” of Dementor. 

Wand chooses a wizard, not vice versa

Everyone in life has a purpose. You do not have to be someone specific.In any case, your existence will not go aimlessly. The main thing is to act.

There will always be a teacher who will hate you 

However, he may be the most intelligent and useful.

Words matter

Everyone already knows that with one phrase you can mutilate and even kill. Therefore, it is worth following them.

Imperfection is perfect

Nobody is perfect. No need to strive for perfectionism, it only limits your possibilities. See your minuses.

Believe that you will be strong enough at the right time.

When the right time comes, you will have enough strength to act. Believe in yourself and get ready for difficulties.

Sometimes you need to take a chance and run into a stone wall

Yes, sometimes you have to do something terrible and crazy to achieve success or get to something you want. So Harry got to Hogwarts.

It's important to talk about your feelings.

Do not hide your love. Otherwise, someday it will be too late.

Even the silent man has something to say

If a person does not chat without a break, this does not mean that he has no thoughts in his head.

There is always a way to protect the dragon

In the book, every wizard did this in his own way. Therefore, there is no ideal way to accomplish any task. Each manages his tasks in a unique way.

Technology from Harry Potter gets closer to real life every day

Gadgets and augmented reality technologies are gradually immersing us in a certain Hogwarts. Live photos, key rings, with which you can find keys using your smartphone. 

Magic exists in familiar things

What we do not particularly value at a certain moment can become incredibly significant. Almost magical.

We still want to know what happens next.

The story of Harry Potter is still relevant, because people do not want to part with it and are waiting for the continuation.