It is difficult to surprise someone with raspberry, strawberry, apple jam. If you want to cook something really interesting, in mid-August or early September, pay attention to the small, shiny, amber berries of sea buckthorn. They have a unique sweet and sour taste, and their aroma remotely resembles pineapple. Sea buckthorn jam is a “not beaten up” dessert, interesting, really tasty and very healthy. The berry is combined with a variety of ingredients, because there are many recipes for its preparation. Let's get to know the top ten proven and most successful options for seed.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

Although this sunny yellow berry is not an exotic plant, for some reason it has not been widely used in cooking because of its tart sweet and sour taste. Rather, it is a curiosity that you can not find in the markets often. But the healing properties of these astringent fruits are very interesting.

What is useful sea buckthorn?

  1. Strengthens the immune system.
  2. Heals wounds, burns.
  3. Anesthetizes.
  4. Normalizes metabolic processes.
  5. Prevents the development of diseases of the digestive tract.
  6. Strengthens blood vessels.
  7. Seeds have a mild laxative effect on the intestines.

In addition, golden sea buckthorn berries contain B vitamins, bioflavonoids, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, which makes it an indispensable helper for viral diseases and colds. Beautiful juicy fruits can be eaten raw, prepared from them sauces for meat, mousse, added to sweets, cook jams, jellies and other dishes.

The benefits of sea buckthorn jam

Undoubtedly, fresh berries are much more useful, but even in the form of jam, sea buckthorn helps to cope with many diseases.

  1. Sea buckthorn jam, especially with the addition of other berries, citruses, will help to get up faster with a cold, and with regular use during the flu season, even prevent the disease.
  2. Often, frayed with sugar fruits are recommended for use when undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.
  3. You can relieve sore throat with thick sea buckthorn jam on honey.
  4. A few tablespoons of delicious treats before bedtime will calm the nervous system and help you fall asleep.
  5. A jar of confiture that has survived until spring will be an excellent tool for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Do not lose sight of the good mood that appears when you look at the amber sparkling in the sun with a jar of fragrant sweetness.

Harm of sea buckthorn jam

This beautiful berry, used at least in its raw form, at least in jam, in itself has almost no contraindications. It is worth refraining from using it only for people with such pathologies:

  • pancreatitis
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

Otherwise, a large amount of sugar imposes restrictions on the use of jam, which is important for people with diabetes, children, and people who are prone to overweight.

In addition, the benefits and harms of the finished product, of course, are determined by other components that make up its composition.

Recipe One: Classic Sea Buckthorn Jam Recipe


Despite the fact that the recipe is classic, the proportions of the ingredients will still have to be selected independently. Firstly, there are a lot of varieties of sea buckthorn - from very sour to sweet. Secondly, someone prefers the jam itself to more sour ones, and give sugary sweet to others. Therefore, adjust the amount of ingredients to your taste, but in the classic recipe it is supposed to take about 1.3 kg of beet sugar per kilogram of berries.

Read also: strawberry jam with whole berries

How to cook sea buckthorn jam?

  1. We sort through the berries, removing the spoiled ones. Throw out branches that accidentally hit leaves, bugs, spiders.
  2. Wash the selected raw materials and transfer them to a sieve or colander so that the remaining liquid is glass.
  3. Pour dry sunny fruits into an enameled bowl or basin and sprinkle with sugar. We leave to let the juice juice for 5-6 hours, and in the meantime we go to sterilize the banks.
  4. We put candied sea-buckthorn in the resulting syrup on a stove and boil over low heat until the liquid thickens. So that sugar does not burn, if the berries were dry, you can pour a little water.
  5. Pour the ready-made amber jam into clean jars, allow to cool, remove to a dark, cool place.

The second recipe: sea buckthorn, grated with sugar

We don’t have to cook anything in this recipe. Such sea buckthorn will retain a maximum of beneficial properties precisely due to the absence of heat treatment. Rinse the fruit thoroughly before cooking and add a little more sugar. It is not necessary to expect that the finished product will be stored until spring, but it will definitely survive until the cold season (December-January).

Take 1.5 kg of sugar per kilogram of berries. We don’t need anything else.

  1. My sea-buckthorn in warm water, sorted out. We drain water several times. The less garbage and spoiled fruit remains, the longer the jam will stand.
  2. Dry the berries on a towel or just wait for the water to drain through the sieve.
  3. In enameled dishes, we add sea buckthorn to sugar and grind with a wooden pestle.
  4. We lay the crushed candied berries in banks, add the syrup remaining at the bottom of the dishes and roll them up.

In a similar way, you can prepare seedless liquid jam from sea buckthorn juice. Pass the fruits through a juicer, and boil the juice with sugar until completely dissolved and pour into jars.

Recipe Three: Sea Buckthorn Jam with Apples

Jam made according to this recipe has a larger yield and less tart taste. Such a product will be a little thicker than the usual one, and its color is not so sunny, but for those who don't like pure sea buckthorn, this is a great way to make friends with it.

  1. Prepare sea buckthorn, washing, sorting, drying juicy berries.
  2. Pour the dried fruit into a sieve and wipe to get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Sprinkle aromatic slurry with sugar. Approximately 0.6 kg will be needed per kilogram of mashed potato.
  4. Choose sweet and sour apples for jam. Peel them from the peel, core, finely chop and pour into enameled dishes.
  5. Add water to the apples and let them boil. Boil until a quarter of an hour until they soften.
  6. When the apples are boiled, wipe them through a sieve, as before sea buckthorn. In 1 kg of sea buckthorn puree you will need up to 0.4 kg of apple.
  7. Mix the ingredients and heat the finished mixture without boiling.
  8. Immediately put the sea-buckthorn and apple puree in jars, cork, pasteurize in boiling water and leave to cool.

Fourth recipe: sea buckthorn jam with walnuts


Walnuts are a junk item in the fall. Very vain! Young kernels are rich in vitamins, nutritious and perfectly combined with various jams. For our sea buckthorn, we take:

  • a kilogram of berries;
  • 200 grams of peeled young nuts;
  • up to one and a half kilograms of sugar.
  1. Prepare the syrup by dissolving the sugar in a pair of glasses of water.
  2. Chop the nuts. Rinse the berries, sort them out and either leave whole or wipe in a mortar.
  3. Boil the nuts in sweet syrup for half an hour and add sea buckthorn.
  4. Cook for another quarter hour, remove from the stove and pour the golden mass into jars.

This winter buckthorn jam will be an excellent antidepressant on cold evenings, especially if you add it with homemade biscuit and a glass of mulled wine.

Recipe Five: sea buckthorn jam with pumpkin

Similar to similar! Golden berries are crushed from the trees at the same time when it is time to remove ripe orange pumpkins from the melon - late August - September. Why not combine these sunny-colored fall gifts in one jar? Cooking jam for Cinderella!

  1. Take sugar, sea buckthorn berries and pumpkin already peeled from seeds in the proportions 1: 2: 3. It will be great if there is another big ripe orange in the kitchen.
  2. Squeeze the juice from sea buckthorn or grind it through a sieve - which is more like it.
  3. We clean the pumpkin (oh, this is not an easy job ...), remove the seeds, cut into cubes “for 1 bite”.
  4. Three orange on a fine grater. You can take only the zest.
  5. In a saucepan, boil the juice with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved, and put pumpkin cubes and chopped citrus in hot sea buckthorn syrup.
  6. Cook until the slices of the vegetable become translucent and soft. Roll up in the banks.

Recipe Six: Sea Buckthorn and Zucchini Jam

Another vegetable that can also be added to sea buckthorn confiture. It is not as sweet as pumpkin, because sugar consumption will be a little more. To prepare such a dessert, we take in equal proportions:

  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • diced zucchini;
  • oranges cut by washers.

Sugar for such an amount of food will require three kilograms. Do not spill all at once, try dessert as you cook.

  1. Put zucchini and oranges in one container, sprinkle them with sugar, leave alone until the liquid is empty.
  2. We prepare sea buckthorn juice, put it on a stove, heat it.
  3. Add the candied ingredients and cook until the zucchini reaches the desired consistency (someone likes to boil completely, others prefer rather dense pieces).
  4. We lay out the finished sweetness in jars, pour the remaining sea buckthorn syrup.

Recipe seven: sea buckthorn jam with hawthorn

Hawthorn is an excellent tool for strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle. Together with sea buckthorn, the fruits of this plant create an excellent healing cocktail. You will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh sea buckthorn;
  • up to 600 grams of hawthorn;
  • the same amount of beet sugar.
  1. Grind washed and dried berries in different containers. First hawthorn is better to be blanched.
  2. Combine the two types of mashed potatoes in a saucepan, stirring, pour sugar.
  3. Boil a sweet vitamin cocktail for several minutes without boiling.
  4. Arrange the warm dessert in small jars and roll it up right away. Pasteurize in boiling water for half an hour.

Recipe Eight: Sea Buckthorn Jam with Honey and Cinnamon

Not the most budgetary, but very tasty dessert will turn out of sea-buckthorn and flower honey with spices. Take a kilogram of the main ingredients and taste cinnamon and cloves.

  1. Heat honey in a water bath, but do not boil. Knowledgeable people claim that boiling, it becomes harmful.
  2. Sun berries can be grated in a mortar or introduced whole in honey. Stirring, simmer the golden mixture for several minutes.
  3. Add spices and pour the finished goodies into pre-prepared jars.

Recipe Nine: Sea-buckthorn jam with honey and walnuts

Such a vitamin cocktail will give odds to any pharmacy. Be careful, the jam tastes great, but the calorie content is appropriate.

For a kilogram of berries, take the same amount of honey and half as much peeled nuts. Honey, alas, also happens to be different, so try cooking a dessert and add sweetness as needed.

  1. Pre-prepared amber fruits either grind through a sieve, or get juice from them. In the first case, the jam will be more thick, aromatic and healthy.
  2. Grind the nuts in a meat grinder or simply crush with a meat mallet. It all depends on whether you want to chew them in the finished dessert.
  3. Heat honey in an enameled bowl, add nuts and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Enter sea-buckthorn puree (or juice) and boil from a quarter to half an hour. Do not bring honey mixtures to a boil - honey does not like high temperatures.
  5. Pour the prepared honey-sea-buckthorn dessert with nuts into jars and hide them away, otherwise they certainly will not survive even before the New Year.

Recipe ten: sea buckthorn jam in a slow cooker

Sea buckthorn jam, the benefits and harms of which are now clear to us, can also be cooked in a slow cooker. For this, it is allowed to take any of the ingredients from the above or just make pure sea buckthorn jam. The easiest way is to cook a dessert of whole berries, but you can grind them and add apples, nuts, raisins, spices to them - whatever your heart desires.

The main thing is to set the “stewing” mode for about an hour per kilogram of berry and fruit raw materials.

In order for the jam to boil and give foam, it is possible to set the “frying” mode before or after quenching. In this case, it is important to ensure that sugar does not burn.

For the simplest sea buckthorn jam in a slow cooker, you need a kilogram of berries and a gram of 200-300 more sugar.

  1. We prepare sea buckthorn - wash, sort, dry.
  2. Pour the raw materials into the bowl and fill with sugar. You can immediately begin to extinguish, having previously added half a glass of water to the tank. But it is better to let the berries stand for an hour to three or four, so that they start the juice.
  3. While the fragrant amber mass is stewed under a closed lid, it would be nice to check how the process is going. Stir it, especially until sugar is completely dissolved in it.
  4. When the program ends, go to the "frying" mode, wait for the formation of foam, remove it and turn off the multicooker.
  5. We pour hot jam into jars and glue the pre-prepared labels “Sea buckthorn’2017. Made with love! ”- done!

Sea buckthorn confiture will become your trump card, which can be shown by accepting only the most dear guests. It is delicious, healthy and incredibly beautiful.A socket with a thick golden yellow jam will decorate a friendly tea party, a Saturday family breakfast with pancakes or a worthy end to a hearty Christmas dinner.